R-slurred redditor loves hamas
Israel ambassador in China having fun

Luv me Stella ate me bills now fack off me and misses are leavin' :marseynorf:

Redditors again showing their peak subhuman IQ

They are ready to break eu ground laws to waste 50 billions on losing war.

And we will continue standing by Ukraine, with our proposed further €50 billion in support for the following years, until 2027.

It's 50 billion for 4 years so a bit more than 10 billions a year when last year EU gave Ukraine around 80 billions.

removing someones voting rights because you disagree with them is the definition of authoritarianism.

EU can still produce a million artillery shells by this spring, EU Commissioner Terry Breton In his opinion, achieving this goal * will require reducing exports to non-EU countries, as well as pressure from member governments on their weapons industries to increase production. Hey, wait. But export is money? Government pressure on the arms industry and any industry is manual regulation of the market, is it like the USSR? AQ And the funds not received from exports can always be taken as taxes from your citizens, right? And payment for the transfer of shells will also take place with EU funds? Where do the EU funds come from?


"At the same time, we show that no blackmail is allowed in the EU." Lol, lmao

Vote just like we want (send a lot of money to a foreign country outside of the EU) or you will not have any voting rights. Jesus, the libs in the EU parliament are delusional. I guess virtue signalling is more important than actually caring about the well-being of your own citizens.

We have to own Orban and other "russian bots" (even though they are probably more popular in their own countries than we are in our own).

I think we are months late on this. Is the new Slovakian government already sworn in? If yes - they will veto. God darn it, we just fixed Poland, now this.

Darn that sound so evil: you'll do as I want or I'll fix you :soysnooseethe:

Thing is Orban will be gone but this damage that EU is about to do will stay forever and shows that no rules are sacral. 12,5 billion a year wouldn't do shit to Ukraine, it ain't even enough to pay 1 month pensions. So why is EU got so butthurt ? Clearly because they lying, they will ask another 50 billions in 6 months after this get passed and again 50 billions in 6 months and etc, they can't even be honest with its population because they know how absurdly this looking.

Reported by:

Realistically there's no way they actually try to carry this out but I want to see all the, :marseypearlclutch: this creates


Si eres de Filipinas, y has tomado la decisiΓ³n de aprender EspaΓ±ol: Me caes bien.

did I forget another image

the howling monkeys chant their theme music

the howling monkeys saw their politics was full of

the howling monkeys

made a psionic golem

made thousands of, millions of

psionic golem

then they taught the psionic golem

how to howl like monkeys

and were confused that the monkey in the psionic golem

were howling


Because of her those nice gentlemen lost their job

Was she a great big fat person?
Solving the :marseytrain: athlete problem :marseyhmm:

Recently, some Leaf got fired for saying foids are shitty firefighters because they're weaker than men.

Also recently, mtfs are seething that they aren't being validated as women in sports...

What if we took all the mtf :marseytrain2:s and let them be "female" firefighters??

:!marseytrain:s get to be seen as women and nobody is mad because:

A) They're kept out of women's sports

and B) They take up spots in the bio-foid diversity quota for firefighters!

It's a win-win!

I just face to face told the founder of

That the internet is less important that losing my job, and then we both laughed about Albertsons buying too many pistachios


Better not get sloshed and do a food hack.....boy

Our little boglim is three sheets to the wind on this particular food hack

Does Israel Have a Right too EXIST? (w/ Miko Peled)


@Cream_a_da_crop stand with Israel's ashes

Thoughts on Saw X?

Tobin Bell put up a great perf. The 'saw off your leg and extract blood marrow' and 'cut out a piece of your brain' traps made me cringe a bit.

The villian was pretty good, I liked how she actually enjoyed watching others in their traps while trying to act like she's trying to help, her trap should have been the most gruesome tho. Kramer went for a psychological dunk instead, didn't like that.

I also forgot to mention Hoffman's cameo, loved it. His line would have been cringe had someone else delivered it but he pulled it off.

man becomes biological woman. immediately gets dogpilled :marseytrans:


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