
Not a democracy, never has been, never will be :marseycopeseethedilate:

If you want to elect your jannies, go to... I don't even know where, tbh. Make your own site? :marseyshrug:



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why Are you a jannie anyways? You’re not funny. You don’t code. And you have unironic r-slurred ideologies that you’re trying too force onto rdrama by suggesting rules that are anything right of bernie. At least people like homocracy and quad are likeable but what do you bring too the table? Even respaaaj was less insufferable than you

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Well, I'm far less insufferable than you, clearly. How many times were you kicked out? And people really like me (nobody likes you, with a possible exception of carp) - I'm quite affable to people who aren't extremely insecure seething BPD foids in scrote form :marseycheers:

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Ya everypony likes you that is why you were voted #1 in jannies too be removed. Makes sense

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Who cares, lol. Look at the votes - literally most of them are from pinkoids and/or under-2k alts.

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Russian bots!


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>under 2k alts

What do you think the average account on here does? The average person makes a couple comments a month.

God dammit I hate the popularity contest among jannies, I don't give a shit about any of you

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The jannycel fears the lurkerchads.

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>No people like me! They really do! It’s the voters who are wrong!

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pink lives matter

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Lmao I love the chud award


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best award on the site imo and its not even close

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How many times were you kicked out?

He's not the original LLM. Remember, he bought his account.

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It got reverted. It's hard to follow LLM lore if you're not on jannycord, but it's also really boring, tbh. I just kind of know it because I have no choice :marseydeadinside:

If it was the guy that bought it, he wouldn't be making these comments. We're friends :marseyinabox:

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Seriously? So did the guy who bought LLM's account get his money back? Who did and didn't want it reverted?


Lol. There's nothing quite like starting the morning with a cup of cocoa and an LLM rant.

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Seriously? So did the guy who bought LLM's account get his money back? Who did and didn't want it reverted?

No, he just didn't really care and first wanted to make it a shared jannycord account, then just gave it back to LLM himself. It's really not that interesting of a story. Now, Dan, on the other hand...

Lol. There's nothing quite like starting the morning with a cup of cocoa and an LLM rant.


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To make you feel better, you're my favourite commie janny, despite me being a rightoid. You may teach me the wisdom of c'ism any time.

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What kind of fricking loser just throws away money like that?

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Important note - even if all of this was true (it's not) - the aggrieved party isn't you and also does not give a frick.


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(It’s not)

This is true lol even ask Aevann

aggrieved party isn’t you and also doesn’t give a frick

Right he doesn’t bc he’s a cool guy but it is true. If it was fake then how do we both know who we are talking about

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I don't see Aev taking $300 from you like that. Are you sure there's not more to the story?

Also why didn't the buyer want his money back?

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@Landlord_Messiah have receipts

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Let me in :marseycry:


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You do seem like a smug cuck to be fair

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Oh, I'm extremely annoying to those that antagonise me. I'm delightful to those that don't, though!


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Yeah you sound like every ladygardeny fat girl who gets a job working at the reception desk, I am just so sure you are a sweet pleasant person, you certainly aren't an annoying ladygarden at all.

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There was this fatty everyone knew as the "nice girl" in the office. She got a "promotion" to office manager just as an excuse to give her a $2/h raise. Minutes after her "promotion" she walked into my office and demanded that I help her husband who worked in a totally diff department. I laughed at her face, and she said she was going to fire me because she was the "office manager" now. She went to the GM, and I peeked out of my office to hear him tell her "You work for LowAPM, he doesn't work for you." She literally cried, and much rejoicing in my office was had that day.

Nice girls are just like "nice guys" and have no business being in a position of any power.

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I'm always amazed at how far off the mark rightoids are when they try to pinpoint my meatspace reality :marseyxd:

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Everyone who doesn't like you is a rightoid lmao, it has nothing to do with you being a smug frick, its just the rightoids lmao, you sound like a reddit mod

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Are you lost? This is rdrama, we're supposed to be smug here, lmao.


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This and :#marseyinabox: are the cutest Marseys

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:marseynotes: it’s her lil tongue sticking out n the way her paw holds the pencil 🥺😭

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Wrong this is the cutest marsey


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>extremely insecure seething BPD foids in scrote form

I can't imagine any ppl around here like that

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Wait, are you real? If so - hi buddy :marseywave:

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>And people really like me


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Why are you being so mean :(

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Every superhero movie needs its villain

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Looks like you answered your own question.

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Slay his butt king

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I like both of you because you're r-slurred

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You just answered why he is a Jannie. He is basically diversity and contrast

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She has tits. I mean you got tits to but she is supposed to have then.

Every upmarsey I get on this comment will cause me to simp again

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Idio is a legacy foid?

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She is now. Shouldn't have lost the poll

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Normally i wouldnt have voted for you, however you have comitted the grave sin of being a commie, so demise is your only choice

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Live footage of idio3 when the charges don't stick:

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Maybe I will

Cute animal post only

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just say election was stolen and you would seek justice from courts. I'll be your legal advisor

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rDrama is not a bougeois republic. We're not bound by some unrepresentative polls organised by random counter-revolutionary elements. Long live the Union of Dramatic Socialist Holes!


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One day @idio3 the common rdrama user is going to rise up and you won't have jannie powers to protect you.

Soon we are going to round up all the jannies to ensure they also can't bear any lineage by getting them banned from groomercord to prevent them from grooming an heir.


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If you’re really a commie share your dramacoin with your fellow dramatards.



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My dramacoin reserves are necessary to the security of rdrama union :marseylenin:

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bourgeoisie pig. This is why real communism was never tried smdh


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Don't worry, they will return from the plasma fold any day now 🤗🤗🤗

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Union of Dramatic Socialist Holes

Dramaspeak has ruined my mind. My first thought was a union of catty prostitutes.

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I mean... still fits, right?

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Its a BIBOCracy

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