


Uyghur Genocide : AskCentralAsia


Need some memes will pay DC

I'm too old to make memes so plz do the needful I'll give couple thousand dc

1. How it started how it's going, first frame elong strag jumping with maga hat, second one frick your fricking face tweet

2. Crow meme but with mass import Indians and his cards all show mass import Indians when he looks down

Devo - Uncontrollable Urge
Bard spotting on Bluesky 28 December 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Godless Jews are to Blame for Orthodox Church Attacks (Putin)

Mixed feelings, but after seeing a very disturbing video of IDF soldiers raping a captive on CCTV then a jewish chad coming on israel's live Morning TV saying it's good thing they r*ped him.... Maybe Putin is right.

George Soros we need you to be a good Jew and get those rats over in israel to stand the heck down. Vermin.

Typical israeli rats.

Death to israel. Death to every idf soldier.

Free Palestine from River to Sea. All the land goes back. No land for the jew. You wanna play hardball? Russia supporting Iran now. Only a matter of time before Iran gets a nuke. Send the rats back to heck.

Except for these dudes (and other cool people who live in israel but love the palestines) they cool :marseyloveyou:

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Thomas Cinemagore and MDPOPE (Most Disturbed Person On Planet Earth)

Firstly, I love sucking peepee. Secondly, when I'm depressed, my tolerance for gore and disturbing content is raised. It becomes possible for me to consume gore, and quite frankly, I become attracted to it because it allows me to feel something. The adrenaline rush is addictive, and it distracts me from my own pain. During my last depressive episode, I discovered the world of gore mixtapes. In this thread, I'd like to discuss what I've learned about gore mixtapes, and how Thomas Cinemagore became one of the most recognisable faces in the genre.

I tried to include some really good Hollys as eyebleach because this is going to be a rough read. I hope you're ready.

What are gore mixtapes

Within the world of cinema, there are a lot of creators that have tried to push boundaries and dive into the most extreme aspects of the human condition. This has led to the creation of the Mondo genre which originates in Italy. Within Mondo films, the directors attempt to capture real, gruesome content, often for the purposes of educating the viewer on aspects of humanity that are normally scrubbed from mainstream television. The name comes from the 1962 documentary Mondo Cane (translated as Dog World) which is directed by Gualtiero Jacopetti, Paolo Cavara, and Franco E. Prosperi. The film juxtaposes various cultural and social activities from around the world with those of the West. It mostly consists of animal abuse and various burial rituals.

From the description, it may sound like the movie is crude, but it provided the template for future "shockumentaries" to come, and it remains a keystone of the gore mixtape genre. For instance, the movie has no consistent narrative, and it is just a string of vaguely related scenes. Furthermore, it focuses on gore and shock value to keep viewers interested. Following the success of Mondo Cane, a few more notable shockumentaries were released, including Women of the World, and Africa Addio which is a bit of a propaganda piece that attempts to depict the African continent as a home for savages and brutes, in turn justifying European colonialism.

With the birth of extreme cinema, many amateur creators came out of the woodwork to produce their own products. However, these smaller creators would not do all the filming on their own. Instead, they would gather violent and disturbing material from various sources and compile them into a single product. One of the most popular example of this is Joe Francis' Banned From Television which is composed of footage he viewed while working at Real TV, including horrific car accidents and violent attacks. By today's standards, it's not too shocking, and anyone who's not too sensitive will be able to handle it. You can watch the whole thing on YouTube!

Francis would go on to create Girls Gone Wild. Funny enough, you can't find full episodes of Girls Gone Wild on YouTube. Remember, nudity is more offensive than violence! With the release of such movies, the underground gore scene would begin to grow. However, nobody could have predicted the influence the internet would have on the genre.

The Internet

Anyone a fan of The Internet? Not the World Wide Web, the musical group? I really like Purple Naked Ladies, quite the unique album with a very distinct sound.

But enough about them. Around 1996, the site came into being. The site, written almost exclusively in HTML would feature links with vague titles that would lead to sometimes shocking content. It was hard to determine what you were going to get when you clicked any link, which made it quite an adventure. The site garnered a cult following of sickos interested in seeing the most extreme content which the internet had made easier to obtain. Thanks to, a slew of other shock sites came into being, including,, and

As you would imagine, these sites have garnered quite a bit of controversy, with many critics condemning the extreme content provided by these sites. Some claim that these sites encourage individuals to create violent content to share amongst viewers. This is true in at least one case which you'll discover if you explore the often bizarre world of monkey hate. For some reason, there are people who deeply despise monkeys and want to see them suffer. A US-based group known as Million Tears created a Telegram group where users paid money to have the group record themselves torturing monkeys. This also occurred in Indonesia thanks to the group Ape's Cage. They made of various creative torture methods, including submerging monkeys in ice-water, sawing them in half, and putting them in blenders. There is also the infamous case of Luka Magnotta who filmed himself killing cats and eventually a human which he uploaded online under the title "1 lunatic, 1 ice pick". Luka was arrested and given a life sentence in 2014.

