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Time flows backwards :marseyschizowall: :marseyshapiro:

soyboys will say :marseysoylentgrin: "well actually heymoon time flows forwards, events in the future can't effect events in the past" :marseysoyhype: Cool opinion bro, where'd you get it, Snopes? :marseyeyeroll: brainlet r-slurs timecucks will always say this which is how you know that they have LOW IQ and are SHEEP.

More precisely, Causes don't create Events, Events create Causes. An event that happens in the future creates it's own causes.

So imagine this. You get pancaked between two semi trucks on I-37. This happened because you didn't get enough sleep and weren't paying attention. You didn't get enough sleep because the baby in the apartment above you was crying all night. That baby existed because two people met in college and fell in love. They both got to that one college, out of all the hundreds of others that they could've chosen, because... uh.... i dunno bro trust me. It's a total coincidence that all of these things coincided!


In reality, the car crash happened. So the event of the car crash shot out beams from this central point that spiraled and defracted across time backwards. It shot a beam backwards from the car crash to the previous night when you didn't get enough sleep. It shot a beam backwards from this point to create the baby, to influence the parent's choice of college, etc etc.

Why did the car crash happen? Because it, too, was one of these beams connecting the present to some future event. And that event, similarly, connects to another future event, etc etc.

:soycry: "buh buh buh heymoon!!! where does it all lead doe??????? heh heh... stupid guy... FALLACy detected"

WRONG. you HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. You don't know where everythign came from anymore than I know where everything is going. :soycry: "itd wad the big bang!!!" oh yeah, idiot? what was before the big bang? oooh you don't know, do you????????? I guess that means that you are a wrongo idiot 5000. mental INFANT detected.

So, the real question is not :marseysoyhype: "What was the First Cause" but rather :marseygigachad: "What will be the Final Effect".

discuss fellow antitimechads

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you can literally watch the clock go up not down r-slur

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clock goes up because its up higher in the future shooting a timebeam backwards to make clock halfway up, moronic. Also if you look at it from the perspective of the future it's going down. MORON DETECTED!

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Clocks go both directions you fricking r-slur

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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OP is Alatien

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This is why we are aware of (i.e., "remember") what we call "the past" but we cannot perceive "the future." What we think of as the future is already gone, so we have no knowledge of it, but what we call the past is still there ahead of us so we "remember" it.

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I think you overcomplicate things by talking about causes and effects. Neither of those things actually exist. There are also no discrete events like a "car crash." There are only atoms moving through the void. The direction they move in time and space does not matter. Moving from point A in the past to point B in the future is the same as moving from point B in the future to point A in the past.

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But our memories aren't even real; they're just a retelling of our memories

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Time is cube

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NO. time is line, going backwards

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now THIS is a good post

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you are trying so hard with this thread :patting:

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poor little timecuck

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isn't timecuck a jon claud van darn movie

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They all sang along...

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Time flies like an arrow

Fruit flies like a banana

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Fricking time flies man. You forget a couple of arrows on a windowsill and suddenly they are EVERYWHERE.

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You aren't cool and you aren't funny. This is reddit tier nonsense.

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....waaaaaah.... it's.... it's.... it's...... REDDIT! :marseycrying: no no no it's REDDIT... noooo.... mommy it'd REDDIT..... don't like it mommy when smart!!!!!! take it away mommy itd reddit... waaaah.... it'm a little bitchbaby waaaaah reddit..... don't like reddit........ goonnnna do a lil pukey on the carpet becs reddit.... soysnoo.... aaaaa reddit noooo its not fair!!!!!!! my pants are poopoofilled mommy change my diaper!!! mommy! MOMMY! i need my BINKY! i need my fricking BINKY mommy because heymoon did a reddit..... aaaaaaaaa :marseycrying:

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time doesn't exist... nothing ever happens

PROVE the past existed, PROVE the future will exist. you can't. u literally can't.

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>creates it's own causes

its own causes

let's zoom in on what you just wrote there

>creates it is own causes

you expect me to :marseyflushzoomzoom: your theory when you carelessly share your own thoughts with inaccuracies and careless abandon?

lemme break it down for you

the big bang is the big boot, and not boot as in a type of shoe-- boot as in booting up a computer. And not a computer as in its hardward-- computer as in its software. And not software like a program running on the computer, but the very kernel itself. And not Kernel like chicken-- kernel as in the string connecting the hardware to the operating system. And not string as in literal string-- string as in the the behavior of this container wherein which we reside which allows for sequential events to exist and persist.

"What was before the big bang?" A question derived from the luxury of the human mind which can pose nonsensical subjects of consideration, but wholly misleading in that it cannot serve as a literal question as a point to disprove the notion that a big bang occurred. If a server has been running for two years, asking "well what was there before the server?" It's a question that can only serve a theoretical endeavor, not as a literal inquiry, not too unlike "imaginary numbers" in maths.

Time is nothing more than yet another one of carp's larps trying to masquerade as some sort of divine existence, a mere misdirection if you ask me. See you've been tricked. There are no events, and there is no time. There's nothing but a series of events all happening at once, and our perception of time is a result of our incapable cognitive abilities to comprehend that everything has already happened, if only to attempt to describe it in terms of time-- like a squid trying to describe humans with its ink.

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There are no events, and there is no time. There's nothing but a series of events all happening at once, and our perception of time is a result of our incapable cognitive abilities to comprehend that everything has already happened, if only to attempt to describe it in terms of time-- like a squid trying to describe humans with its ink.

timecuck cope. things happen, these are events. and those events are the result of something in the future. no matter how far you subdivide an event it's still an event.

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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@pizzashill back me up here

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You are all wrong.

Time doesn't have a direction.

Which direction we are moving in time we end up assigning forward.

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We could actually be living our lives moving back through time but we are used to it so we just call it forward time.

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I believe this

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>you cant disprove this

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Forward time is the direction that entropy increases. R-slur.

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That's a meaningless tautology.

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Nope. Watch a video of a bunch of balls bouncing around. Then watch it in reverse. You can't tell the difference, unless you see the balls going from an ordered state to disordered state.

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Right. I'm just saying that forward and reverse are two directions. Toward entropy and away from entropy are two directions. Neither is more real than the other, and it's an illusion that one is happening and the other isn't.

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entropy decreases backwards you blithering idiot

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Increases forwards

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