
Scientists have found microplastics in human peepeees for the first time, as concerns over the tiny particles' proliferation and potential health effects mount.

:#marseyitsover: :#chuditsover:

Oh btw:

The samples were taken from study participants who had been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) and were in the hospital to undergo surgery for penile implants

:#marseythissmall: :mars#eydicklet:

Pornhub :coomerface: map brings out moralstrags :marseypearlclutch: on a sub for podcast about making fun of poor :marseywagie:, fat :marseychonker2:, r-slurred :marseygigaretard: people

Brave redditor /u/Few_Faithlessness640 takes on ghetto BPD women

Edit: sorry, folks! Can't respond because the insane mods here didn't like me responding harshly to someone calling my wife a β€œlow value woman” and insulting me! Good luck in the death of common sense.

Here is the full video on her IG, where you can see that she overcharged him, threatened to pour the drinks on him, escalated, acted ghetto AF, and then put a hammer through his window when he showed half the aggression that she had through the entire interaction.

Let's not encourage these bipolar/BPD behaviors in this generation of psychotic people. None of us could act like this at our jobs, and being in a bikini doesn't give you special powers. Both of them are gross.

Bonus lil side argument about charging for tap water

/r/neoliberal turns on Macron for violating the most important principle of neoliberalism

!neolibs !francais

Peak Canadian Comedy
:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-06-19 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Don't force it !! /r/Funnymemes (926K)50%1689
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜You jerked off recently. Why?/r/AskReddit (47M)60%1091
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Children should be banned from many places./r/The10thDentist (276K)62%842
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Redditors, what is your wildest sexual fantasy? /r/AskReddit (47M)48%403
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Have you ever asked yourself why we're even supposed to hate this c.../r/conspiracy (3M)59%510
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Is greater Minnesota dangerous?/r/minnesota (299K)63%527
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜How do players make it to lvl 85 and still don't know how to play t.../r/ffxiv (2M)56%423
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Current Zelda is actually kinda lazy/r/truezelda (109K)50%325
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜I completed Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree to (basically) 100%. A.../r/Eldenring (3M)49%293
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜I don't "like" women. How can I change that?/r/selfimprovement (2M)55%237

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜La gΓ©omΓ©trie variable /r/francedirect (259)47%79
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Tưởng nhα»› ngΓ y QuΓ’n Lα»±c VNCH. 19/6/1971/r/VietNamNation (2K)49%38
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜show me proof, this is bullshit/r/chemtrails (6K)50%158
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜An apology./r/saltierthankrait (4K)50%78
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Why do people hate masculine Asian men?/r/trueratediscussions (6K)53%122
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Very disappointed about the new backgrounds! (14 mostly fixed stat .../r/onednd (37K)46%138
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Genuinely surprised how many people like Tate/r/itstheyak (19K)48%57
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Current Zelda is actually kinda lazy/r/truezelda (109K)50%325
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Reminder : Anthony Cumia is a p-dophile /r/WhoAreThesePodcasts (8K)48%23
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Wish We Could Be Kinder to Each Other /r/datingoverfifty (25K)51%73

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Probably some good seethe on reddit somewhere but I'm not gonna look


I searched the farms beforehand and found no results for this channel, so I guess I'll put it here:

I was on /tv/ last night andΒ someone postedΒ a youtube channel that started a few months ago calledΒ "Sail with Ben and Amy".

It's in that same vein of "hot, half naked girl sails around and thirst-traps you into clicking", but there's something a little off about this one...

Ben appears to be some sort of geriatric life-long sailor from Australia, who has spent the past year travelling with this neurodivergent girl who I am pretty sure is not underage, but constantly appears in his videos in compromising positions, mesh bikinis, you name it.

She's also covered in self-harm scars. GNARLY self-harm scars:

They also started aΒ PatreonΒ where they sell what looks like photosets of this girl.

To be clear, I'm not saying the existence of these videos mean they are on the verge of lolcowdom in and of itself, but the psychology at play here is fascinating. If you don't get what I mean, just watch one of their videos. I'veΒ readΒ that they both met as part of some at-risk youth program where they teach teens to sail or something. She also calls him "daddy" or "mister" a lot in the videos. The comments from boomers are also hilarious:




Will writing explicit, politically-inspired fanfiction raise a red flag?

I wrote a 20k fanfiction about the (personified) US and USSR having gay s*x.

I wish this was satire.

I already deleted the work, but I really miss it. Will republishing and continuing it be a red flag for my SC?

Edit: Yes, I'm aware it's cringe. I came here for answers. If I wanted to be judged I'd go talk to my parents.