Another criticism of shock sites that commonly gets brought up is that they allow terroristic content to be distributed, such as ISIS propaganda, cartel intimidation videos, and White supremacist indoctrination videos which attempt to normalize violence against particular groups. The release of the 2019 Christchurch Attack by Brenton Tarrant caused a surge in popularity for shock sites who hosted the video, but it also brought in the eyes of law enforcement, leading to many shock sites eventually closing down. Nowadays, many of the classic shock sites are gone but you better believe the gore community lives on. They've just found different ways to distribute and share content.

As sick as it is, I'm sure many of you have experienced browsing shock sites during your teen years for the sake of being edgy. Many people went through such a phase, which has led to the popularity of some iconic videos and images, including:

  • 3 Guys 1 Hammer - a video by the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs which features an innocent old man being brutally murdered

  • Funky Town - a cartel video where a man is being tortured while Funky Town plays

  • Budd Dwyer's live TV suicide - self-explanatory

Shock sites don't focus solely on violence and they also hosted obscene pornographic material which features body fluids and vomit. Examples include:

  • Goatse

  • 2 girls 1 cup

Sorry for not naming more. It's really hot and I'm having trouble focusing. Also, I have the chud award so I don't know if any of this is going to be readable tbqhwyf.

The Rise of the Mixtapes

The creation of the underground gore scene and the creation of shock sites allowed for the rise of gore mixtapes. In short, gore mixtapes compile footage from various sources into a single product for the user to consume. It is designed to be as offensive and disturbing as possible, as if to challenge the viewer to see how much they can handle. Needless to say, this is a very niche genre and you do NOT want to step foot into this world if you're easily disturbed because it is very easy to develop PTSD and emotional distress from consuming such content. Even reading the descriptions can be distressing to folks with a steel stomach.

Surprisingly, one of the first mixtapes to gain popularity was a complete fake. It's titled Faces of Death (1978), and some of you may have heard about it already or, as a teen, have been dared to watch it thinking it was real. Despite its gross content, the film was released commercially and it earned $35 million globally. It has a cult following, and many other creators attempted to replicate its success. A popular example is Damon Fox's Traces of Death which features real death scenes and violence. As you can imagine, the film has attracted much controversy but it still remains highly popular amongst sick fricks.

There is no other place to fit this in, so I'll mention it here. Next to the rise of mixtapes, we also saw the rise of gore films and porn which is fake but is designed to shock viewers. Popular examples include Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, Vomit Enema Ecstasy, Gusomilk, and Guinea Pig. I have watched the Guinea Pig movies and quite frankly if you know it's fake, it's not really disturbing though it is somewhat shocking. Many of the films you can find on

It is also worth answering the question of whether snuff films exist. Properly understood, a snuff film contains real murders committed for profit. According to Wikipedia, snuff films are a myth. Personally, I don't believe this. People regularly pay others to produce custom child porn for them on the Dark Web, it is insane to think the same thing isn't happening with murders.

Who is Thomas Cinemagore and what is MDPOPE

One of the most popular names to arise from the gore mixtape scene is Thomas Cinemagore. He is known for being a creepy edgelord who is very active online and freely distributes his mixtape to anyone who asks on Facebook. He looks exactly like how you would expect him to look.

Thomas is most known for MDPOPE, or Most Disturbed Person on Planet Earth. The film gained popularity for collecting some of the most shocking content online into a single package. It's worth remembering that Thomas didn't create any of the footage - he simply found it online and compiled it together. So anyway, you're probably curious about what's contained in MDPOPE. Luckily, you don't have to watch it because there are plenty of YouTubers that describe what is contained in the film. In short, it borrows clips from various shock sites, including LiveLeak and Efrickt. It features animals being crushed, peepeees being mutilated, violence and torture, vomit and shit being eaten, as well as babies and children being harmed. I will NOT share links to it but I will share a link to a YouTuber describing what is found in it.

