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In case you guys aren't following it: multiple trump doj officials have now accused Trump of directing an illegal plot to steal the 2020 election

Cherry on top: Trump and Co used a YouTube conspiracy video to illegally seize voting machines.

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Pizza, I think you and I are probably the only people here that are watching the hearings


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I'm just catching the footnotes. I had a breakthrough today in an extended argument with some rightoids though. You might find it interesting. I'm pretty close to writing a Rightoid Deprogramming Vaccine, or so I hope.

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This is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. You're wasting your time arguing with people who are never going to change their minds, and you think you're going to create a vaccine to fix them? Good luck with that.

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This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Dreams are for idiots who can't deal with reality.

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... the impossible dream...

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The impossible dream is for people who lack the motivation to achieve their goals. If you want something badly enough, you'll find a way to make it happen.

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... To fight...

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You're nothing but a coward.

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:xdoubt:. you'd have to be able to effectively understand why a person would be a rightoid itself without being condescending, which is an impossible task for a leftoid. vice versa is true too. only centrists can deprogram extremists.

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I just realized that leftoids are only funny when they are seething and rightoids are only funny when they are calm. They are both completely intolerable otherwise.

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I can be a centrist when it's called for, but mostly people need to be beaten over the head with their inadequacy

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:xdoubt: :xdoubt: :xdoubt: rightoids get beaten over the head daily by leftoids on all forms of media. you'll have to be better than multibillion dollar media companies.

plus extremists can smell agendapushers from a lightyear away

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then I'll go faster than lightspeed lmao

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You've already got the infinite mass part.

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>I can be a centrist when it's called for


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your posting style suddenly makes sense.

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Rightoid Deprogramming Vaccine

So, hypnotube.com?

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are you doing okay?

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Just pathetic. The fact this tard has not been arrested is fricking wild.

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we should be seething. because patriotism demands better than this fricking boomer.

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Lol nerd patriotism is fake and straight

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We didnโ€™t send thousands of muslims to black sites just to bend over because the president was a bumbling fool.

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Yes nothing says patriotism like backroom ballot counting.


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Crazy how no one was smart enough to tell you that this would go nowhere

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"This will go nowhere" is already RDrama canon. It's not something that needs to be stated directly, anymore.

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Surely, this time, trump has been cornered, back up against the wall


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I will say one thing about Orange Father, he is exceedingly good at breaking the law while maintaining plausible deniability. Rich/powerful people crimes almost always lack strict liability and it's incredibly difficult to prove mens rea.


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Teflon Don


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He has a strong history of r-sluration on his side, he'll walk 100%.

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For most of it, probably. The Georgia thing might get him a felony, but I doubt he'll get jail time. The thing that'll get him in the Georgia case is the fact that the law is written such a way that anyone that tries to influence an election official to enter an incorrect number, regardless of whether or not that number would change the results, is guilty of a felony. Trump himself on the call indicated that he believed the true number that he was down by was hundreds of thousands of votes and he just wanted them to find 11,000 votes. His problem there is according to his own mental state he actually had hundreds of thousands of more votes. So asking an election official to put in the 11,000 number violates that law. If he never ask for a specific number to be entered, and simply said "I want you to find all the missing votes" then he would have a defense.


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Reeee muh Georgia call Reee. Bitchass Stacy Abrahamโ€™s and her billionaire funded orgs were harvesting ballots by the tens of thousands, and you are trying to twist Drumps words on a call out of context.

There is a better chance of Drumpf btfoing Creepy Joe in 2024 than him even being charged for any crimes. Senile OLโ€™ Joe is not a challenge, and if coronavirus didnโ€™t happen heโ€™d still be known as politicsโ€™ biggest loser. Letโ€™s see if the msm can gin up a witch-hunt and mimic communist countries with its coverage like it did in 2020. Itโ€™s the Dems only chance

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This might be the most seething comment in this post and that's saying something because pizza is here.


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Generally our convos are much more civil so I think something we can both agree on is that Bootygig vs DeathSantis would be a better matchup than the demantia daddies

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Omfg please.

Also, I miss Pete going on Fox News town halls and actually talking to rightoids about his positions.


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Yes, God, please get everyone over the age of 70 the frick out of politics for at least a decade. Give us some breathing room from the gerentocracy. Old people stink permeates the Beltway.

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I don't intend to get into the weeds of what Trump did/didn't do. But let's look at this from an outside perspective for a second.

It is undeniable that most journ*lists, bureaucrats, federal agents, and elected politician dislike, if not hate, Trump.

He's been accused of dozens of crimes, and yet despite the entire US government and media wanting nothing more than to bring him down, you yourself admit that he has come out unscathed from it all. Every, single, time it went nowhere.

How am I supposed to believe that the most hated man by the american ruling class can get away with so much? The inevitable conclusion is that Trump's so called crimes are either overblown or completely made up.

This is why no one cares about the Jan 6 hearings, because we know you would be screeching about whether or not Trump had actually done anything wrong. Just like you screeched about Russiagate, twenty different misinterpretation of things he said in his speeches, or his every other tweet.

