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The sadness of living without s*x | BBC


Robert: I am 61 and still waiting and I am probably too late to start now. I have always been too worried about being laughed at and ridiculed. I finally realised I was unlikely to get anywhere when turned down by a prostitute when in my 30s.

Unhappy Soul: I wish I'd lost my virginity at 37. I'm 54 and still waiting for something I know will never come. About 10 years ago I remember sitting with a group of friends over a drink and the subject came up of losing your virginity and I just fled the room when it came to my turn. One of the others came out to find me and they'd assumed I'd had a bad experience of some kind. It didn't occur to them that I had no experience to recount. All I ever wanted from life was to be a husband and a dad.

Chris: I'm 42, and still a virgin. I get told (often it is turned in to a joke) that I can just go and pay for it. Get it over with. But to me, that lacks any affection, there's no emotional intimacy in it, not even just simple caring. And I would like at least that. I feel like I am different from other people. Excluded. Often made fun of by people who know. To be blunt, sometimes it makes me feel like I must be a monster. I work and do volunteer work as well, go to classes and interest groups, but meeting someone who accepts me, even meeting someone to talk with, just never happens. I just feel extremely alone, and, I guess, forgotten, in this world.

Ikram: I can relate to this story. I am 35 years old and still struggle to talk to girls. I am still a virgin but the difference is lately I have tried to break this barrier and approached a few girls but I always get brutal rejection. I don't know why. And that sends me into another cycle of "No-one wants me," and then I am like, "I am OK... I don't need to have anyone." I blame my ethnicity, my religion and, when all else fails, my weight and my face. It's not easy to be not wanted by anyone.

David: I'm 58 and have never had a girlfriend bar a couple of tentative platonic friendships which never even progressed to hand-holding never mind anything else. In my teens, 20s and 30s it made me thoroughly miserable and incredibly lonely as it didn't seem like an unreasonable thing to want, yet seemed as improbable as winning the lottery. The skills required appear to be something learned in adolescence and if for some reason you don't acquire them, the whole area of relationships becomes an alien world. I sometimes see it as looking into a fish tank.

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About 10 years ago I remember sitting with a group of friends over a drink and the subject came up of losing your virginity and I just fled the room when it came to my turn.


"Hey Pepe when did you lose your virginity?"

:marseyworried!: :marseyworried:


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:marseyaware: :!marseyaware:

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This post rests on native land

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What a virgin behavior. Just man the frick up.

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Its only sad if you let yourself be sad about it.

"People are only as happy as they make their mind up to be."~Abe Lincoln :marseylincolnchad:

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Well those slaves probably should have just decided to be happy then

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thats kinda ehat they did and why they wrote all those hymns. That history is still present today as Blavk people are better at being happy that crackers


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to be fair depressed individuals make fairly bad rebels

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They were until some mayos decided what was good for them

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Unironically yes. Rise above you're mental chains.


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Just Buddhamaxx your way out of it, bro.

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>me watching the nuclear impact this bait has on !incels minds

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this, butt unironically

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These stories are really pathetic though.

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people are only as pathetic as they make their minds up to be

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wasnt :marseyavril3: that neighbor :marseyfrickyou: super :marseyspiderman2: depressed :marseytrickster: though

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Yeah,, butt thats besides the point. The point is that we started an important discussion.

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Yes, but he was naturally cheerful, and achieved his depression through sheer force of will

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I finally realised I was unlikely to get anywhere when turned down by a prostitute when in my 30s.

:marseyxd: :marseylaugh: :marseylaughpoundfist:


Alex: I lost my "virginity" - (a woman loses her virginity, I suggest - a man just has penetrative s*x for the first time, but that's another story) with a prostitute at the age of 47. I can relate to Joseph's account of first-time s*x - far from being fumbling and unsatisfactory it was actually really good.

Holy shit incel. Imagine saying this in a freaking BBC article lmao it is so over for him, have s*x r-slur.

Great article @sneedman there are so many accounts to laugh at. Just have s*x why are they making it such an ordeal?

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Only women lose their virginity, men take virginities. I have seventeen on plaques in my drawing room

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Just have s*x why are they making it such an ordeal?

