Wholesome Paki family moment

(IM SINDHI-BALOUCH and also I'm not lying. Ma Tang ache wae ahyan haray. People are questioning my truth just because I can write it in good English??! Wtf?! How do you expect me to write?! All of a sudden everything is fake? My pain my trauma? It's fake because my literacy level is higher than yours?! I studied on my own. Used to be locked up in my room. I attended school only for a few days in a year. I learned English through apps and movies alongside the help of my mother and my interest in the language. I had no friends no nothing. Just myself and my family including my lovely father. I wish the moderators would do something. It's triggering trying to prove myself.)

Inshallah sister played well

:marseyniqab: :!marseyclapping:

My stepmother was a xxx worker or something. She un-alived her father using slow poison according to rumors and she was r- aped, but I don't think she was. Because she hung out with that man even after the r-aape. But Allah knows. My father always brings that topic up in their arguments and just gets violent. Then he brings my mother to “listen” and then after he is done arguing and shit-talking about my step-mother to my mother. He starts arguing with my mother. After that fight which happened 4 days ago. My mother now lives in my grandparents house. (we live in a joint house so my dad lives in the other side)


To the issue. My father had s*x with his second wife while we are all sleeping in the same room with my mum, Little Brother 9M, Little sis 11F and my step-brother 4M. We all sleep on the floor whilst my dad sleeps on the bed.

:marseycoomer: :marseyglancing!:

Now,My father is a fraud. He sold lands that weren't even his and he is selling my Biological brother's house. He wasted all of his money on prostitutes and cars.


If I stay with my youngest Phupho 30F then my father will pull cheap stunts to get me back home. And who knows if uncle doesn't want me there, He has said that he doesn't have an issue with me staying here and considers me as his own daughter. He has a second wife aswell and I feel uncomfortable around his second wife's son. I just don't like that mf cause he behaves weirdly. Plus. If I go there then who will take care of my mother. I don't trust my uncle. Cousins or anyone but myself. The men in my family are characterless men who don't even respect their own sisters and daughters. How can I let my mother be with these kind of people?

I stayed their once but I got sent home by one of my family members and not my phupho's husband. When he woke up in the hospital he asked about me, He didn't even know that I left cause he got shot at that time and that's a different story.


The story just keeps getting better kek. Randomly one of her relatives was shot but its a story for another time :marseyteehee:

Well, Islamically your father sounds like an unfit Wali as a faasiq cannot be a wali. Though I'm not sure how well this can be played here considering it's a secular British based legal system. Under the shariah visiting prostitutes would get him stoned (and I doubt anyone in your family would miss him from the sounds of it). Allah knows best with all this jurisprudence stuff but there's no barrier between the oppressed and Allah, so do what you can to get out of this situation and keep praying to Allah that he gets you out of this and keeps you safe.



Spotify threw this at me and I like it. It's giving me nostalgia feelings for something that I can't quite place. Maybe it's just the particular high synth note patterns reminding me of pop music from the late 00s/early 10s.

I also like this one

Yes i thought about the roman empire today :!marseydealwithit:
A philosophical introspection on imageboard coomer posts

Thanks drama report for the find!

They got Tupacs murderer


Where can I buy a sofa like this?
Reminder: Palestinian Lives Matter

Just wanted to remind anyone who forgot

We support Palestinx

:marseypibblelivesmatter: :marseyflagpalestine:

Pakistan terrorists terrorize Keir starmer in England

They're such goblins.

@BWC reddit account discovered


There is none, just come laugh at this brain-melted redditor and his :asianchud: fetishes

:marseyjam: :marseytwerking: :marseysax:
Best Dating App

Hey pollbros,

Just ended it with my previous gf. Still pretty bummed, but I want to get back out there. What's the best dating app that isn't filled with fatties?

Ps5 got jailbroken :marseyhappening: :marseyfsjal:

You can access to debug and a lot of cool shit like play bloodborn on 60fps 4k but I'll wait for ps5 pro till I jailbreak my phat ps5

Stuff ---Groovin' 1976
Friday afternoon drunk thread

Sat on hold for an hour with a state government only to be hung up on immediately so there's not enough booze in the area to make me less angry but I'm trying and the avian is helping. Kind of sad because the bottle is quite pricy but the only tequila in my house and didn't feel like drinking vodka.


Diplomat paraglides over Gaza for ‘Free Palestine,' drawing ire

German diplomat Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, who represented the European Union in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip for the past four years, went paragliding off the coast of Gaza this week to raise awareness for a “Free Palestine,” possibly in violation of Israeli regulations. “The first Gaza paragliding flight in history. What does it tell us?,” the envoy told the Palestinian Authority's Wafa news agency following the event. “You can fly here. You can kayak, you can horse ride, you can swim, you can surf; everything is possible in Gaza. Once you have a free Palestine, a free Gaza, you can do exactly the same thing.”

In response to the terror organization's attempts to misappropriate materials intended for civilian use, Israel has instituted additional restrictions on the import of so-called dual-use items. “Parachutes, windsurfers and model airplanes,” as well as “other flying vessels [that] are not powered by engines,” usually require a special permit to bring into Gaza.

Amid a wave of deadly attacks, Von Burgsdorff seemingly blamed Israel for Arab terrorism. “What do you think a [Palestinian] child who sees the houses of their parents, their brothers and sisters demolished because he or she was a suspected or real terrorist will feel?” he reportedly said at a conference in Jerusalem. “What kind of hatred will burn in this child? What do you think will happen?” During a reception at the PLO headquarters in Ramallah on Sunday, P.A. chief Mahmoud Abbas awarded Von Burgsdorff the “Star of Jerusalem” medal. Abbas specifically lauded Von Burgsdorff's efforts in “supporting the Palestinian people and their just struggle to achieve their freedom and independence,” a statement said.


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