u may not b gay, but they gonna make ur skelton take it in the butt for show anyway
Billions must Dance

The most highly motivated fighters volunteered early. Those who haven't been killed or wounded often say they are exhausted. Ukraine now relies on the draft—and sometimes on rounding up men—to replenish the ranks. Meanwhile, Russia can draw on a much larger population to replace its own heavy losses.

Russia is literally giving citizenship to stances for joining army and still riding prison population yet we have to believe Ukraine has a 10+ KD and now mobilising women because of their succes

“The quality of the replacements is not good. They're rural guys aged 43 to 50, sometimes with health problems,” said an experienced infantryman fighting near Avdiivka.

Tired fighters note bitterly that when they go on leave in big cities such as Kyiv or Dnipro, they see able-bodied men in their 20s and 30s frequenting gyms, bars and hip restaurants

That's why I was pro that Russian just turn Kiev into dust, it would had ended the war a lot sooner and with less dead's. But as human are low IQ they would start crying oh now Kievcels are getting hurt it's terrible and not only in the west but also in Russia because human just have more sympathy with capitalcels (not case for US since NY, Lost Angeles and many other cities culturally social more important than Washington DC) but reality is such capitals as Kiev, London, Moscow and etc are living on hard work of villagers and other regions so objectively a some cel from Assovgrad village who is working from 4am till 6pm every day and gets 100 buxxs a month is more valuable than some cutie twink lawyer from Kiev that does nothing and earns 10000 buxx a month.

“Sad news from the front is discouraging citizens from joining,” said Dobro, the drone operator. Ukrainian army commanders who use costly Soviet-style tactics of frontal assaults are adding to people's fear of being drafted, he said. “Now people realize that if you want to live to see the end of the war, you shouldn't go to the infantry.”

This year Ukraine was purely using nato strategy and it started when they replaced the old brigade in Soledar with one who was prepared by U.K.

This year proven their is no one ultimate strategy

Earlier this year, a 30-year-old architect from Odesa paid a bribe of about $7,600, more than half of his savings, to a doctor for a medical certificate exempting him from the draft. He then packed his possessions into his car and drove across the border into Moldova. “I'm supportive of Ukraine. It's a great country, with great people,” he said. “But I don't want to die.”

Country not corrupt between

The biggest corruption problem is at draft offices. Reports of officials taking bribes to let men off became so widespread that Zelensky fired all 24 of the country's regional recruitment chiefs in August. But the government has yet to announce a more thorough overhaul of recruitment, despite months of talking about the need for changes.

The Defense Ministry's ideas for reforms include hiring private-sector recruitment firms, creating a national digital registry of fighting-age men to make the draft more transparent and evasion harder, registering women too, and letting people apply directly for armed-forces jobs that suit their skills and qualifications.

Will this reduce corruption ? :surejan:

Now the “private-sector” is doing racket like you can hire them to attack your business enemies like they will go to your enemy and do a mobilisation so there is war of GYM's in Ukraine now since men are afraid to go to gyms where there is chance that the get mobilised, all the non poor gyms trying to get the protection.

Just like how Smith told about invisible had will always fix l'economy :marseyxd:

The large number of draftees in their 40s has raised eyebrows among allied Western countries that are helping to train them. “Ukraine has taken a conscious decision to mobilize more mature people for conflict,” Gen. Patrick Sanders, chief of the British Army, told the U.K. Parliament recently. “They are protecting their young men and women for the sake of the future of the economy,” he said.

Country average men age 44, the first wave of mobilisation was from 27 year old so all the younger had opportunities to run away and Ukraine don't get a lot of new 18 year old since any parent with a child that was 16-17 year old in 2022 is a r-slur if he didn't moved that child away from Ukraine. So thinking Ukrainian average age of soldiers will ever go down is naive.


@HailVictory1776 stand with Israel

First hot Palestinian girl I seen

Disclaimer: I didn't listened to what she said I didn't unmuted the video

You vill eat zee bugs, live in zee pod, and take zee dogpill
Dramapilled Brazilian song :marseyflagbrazil::marseychefkiss:


Got my first male simp. Can someone contact that wpd kitty chick so she can give me advice how to get him to send me money?
Selfie :3 (Yes this is the real me, AMA!!)

This is a picture taken of me right after I was elected as the 47th president of the United States of America.

Reported by:
  • Trailer : dusty alcoholic queen screams into the void, round 879
  • Garry_Chess : This is a drunk thread. Bitching into the void is 99% of the purpose
  • Holly_Jolly_Kong : Peepee
Saturday night drunk thread

Got back from dinner and should've listened when the waitress warned me about how strong the drinks were but thankfully it's Saturday night so I don't give a frick given the only thing I need to do is review a few papers on m(6)A which I'm pretty sure doesn't matter since nobody has told me anything on why I need to do it.


Are Jews really Jews, let's find out!
R/unitedkindom discusses total pibble death 2023

Apparently people would rather just have them injected instead of muzzle trained.

Can we do slow drivers in Boston next?

It's almost election year again! Instead of Summer of Love it's Winter of :marseytunaktunak: :sikhspanking:

Who's going to politicize this first

required reading
:t::z::d: bros :marseyhappening:
Guys, is @gigachad_brony neurodivergent ( symptoms inside )

So today on @gigachad_brony's morning walk @gigachad_brony was feeling amused thinking about how there is the neurodivergent kid stereotype about knowing way too much about trains ( the actual mechanical ones ).

Then @gigachad_brony remembered that @gigachad_brony have mid level knowledge of 40k lore, halo lore (all the way too the forerunner saga), resident evil timeline, DnD lore ( limited ), Isaac Asimov foundation series knowledge, Dune series knowledge (never read), Aliens universe lore (attack on Earth video series on youtube), up too date on one punch man, star wars extended universe lore (limited), follow the current X-men comics, real world geopolitics ( real world background lore ), Destiny lore, and remember tracking the fortnite lore as well at one point in time.

@gigachad_brony thought @gigachad_brony was normal because @gigachad_brony didn't follow trains, or plan too become a train, and is not good with computers right now, also don't follow star trek.

Dramabros is @gigachad_brony normal or is @gigachad_brony neurodivergent?

Israeli lives matter

Think like a doctor # Why can't patients just follow a simple treatment regimen

This is pretty old news but last Monday I got called by a patient that never showed up to transfusion and had the gall to call me yesterday. It's a clear case of MDS-EB so go fricking see your oncologist and get a blood transplant. I last saw her 2 years ago. I can review her EMR but we're at the point where I can just give a referral. The frick is she expecting since I'm not even listed on the sites page anymore


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