It's not the most shocking mixtape out there. However, it is the most notorious for a few reasons. Firstly, it is due to Thomas's prolific internet footprint and the way he has aggressively marketed the mixtape as the sickest piece of media ever. While it is despicable, you should remember that there is worse content out there, including:

  • How to Clear a Room in 90 minutes or less

  • Snuff R73


  • Fetus Munchers

Another reason MDPOPE is so popular is due to a specific controversy. To understand, we need to take a quick trip to Australia to investigate the case of Peter Scully. This sick man deserves his own longpost, but I'll try and summarize his story here. Born in Australia in 1963, Peter Scully fled to the Philippines in 2011 to escape from charges involving a property scheme. The Phillippines is known as a mecca for pdf files, and Peter Scully is one of the reasons this is the case. During his time in the country, he entered the world of s*x work, and he got men to pay for s*x with his then gf. He didn't stop there, however. Using his girlfriend, he gained the trust of little children which he would lure to his house where they would be tortured and sometimes killed. The footage would be uploaded to the Dark Net so that sick bastards around the world could consume it. Of course he was making a profit off of this, as he sold his content via the business he founded called No Limits Fun.

He is responsible for one of the most notorious video on the internet titled Daisy's Destruction. The video features the abuse, torture, and r*pe of three young Filipina children, the youngest being 18-month-old Daisy. Eventually, Peter's girlfriend was able to escape with two of the girls, including Daisy. One of the girls didn't survive, however, as Peter made her dig her own grave before he strangled her to death. These films fall in the genre of "hurtcore" which involves CP which focuses on pain and torture of minors. Even amongst CP enjoyers, hurtcore fans are reviled, as many PDF Files want to maintain the illusion that children can consent to s*x and in fact enjoy having s*x with adults. Obviously, I haven't watched the video but I have read a full description of what it contains and it is completely disgusting and I can't believe anyone would do those things. No, I'm not typing out what happens nor will I direct you to find out where you can discover what happens. I hope Peter Scully is violently sodomised in prison. I hope it's long and drawn-out, and I hope he screams for help and nobody comes to his aid. I hope his last moments on Earth are spent in sheer terror as he is sexually and physically exploited before being brutally murdered. Frick him.

Why do I bring up the tale of Peter Scully? Well, as disgusting as MDPOPE is, it's not illegal, at least not in the USA or any country that allows for free speech. However, with the much-awaited sequel MDPOPE 2, Thomas Cinemagore decided to take things further. He featured audio from the Daisy's Destruction video as middle finger to any form of censorship. He sent out early copies of the mixtape and even within the underground gore cinema scene, he was instantly reviled for going too far. In addition, by including the audio, he outed himself as a PDF file who owns a copy of Daisy's Destruction. Following the backlash, he took the audio out, but apparently a trailer still exists which features the audio. I have not watched any trailers and I would strongly recommend you do not seek it out.

The morality of gore mixtapes and MDPOPE

So should you watch gore mixtapes? Quite frankly, I'd argue that you should stay far away from such content. While it may pique your curiosity, it ultimately ends up corroding your soul and turning you into a sick frick. Preserve your humanity, because once you see or hear something, it cannot be undone, and it can impact you for years to come. You only have one brain, make sure you treat it well and don't poison it with bullshit.

Personally, I dipped my toes into the world of underground gore cinema enjoyers and I noped the frick out. There are clearly people out there who aren't in the least bit affected by gore and can watch while maintaining their sanity. While I can stomach some explicit content, I'm nowhere near the level of these sick fricks and I'm clearly not one of them. Furthermore, by diving into this world, you inevitably start brushing shoulders with genuinely bad people, including bonafide sadists and pdf files who are looking for degenerate content to fap to. If you're curious about death and the human condition, just browse watchpeopledie for a bit.


What a cute Holly outfit to look at after reading all of that filth. After researching all of this, I am 100% on some kind of list. Hello feds :) I feel dirty just researching this shit, and I lost some of my faith in humanity. Tune in next time when I attempt to define postmodernism.

Onlyfans carrega o Brasil


Why do people use WPD?

I've been checking the user stats for both of our websitesA noticed that WPD has much more users. I watched a few of the videos. And then completely taken aback about why somebody spend day after day using it. I sort of understand, watching it every once in a while to remember your own mortality, but even then I fail to see how it really is the best way to do that.

Is it a voyeuristic fantasy or a way of coping with their lives?

Carp explain this to me now and pin this post. @IRREDEEMABLE-KRAMPUS

I don't get it

Sometimes youtube just recommends me stuff like this, and I have no idea why.

Hitler wins elections in Peru despite Lenin's objections


Ai slop

This comment inspired me to look up on the internet what she wrote and I found out this ai slop called hitler jerking by Salvador Dali

Dramatard Saturday :chudjakdancing: :marseyjam: :donkeykongdance:
question for the :marseytrain:jannies about donorbox (rdrama new donation site)

is it like before where you can only see e-mail addresses or am I going to have to hide more stuff from you



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