Unless you're asked if you ever wrote gay s*x fanfics, there's no need to bring this up and there's nowhere on an SF86/equip where this is asked. Worrying about this is a colossal waste of your time and nerves.

You should repost it because I think that shit is hilarious and no one cares about that kind of stuff.

If by some insane miracle your investigator finds out and asks you about it, just be honest and open. I promise they don't care, they just want to make sure you can't be blackmailed over it.

Assuming the US is the one taking topsies in your fic. Otherwise there may be questionable loyalties. /s

Ok, this was extremely helpful. Thank you!

And if that's the caseΒ my country getting creampied may be a dealbreaker. God forgive me for writing that.


I need to read this

They're switches, if that gives you enough imagery. NATO walks in on them at one point.


You're fine, even if you post it. One thing that may be a problem, although you didn't address it, is whether you have a problem with anyone finding out about it. If so (for example if you were "outed" publicly, to your mother, other family, friends, employer, etc.), how much of a problem would that be for you? Would you "do" anything to prevent it? Blackmail is a big concern when it comes to embarrassing pasts. If you're simply embarrassed but would just accept it, you're fine.

Would I be embarrassed? Absolutely. Would I be embarrassed to the extent that I would sacrifice any info to keep it from being released? Absolutely not.

My biggest worry is the idea that any future employer would take my 3 AM thoughts and think it's how I feel about all countries mentioned. WHICH I DO NOT.


Whatever you're ashamed of, whatever fears you possess, can be used against you.

North Korea is a dom with a thing for latex, though, right?

No, he's a teenage little shrimp that likes sucking up to the USSR. But West Germany does get pegged by Belarus at one point, though.

Ok, I'll admit, now I'm kinda curious.


Absolutely vile moid behavior

Reported by:
The sadness of living without s*x | BBC

Robert: I am 61 and still waiting and I am probably too late to start now. I have always been too worried about being laughed at and ridiculed. I finally realised I was unlikely to get anywhere when turned down by a prostitute when in my 30s.

Unhappy Soul: I wish I'd lost my virginity at 37. I'm 54 and still waiting for something I know will never come. About 10 years ago I remember sitting with a group of friends over a drink and the subject came up of losing your virginity and I just fled the room when it came to my turn. One of the others came out to find me and they'd assumed I'd had a bad experience of some kind. It didn't occur to them that I had no experience to recount. All I ever wanted from life was to be a husband and a dad.

Chris: I'm 42, and still a virgin. I get told (often it is turned in to a joke) that I can just go and pay for it. Get it over with. But to me, that lacks any affection, there's no emotional intimacy in it, not even just simple caring. And I would like at least that. I feel like I am different from other people. Excluded. Often made fun of by people who know. To be blunt, sometimes it makes me feel like I must be a monster. I work and do volunteer work as well, go to classes and interest groups, but meeting someone who accepts me, even meeting someone to talk with, just never happens. I just feel extremely alone, and, I guess, forgotten, in this world.

Ikram: I can relate to this story. I am 35 years old and still struggle to talk to girls. I am still a virgin but the difference is lately I have tried to break this barrier and approached a few girls but I always get brutal rejection. I don't know why. And that sends me into another cycle of "No-one wants me," and then I am like, "I am OK... I don't need to have anyone." I blame my ethnicity, my religion and, when all else fails, my weight and my face. It's not easy to be not wanted by anyone.

David: I'm 58 and have never had a girlfriend bar a couple of tentative platonic friendships which never even progressed to hand-holding never mind anything else. In my teens, 20s and 30s it made me thoroughly miserable and incredibly lonely as it didn't seem like an unreasonable thing to want, yet seemed as improbable as winning the lottery. The skills required appear to be something learned in adolescence and if for some reason you don't acquire them, the whole area of relationships becomes an alien world. I sometimes see it as looking into a fish tank.

Just Stop Oil protesters spray Stonehenge orange : unitedkingdom

These people should be punished according to druidic law

Which wasn't written down so I can make up whatever bullshit I want

Which means we should split open their chest cavity, pull all non-essential guts out, and shove a large ferret inside them


Either pay 10k or do a driveway yourself. I chose diy.

For context, it's 30' by 18' by 6" and I've never formed, tied rebar, poured and finished. I've done some of each but never all together.

Contractor wanted 10k.

1 day rental of bobcat to degrass $300

Form and rebar #4 with 2' on center was $300

Concrete was 9.5 yards for $2000

Second truck was 3 yards for $600

Labor was $800

I saved 6k

How'd I do?


I like the 2 foot area where you tried to finish it and just said frick it, good enough πŸ‘

Perfect is the enemy of good, and comparison is the thief of joy. It's not perfect, and I'm really happy to have learned something new.