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>The inevitable conclusion

Is that powerful people are almost never held to account. Especially presidents. And while many powerful people hate him, many other powerful people support him. The elites are not a monolith and you're r-slurred if you think they are. Heck, Bill Bar protected him from the Mueller report. Even Robert Mueller himself said Trump could have been charged with Obstruction of Justice but the Barr Justice Department declined to press charges, citing the OLC memo saying presidents can't be charged with a crime. It's pretty easy to get away with criming when you can't even be charged with one.

But to my original point, the GA call is so flagrant and such an open and shut case, that it could actually get him a felony conviction. And Trump isn't President anymore so no more OLC memo protection.

PS, considering your last paragraph I really don't think that you're looking at it from an unbiased outside perspective.


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I'm not claiming to be unbiased, my whole point is that I don't believe you because people were wrong about trump being finished so many times before.

If I looked into every accusation against trump I saw online from an unbiased point of view I would have wasted literally months of my life researching. Starting taking you guys seriously now would border on insanity .

Edit: I guess this is the effect of propaganda there's so much bullshit information out there that finding the truth becomes not worth the effort.

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>I guess this is the effect of propaganda there's so much bullshit information out there that finding the truth becomes not worth the effort.

This is fair and I take your point about "this time he's finished". I'm not saying he's going to go to prison, but I do recommend you listen to the full call and then read the text of the GA election tampering law. Don't listen or believe me. See for yourself.


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Trump himself on the call indicated that he believed the true number that he was down by was hundreds of thousands of votes and he just wanted them to find 11,000 votes. His problem there is according to his own mental state he actually had hundreds of thousands of more votes. So asking an election official to put in the 11,000 number violates that law

This is the most r-slurred thing I read today.

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Read the law and listen to the phone call and then you'll see that no u


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No, "I think that you're missing 100k votes but try to find at least 20k" is not a felony.

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You can believe whatever you want to believe but you're wrong.


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Honestly you should be arrested. There is a 100% chance youโ€™re a male feminist

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Arresting politicians even when they are are shit heads is a really bad look. Nixon wascv immediately pardoned.


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And that's why we got to where we are.

Trump has to be held accountable.

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Trump is an old r-slur that will naturally die sooner than later, I don't give a shit if he's held accountable but you absolute r-slurs are going to give the pubs 60 votes and let them really frick things up. Can you just for one election cycle not shit yourselves to death on bullshit? If there is any merit to this action it's an attempt to distract from the shit show of the economy and it didn't work.


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The country's going to deteriorate regardless of what the exact makeup of congress is so who really cares at this point? May as well enjoy some good drama :marseyshrug:

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Reeee muh Georgia call Reee. Bitchass Stacy Abrahamโ€™s and her billionaire funded orgs were harvesting ballots by the tens of thousands, and you are trying to twist Drumps words on a call out of context.

There is a better chance of Drumpf btfoing Creepy Joe in 2024 than him even being charged for any crimes. Senile OLโ€™ Joe is not a challenge, and if coronavirus didnโ€™t happen heโ€™d still be known as politicsโ€™ biggest loser. Letโ€™s see if the msm can gin up a witch-hunt and mimic communist countries with its coverage like it did in 2020. Itโ€™s the Dems only chance

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and that was a mistake.

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Not only is it ratcheting through a norm but it also has a 100% chance of making him a martyr, giving the pubs a W in 2024 and him getting pardoned anyways. Read the room, voters don't give a shit about Jan 6th, they care about how their quality of life per dollar just got crushed. It's like the Dems don't want to win


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This is not about jan 6. It's about his actions leading up to jan 6.

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People also don't care about Trump's bloviations.


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You know why he hasn't been. Because that starts shit that can't be finished by your limp peepeeed kitty committee. They are scared.

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Yes cuz nobody else is a cable news loving boomer

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I'm gen x thank you very much


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I thought you all had agent orange kidney failure, or hep c, I canโ€™t remember

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No, we're the apathetic ones that didn't do anything


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Youโ€™ve got to be more specific

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I frequently watch 80s and 90s commercials from my childhood and teen years (there are entire YouTube channels set up around posting these old blocks of commercials, with each block usually from one specific regional station or another). I have searched in vain for YEARS trying to find my favorite commercial of all timeโ€”

It aired in the Maryland, DC, Philly area and was for a law firm specializing in medical malpractice, and more specifically for children born with brain damage. Who ever made this commercial was only slightly less talented than David Lynch.

The commercial begins with a very, very tight close up of a lawyer. He is fat and balding, and his balding head is visibly dripping in sweat. His face and neck take up the entire left side of the screen. The right side of the screen is an unnatural and sickly flat shaded color, clearly keyed in via blue screen. The man is unblinking throughout his VERY LOUD, VERY MONOTONE BUT VERY INSISTENT monologue:

โ€œBRAIN DAMAGE ALERT!โ€ (Full volume, his voice sounds not quite human, like a pair of electric hair clippers were mimicking human speech). A bead of sweat crawls down the side of his ample face.

โ€œDOES YOUR CHILD HAVE CEREBRAL PALSY? ENCEPHALITIS? YOU MAY BE ENTITLEDโ€ฆโ€ he barks in clipped speech, his unblinking eyes, unnerving ad they were before, now begin to slightly separate, as he has an almost unnoticeable lazy eye, but we are SO CLOSE TO HIM.

I laugh and laugh and I wish I could go back in time to behold this terrifying fever dream again.

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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