
Tons of drama in that thread. @Aevann explain yourself. Are you homeless or smth? :marseylaugh:

Also daily reminder that the janny system is worse here than plebbit, when something is removed you can't see what it was linking to or what it contained, a janny could claim it was CP/gore and you'd never know if they're telling the truth

It's times like these that I remember a haunting lyric from Boo's "The Janny Tale":

aevann was one of the better jannies

when he stuck to code that is, now he does bannies

too weak to fight the tranny janny squad

he's been demoted from my favorite mod



We are less than two weeks away from the start of college football, and, with that, have come many cries for opportunities to gamble. I have decided to go ahead and stake my claim on this enterprise, and am hereby establishing Marsey's Palace, a great place to place your bets! I'll be starting out by offering select NFL and CFB games every week, picking the spread from The way to bet is simple: gift me dramacoins with a message telling me whether you're betting for or against the spread, I'll keep track of all the bets, and I'll distribute results and winnings when I get time after each game. There will be a trial run for this for the Nebraska (-12.5) - Northwestern (12.5) game. Be there!

This pastor predicted monkeypox
Don't Blink- Escape from the Zoo
The frick you Want From Me? Ten Million Dollars?

Fricking clowns

Double X taking Ls

Reported by:
Not sure whats going on... but it's not full of wealth

Rightoids wish they could tap this
Kinky Stud Horse Vores a Virgin Duck :marseynut:

God I wish I was that duck tbh

Coming soon to a nearby school! Oh wait it has already

This is a topic I've thought a bit about, and someone mentioning Wargroove got me thinking about it again. Some examples of what I'm talking about:

Interlocking Drawbacks

  • In Wargroove, weakened units trade in combat when possible and lose attack power alongside health. This creates a system where units that engage in trades quickly become dead weight. The options for healing units, in my experience, either weren't that effective or that accessible, meaning units are constantly drained and need to be replaced frequently. I found that frustrating as heck, especially paired with some of the mission design in the single-player campaign.

  • In Enter The Gungeon, health and ammo are handled very similarly, with both being primarily obtained through random drops and shops. In addition to that, both are very limited, making them difficult to get. This creates a conflict at the core of each run: You need to hold off on using your more powerful guns for more difficult encounters, which puts you at a greater risk of losing health, something else you have to watch carefully. It doesn't sound bad in theory, but in practice, it's a pain because of how limited resources are. You don't know whether the game is going to give you more health or ammo, so, if you're not great at the game, it's a toss-up as to which you should prioritize.

Interlocking Benefits

  • In Dead Cells, you can access a bonus room at the end of an area by killing a certain number of enemies in a row without taking damage. This creates a system with two benefits: it means you took less damage, and you get access to more resources. There are no obvious potential drawbacks to this system, as you have to progress through an area and fight enemies anyway to get through the game.

  • In Valdis Story: Abyssal City, you get better rewards for a boss fight based on your performance. Yet again, no drawbacks, as you have to clear the boss fight anyway to progress though the game.

I personally dislike these systems in general. Why make things easier for better players and harder for less experienced players? It's counter-intuitive, yet it's fairly common, especially in regard to implementation of benefits. There are easy solutions to both of these categories, as I see it. For drawbacks, you can decouple, mitigate the effects of, or provide easier access to those resources. You could allow units to merge in Wargroove, providing an alternate way to deal with units on the verge of death, and you could reset health between floors in Enter The Gungeon, changing the priority of health items and allowing for a better balance of RNG to be struck there. As for benefits, those can alternatively be dealt with through optional skill-based challenges the player has to opt into. Going Under has providing just that, where you can take on a challenge and get rewarded based on your performance. The drawback is that you prolong your time fighting and risk taking damage in the process, which is something that could outweigh the potential reward. That's all I have to say. Like anyone's gonna read it, lol.


It’s a failed reboot of front mission (actually a good series) about mechas but in this game it’s interesting that the game is set in fictional Kiev and they did good job giving the feeling of Kiev (old Soviet street) and there is war between west and east Ukraine. Plot is shit, you never truly will understand what’s is happening. But the game play is so bad that it’s becoming good like the ai is so op that the game on any difficulty (before patch) feel like truly survive game like if enemy spot you, you dead the enemies are faster than you jump higher than you and you need a whole mag of headshots to kill a enemy while he need just one spray to kill you. So the only way to take out enemy is using melee weapon that are breakable, it will silently take out the enemy for 3 minutes. The game also has terrible checkpoints so you need to be extra careful and hoping that it won’t save on a bad moment. So with the gameplay you are always frustrated because it’s such a butt and enemy are very op. But clearing missions and saving all survivors feels very rewarding. The way Japanese view Ukraine is also funny like big chunk of plot is about baseball like I doubt any country in Europe even like baseball. The game I believe has like 3/10 on metacritic so it undeniable going to give you a unique experience and it’s one of few games I remember well platining

PetshopBoy is my favorite of Christian Rock Band:marseyvibing::marseyvibing::marseyvibing:


New favorite internet argument
Just Say My Name Three Times

Want an extra for any type of trolling? Hit me up and I will probably join in, I am very bored now that my psyops are done for the summer again. I don't see anything that says no trolling plans here so I can frick around with other people and plan it here ohohoho.

:marseylibleft: VS :tradwife:
Javascript is r-slurred

Trying Javascript coming from a PROPER programming language. Here are some notes:

  • Every library is outdated or obsolete

  • Official documentation is old and many versions behind

  • There's 1bn solutions and none of them work

How do codecels put up with this?

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