Great approach, I've done some shit jobs for myself in the past but I learned a frick ton. As long as you learn, you win.

Couldn't agree more.


That's a great textured finish. You won't have to worry about slipping when it's wet or frozen


you may have actually cost yourself 4k. time will tell

How so?

I think he is implying it is going to crack and go to shit this costing you $4k plus more to have it redone.

The contractor who bid the job told me after I said I was doing it myself "right on, don't worry how it looks. Two things I've learned in this trade after 20 years, women are going to b-word and concrete is going to Crack."

I live by a simple phrase, "you can have it fast, good or cheap. Pick two"

I chose fast and cheap, I know it ain't going to be good.


BaRpod listener gets blocked and reported by his wife


I recently watched Demonlover and it was the best film I've seen in a long time, would 100% recommend everyone watch. After finishing the film I was curious to see what critics thought about it and was shocked that neither they nor audiences enjoyed it.

There's a lot of great films with poor critic scores (eg. Con Air, Stepbrothers) but it's very rare that the audience score doesn't contradict it. The others I can think of are Only God Forgives and Alien 3 which I love and Neon Demon which I also really liked. I can understand with them why lots of people dislike them, the Demonlover hate is just baffling to me though.

Also the RT description and poster for Demonlover is so bad lol

Just remembered Universal: Soldier Day of Reckoning which has absolutely no right to be a great action film but somehow is brilliant

Monkeybone was pretty cool too

I'm actually remembering loads now


I mean, wut.

I guess it was good for dramarama tho.

The kid (Blood Meridian) vs The kid (Purple Rain)


Still don't know how to make polls lol

Ask Austrailyah Clarifies How They're Too Cucked and Stupid To Survive

It took 40 years for them to level some dirt and lay concrete for a runway in Western Sydney, they still haven't started building HSR after 4 decades, we can't even dig a tunnel for the hydro but yeah we're totally going to build 7 nuclear reactors. If there is anyone out there that thinks this isn't complete horse shit, I would like to offer to sell you a magic rock that keeps your house safe from bears.

Because we suck!

It isnt an australian problem, it is a global problem about the misconceptions of nuclear power. All of the incidents that have happened because of nuclear power were a direct result of humans disregarding procedures and safety plans. Fukushima for example had absolutely nothing to do with the reactor nor the design of the nuclear power plant, it functioned perfectly and stayed safe in a situation that was several orders of magnitude higher than what it was designed and built for. It failed because the backup diseal to run the coolant during a shutdown were put below the flood line and couldn't start. They were warned about it previously but that never gets reported. Chernobyl was the USSR doing stuipd stuff against procedure in a facility that had no containment or other security considerations (basically the USSR doing what the USSR did best, disregarding any form of safety and procedures).


I mean if you have faith in being able to completely remove human error when we've never been able to do it before, ok then


At this point, it's not that were against it as a power source, but rather against the bad faith proposals to go nuclear instead of using renewables, which is what a lot of the right wing is trying to do.

Nuclear will take a long time to build and implement, and it's expensive and complicated to develop. We can do it, but it won't be ready any time soon. In the meantime, we have a number of different renewable energy resources that we currently use and continue to develop.

If there was a plan to develop nuclear energy safely and effectively over the long-term, that didn't also involve a pause or reduction in the use and development or renewable energy sources, then I'd be mostly fine with it.


>it's because it's heckin bad faith by chuds

Nuclear was a great option long ago. Renewables just don't make it really a viable option. They're cheaper, easier to put in, can easily be replaced and are improving all the time. Nuclear would've been great for us in the last century, but it's just not worth it nowadays.

Renewables are not and have never been a replacement for the base load generation of Nuclear. If a nuclear reactor produces 1 gigawatt (GW) of electricity. That doesn't mean you can simply replace it with a 1 gigawatt coal or renewable plant, based on the capacity factors, you would need almost two coal or three to four renewable plants (each of 1 GW size) to generate the same amount of electricity onto the grid.

Yes, renewables are a great thing to have...

While we research and perfect nuclear power. Modern technology would make nuclear by far the best option.

The day someone makes a modernized power plant that is nuclear based (and isn't Unga bunga hot water spin big fan) will be the day we never look back

But that is still years away unfortunately

In the meantime - tax the rich and stop their needless flying everywhere

Nuclear power is the safest method of generation through the whole supply chain, how much fricking safer do you want it to be?

There is no current or foreseeable way of directly converting fission to electricity jfc, you need to use a generator. There's radiothermal using thermocouples but it's extremely inefficent and only used for shit like Voyager since it lasts forever. The most modern RTG puts out 125W electrical, 2KW thermal, and costs $109 million.

