
This would never happen to Aevann.

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  • SCD : Shoulda been me.

“When I was 17, I lost my virginity to a female extraterrestrial,” the 74-year-old says in a documentary about him called Love and Saucers. “That's all I can say about it.”

The coitus in question allegedly went down in 1961, when Huggins was a teenager living on his parents' farm in rural Georgia. It wasn't the first time extraterrestrials had appeared to him; he'd been seeing strange creatures since he was eight. But on this day, as he was walking through woods near his house, an alien woman appeared and seduced him. “I thought, if anything, I'd be losing it in the backseat of a Ford—something like that. But it didn't work out that way,” he says in the film.

Just look at that smile. :marseycoomer2:

Once the shock wore off, Huggins says his encounters were weird, but not all that threatening. When he left Georgia in the mid 60s for art school in New York City, the beings followed. Nocturnal visits from Crescent, the ET who deflowered him, became routine. “My relationship with Crescent was warm and friendly. A little strange. What do I mean, a little. Very strange. She was my girlfriend, really,” Huggins says in the film. “A very unconventional relationship,” he adds.


When I asked Huggins why he thinks the beings appear to him, he said, “I have a feeling that tens of millions of people, perhaps hundreds of millions, have had [similar] experiences. Mainly as children. That's all I can really say, but I think as children we are so open to things, that these beings can appear to us. I know I never closed up on it, because it has continued through my whole life.”

:marseyalien: :marseypedosnipe:

Link to the documentry.


I need something fast


My God this guy is pathetic. He's older than me and he's still afraid of imaginary monsters under his bed. :marseylaugh:


How in the frick do these literal tards have so much influence over both political parties?



He is so getting abducted.


Cat-Enjoyers can't stop winning!



The origin of of the "swamp gas" line that Mulder always used

It's actually from Hyneck. :marseylaugh:

A boomer once told me he was out on the bunker line at Camp Eagle and the commies shot a tracer at him. At the moment he realized this bullet was going to hit him right in his face he realized he was about to die. Then a firefly brushed up against him. It turns out we're not that great at seeing in 3d.


For context, an obviously fake video of a plane getting abducted into a portal by UFOs tore apart the UFO/UAP community for the past few months. It was about 50/50 'you can't prove it's not real! :marseycope:' vs. 'holy shit this is r-slurred'.


The subreddit dedicated to the video (/r/AirlinerAbduction2014) is taking it pretty well, but there are some cope threads sprinkled in there.



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For context, high-profile members of congress worked on bipartisan legislation (Schumer's version) that would establish measures to declassify and disclose UAP/UFO-related info. A handful of republican senators with suspicious :marseytinfoil2: ties to defense contractors :marseyschizotwitch: intervened and removed everything that would actually ensure that UAP-related information is shared with the public. /r/UFOs is naturally pooping the bed, the linked thread is just one of many examples.

Not going to lie, my expectations were low but I'm still disappointed. :marseyaliencrying:

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Time flows backwards :marseyschizowall: :marseyshapiro:

soyboys will say :marseysoylentgrin: "well actually heymoon time flows forwards, events in the future can't effect events in the past" :marseysoyhype: Cool opinion bro, where'd you get it, Snopes? :marseyeyeroll: brainlet r-slurs timecucks will always say this which is how you know that they have LOW IQ and are SHEEP.

More precisely, Causes don't create Events, Events create Causes. An event that happens in the future creates it's own causes.

So imagine this. You get pancaked between two semi trucks on I-37. This happened because you didn't get enough sleep and weren't paying attention. You didn't get enough sleep because the baby in the apartment above you was crying all night. That baby existed because two people met in college and fell in love. They both got to that one college, out of all the hundreds of others that they could've chosen, because... uh.... i dunno bro trust me. It's a total coincidence that all of these things coincided!


In reality, the car crash happened. So the event of the car crash shot out beams from this central point that spiraled and defracted across time backwards. It shot a beam backwards from the car crash to the previous night when you didn't get enough sleep. It shot a beam backwards from this point to create the baby, to influence the parent's choice of college, etc etc.

Why did the car crash happen? Because it, too, was one of these beams connecting the present to some future event. And that event, similarly, connects to another future event, etc etc.

:soycry: "buh buh buh heymoon!!! where does it all lead doe??????? heh heh... stupid guy... FALLACy detected"

WRONG. you HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. You don't know where everythign came from anymore than I know where everything is going. :soycry: "itd wad the big bang!!!" oh yeah, idiot? what was before the big bang? oooh you don't know, do you????????? I guess that means that you are a wrongo idiot 5000. mental INFANT detected.

So, the real question is not :marseysoyhype: "What was the First Cause" but rather :marseygigachad: "What will be the Final Effect".

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