Upmarsey to prove to rdrama that str*ights have NO place here

!gaystapo !lgbt

:marseychudindian: codecels find out about karma :marseyshiva:

!bharatiya WELCOME TO THE CLUB :marseyscoot:

Orange Site discussion

Dutch beach volleyball player who was convicted of r*pe :marseypedobear: is booed before losing first Olympic match

Steven van de Velde, the Dutch beach volleyball player who served time in prison for having s*x with a 12-year-old girl, received a mixture of boos and applause when he was introduced before losing his opening match on Sunday at the Paris Olympics.


Dutch team spokesman John van Vliet said the decision to shelter Van de Velde was made by the national Olympic committee and shared with the International Olympic Committee. Asked if they were protecting a convicted child male feminist, he said: "We are protecting a convicted child male feminist to do his sport as best as possible and for a tournament which he qualified for."


!lgbt !cuteandvalid Why are the straggots at the Dutch Olympic Committee supporting this guy? Don't they have any non-p-do men they could send to the Olympics? Are the IOC trying to normalise this?


!bookworms !kino !ringbearers check this amazing show :#soyjakwow:

OMG! Elrond is just like :#zoomersoy:!



Looks incredible, but looks weren't the first season's problem

:lappschemin:Lappland r*pefic part two :!lappsoy:

Henlo freinds! Here is the second part of my fanfiction of lappland being raped behind a dumpster

!rapists can you please upvote and rate five starts and comment4comment!

It's okay. The love I had faded once we had our fun together. I don't like lying. Dishonesty is just something I can't support. I should've looked a little more, I'd have found your secret. But you can't trust the people you love. You were just wearing a mask, all the greetings and talking about your day wasn't real. The hair, the face, the chest, everything two-faced and a lie. I thought your face was wide open but it was all closed up and hidden so I had to make a scar in it, a mark of where it should've been split.

I was in my car, far part of the lot sitting in the darkness, I was late. Felt sorry. Clients always want specific times so I couldn't help it. Didn't even get to eat. I was famished. Then I saw you.

YOU. Walking outside with a ten gallon bag with the normal sway of your supple and tight hips being suppressed by your struggle, turned into a slow backwards drag of the black mass along the rocky asphalt. I felt anger at an angel from above getting filthy filling a dumpster. Anger seeing your pretty hands handle the sticky residue, anger at how you swing with the full weight of the bag to try getting it airborne.

And God you were in that dark area trying to fit them in the compactor, finally picking them up like an atlas stone of rubbish to the chest and caressing its bottom to get over the edge. I remembered though, the words "Sorry I'm not wanting one" go through my head over and over.

I opened my door and slithered out, slow to close it.

I thought we were similar. You  seemed lonely, never talkative. Even at those little events but I was wrong. Lie after lie after lie. You never told me why either. I can guess, not everyone is a model but it'd be nicer if you were direct. Didn't hide it, just say what you mean. I've dealt with worse.

You didn't notice, I wonder how you would have acted if you saw it coming, would you have smiled? Would it have been genuine or a feign for your discomfort, another mask you slip onto a mask already on a mask. Maybe you weren't so happy because you didn't know it was me at first but seeing me would have made you happy, that you wanted it real bad but were shy and this was a nice place.

Wanting it rough with a push into the compactor and a rag right against your mouth as my other arm felt along your body, tracing with my hand along your elegant thin hips and grabbing along. A bit of the thin thighs, some more of the hip and some playful squeezes of your pert ass.

I heard your groans and little cries as I circled my finger around your inner thigh, drawing circles and shell spirals in its dry sands.

But when I squeezed you down there, grabbing along your crouch I didn't feel any firmness. Nothing. The beach was wet and it was smooth along that mound. You kept squirming and shaking and crying and more while I felt myself go blank.

I was the fool.

You made me so.

I grappled at your belt while you still kept shaking like a wet dog until I managed to free your pants from their constraint and further your panties. White boxer looking ones and I kept until finally your ass glistened under the moon. I could feel the tears of your face mimic my soul as I felt from your stomach down again, the smooth curve and the slight wetness of your slit. You could feel as I moved away from you, I died down quick.

You were a girl.

I said that and you tensed a bit, let the rag a little loose to let you speak. More cries and asking me not to hurt you in little whispers but you danced around it and rubbed me like a kitten for attention.

I gently brought you down as you finally knew your role in our dance.

You have me a burbling yesh and some more streamed tears as you let yourself be gently led down near the metal beast with me atop. My knee was hitting your crouch from how I knelt over you, my arm holding down yours.

But seeing you sprawled around, your legs moving and shifting under my weight as they still refused to concede, wrapping around and loosening my legs like you were trying to simultaneously pull me in and flee. I pinned you with just one arm and used the other to prepare us both. It wasn't long, they were quick thrusts and I felt your wet, sticky face with that hand, trying to caress your cheek. Your little cries turned to silence by the end of the first minute. After the tenth you looked sort of dead, at least inside, eyes halfway open looking glazy like a doped fish, puffy from the tears. I didn't see the need to bring protection with me since normally I don't need them, you're not my type. This real you isn't my type, at least. You're so thin with your ribs sticking out that I thought I could see it poke from the stomach. Being that thin means it should be safe for you. I overheard that it makes your type have period issues. I think it's safe. You never leave home now so I don't know. I started to get up, leaving, letting you hit the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur.

I wuz writing the second part and learn that Lappland is NOT BOY :marseyglassesshock: :!marseyglassesshock: :marseyglassesshock: :!marseyglassesshock:

and i dont want to write GIRL rape but I NEED TO FINISH :!marseycumplosion:

I thought maybe I have Lappland get her head beaten in with rock and disfigyured and bleeding :!sikhspanking:

but its called rape not justice

so i made it quikc. it be more epic but you are not a man

dis is in lit because lit cause this is pretty skibidi lit

why is the words purple WTF

Weekly What are you watching thread #4

Inb4 Deadpool and Wolverine :deadpool:


@Aevann please pin :marseybegging:

Orchid mantis-chan


like bro I get it the bureaucratic machine of state is an enormous terrifying apparatus that forces you to go to school and facilitates the capitalistic exploitation of human resources

but they will turn the ovens on and that's just objectively bad.

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-07-28 :marseyminer:

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