Taxing the rich for the sake of taxing them doesn't do shit, and the sneeding about flying will never not be funny to me.

Plus the climate is warming and water could become scarce. Why put something in that requires so much water? It's just kicking the can down the road.

Australians are literally children. You can use nuclear plants to desalinate water.

There is also way better renewable technologies coming out.

With fusion energy on the horizon.

Things worth noting is super capacitors, carbon batteries and hydrogen.

Super capacitors last about 45 years and have no degradation and charge in 30 minutes.

They are designed for rapid charge and release of power, perfect for large scale power projects.

Hydrogen plants are popping up now, with green hydrogen in the works (made by using solar or wind)

And carbon batteries plus other types like liquid salt are very close to production.

Then you have energy storage like using mines with shafts to use gravity with weights to create large volumes of electricity as well as stored hydro.

All of the above could be built in under 10 years and has very little to no impact on the planet, compared to nuclear which has masses of questionable contaminates that take millions of years to deal with and can create radioactive lakes and lands from bad weather to earth quakes. It also will take 30 odd years to complete. And fusion is very likely to be running by then.

lol at these Rube Goldberg energy storage solutions. Fusion is not around the corner

With the nuclear restrictions on Australia currently in place. Private enterprise has no real incentive to assess the viability, as it is outlawed anyway so no point.

That means any viability efforts have been done by government and/or their (paid) auditors.

That means the assessments are manipulated to align with party policy.

Public perception is usually aligned with the party whos support base has the loudest voice.

You also have a few outdated opinions concerned about where the waste will be stored.

Given most online presence is dominated by left/labor people. The hate for nuclear is pushed by the people who see it as liberal party policy and a roadblock to the hardline renewables people getting their way.

It's a shame we can't just lift the restrictions and allow a suitable private enterprise to put a legitimate business case together so we can make an informed decision.


Also the "you have to store the waste safely for a million years so when all records are lost nobody wanders in there" b-word if shit goes that far downhill then idgaf what happens.

(-2) Yep, the ban on nuclear technology in Australia cannot be rationally defended. The only argument against nuclear power is that it is too expensive. So why is the entire nuclear industry, except uranium mining, banned? If nuclear power is not economical then there is no need for a ban because no one will build it, but there may be other parts of the supply chain we could create an industry around. Especially as the Russian are under sanction (they produce fuel rods).

But no, we're not a country that does any value adding to the stuff we mine, we just ship it to China and buy back the processed product... Oh, and leverage more residential real estate of course!


Because it is a truly cucked country.

(-1) Have you ever known greens supporters to be rational people?

They can do the business case right now. They won't because everything you just said is bullshit.


Yeah, let's leave it to private enterprise to solve our nuclear management problems.

That's fricking hilarious.



The first thing private enterprise will do is minimise costs to maximise profit. That is their legal obligation to their shareholders.

Let's be very clear here. A nuclear power station's natural state is a massive fricking explosion that wipes out half the continent.

It takes constant, round-the-clock monitoring, maintenance, and strict safety standards to prevent that natural state from occurring.

That effort requires constant funding. There is no room for cutting corners, nor costs.

I don't even trust our Government to handle this. Not a chance I'd trust a private company whose only responsiblity is to shareholders in another country.

Your private school education should have taught you that.

Yeah a corporation's interest is in seeing their CAPeX turn into radioactive ruins.

>A nuclear power station's natural state is a massive fricking explosion

They're just as dumb as the chuds they hate. You have to work to make a fission chain reaction, that was the whole fricking challenge of the Manhattan project.

Kill all redditors.

Because it's too dangerous and the waste is a gigantic, unsolvable problem.

Nuclear waste is just as dangerous as any other part of the nuclear fission process. However:

  • it cannot be destroyed
  • it cannot be used for anything
  • it cannot be safely stored

All previous storage methods like dumping it in the ocean or in abandoned mines are having to be revised, and in some situations, like this documentary I saw, which was about an abandoned salt mine in Germany, I believe, they're having to spend time, money and resources pulling up the "stored" nuclear waste cause it's leaking into the ground. And trying to find some new way of dealing with it.

Nuclear isn't worth the downsides. One Chernobyl should have been enough to tell us that.

Anyone who says nuclear is safe and problem free is a frickwit or a liar deliberately trying to mislead you with false information.

More people die in a year from mining the rare earths for your precious shitlib utopia than ever died in Chernobyl under incompetent slavs.

This is nuts, there downvoting. CSIRO report itself (anti nuclear report) says large scale nuclear would cost 14-23 cents per kWh. That's pretty cheap if I look at my energy bill (even when you add gst)

I can't wait until China finally buckbreaks those budget Angloids

walkcels be seething at bikechads

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