On some level they probably know that it won't solve all their problems and then they'll feel even worse because they've lost their last hope.

@Redactor0 stand with Israel.

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Just have s*x why are they making it such an ordeal?

Because they're socially r-slurred among other things. On a serious level too. I know plenty of ugly and low confidence dudes that can still manage to get laid. Whether it's fat chicks or prostitutes, they find a way. Although some of these guys aren't actually interested in s*x. Or at least not s*x with women.

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They're putting the kitty on a pedestal.

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I can relate to Joseph's account of first-time s*x - far from being fumbling and unsatisfactory it was actually really good.

He's not wrong about this part, though. My first time I was so drunk my extremities were numb, but I still put in a solid performance. If you're not a loser, your body just knows what to do.

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There was an instance when a friend of mine kept attempting to put a move on me and in order to keep that separation I, knowing that she was allergic to peanuts, began carrying around Snickers bars and making a great show of snacking on them.

based chad repelling licentous harlots with the power of his nuts

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>Getting PTSD from the absence of an experience

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I'm 54 and still waiting for something I know will never come. About 10 years ago I remember sitting with a group of friends over a drink and the subject came up of losing your virginity and I just fled the room when it came to my turn.

Absolutely virgin behaviour :marseyxd:

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Fricking losers imagine not losing your virginity at single digits like hello how ugly a child were you

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:marseyhomofascist: :marseypooner:

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It is thought :marseymindblown: that between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1-3% of the population is asexual, meaning they do not feel any sexual attraction to other people.

No way that is true. 1-3% of the population may be so fricked up hormonly they don't have a libido, but that is because they are fricked up health wise. Its not a sexual orientation.

For years Stacey was puzzled about why she never :marseyitsover: wanted to sleep :marseyhatman: with anyone, even her husband. It was her doctor :marseydose: that told her the truth.

Married woman :marseyfoidretard: doesn't want to have s*x anymore. That isn't asexuality.

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>It was her doctor :marseydose: that told her the truth

thanks doc!


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Yeah, there might be a lot of people who would prefer not too have s*x and everything involved with that, but it doesn't mean they don't want too on some level.

@Redactor0 stand with Israel.

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I mean would you want to have s*x with a fat stinky Redditor foid ?

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It's criminal they didn't post these people's pictures.

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This reads like the weekly /r/menslib mental health thread.

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All these men have one thing in common. They gave up. They couldn't roll with the punches. They let the idea take root and stopped trying.

If your favorite sports team is down 8-0, should they just pack it in? If youre in last place in a race, do you just walk/drive off the track and go home? An army of 10000 men can be beaten by 1000 if they lose their morale and panic sets in. These feelings are an idea that poisons the mind, and at it's worst the football team just goes home, the racer gives up his dream, and armies who have every advantage get slaughtered in a rout.

These men are sick - not with some mental illness or social anxiety but with a lack of resilience. Never say die @sneedman.

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Its only when you stop trying do you really fail.

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I mean hey some people will die virgins no doubt (just like every other age before ours) but this rhumenation and fear kills any chance these guys had. He knew it was over 35 years ago and spent the rest if his life sad about it? come the frick on

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Also how many of them have gone after fat chicks? Like at least get some then shoot for the 10/10 you want :marseyxd:

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good reminder that this is a site of normies and redditors, you could never comprehend

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rdrama dox.

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this is an open incel website, r-slur

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Only the straight ones

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I get told (often it is turned in to a joke) that I can just go and pay for it. Get it over with. But to me, that lacks any affection, there's no emotional intimacy in it

Whoa, that's incel rhetoric! Call the authorities!

:marseycop: :marseycop2: :marcuscop: :marseybongcop: :marseycop3: :marseyblackcop: :marseysoldieramerica:

@Redactor0 stand with Israel against the incel terrorist menace.

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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.



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Frick I love being young and gay :marseyjam:

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I sympathise deeply with Joseph's story of not being touched for 15-20 years. My diet of touch is limited to handshakes and the very occasional hug from friends who are comfortable doing so. I live over 500km from my nearest relative, so family touch is limited to once or twice a year. By this point, I feel like a number of women (possibly most of them!) assume that if I haven't been married by 45, there must be something wrong with me. At times, I wonder that about myself


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