:marseyfacepeel::marseydespair: Gore threads [creepypasta] :marseyscared::marsey4chan:

Gore threads are fricked up, right? You'll be scrolling through an image board and, BAM! Some picture of a dead baby with it guts hanging out catches your eye. It's like a car crash. You just have to look. Most of the time, it's the same recycled pictures, and you rarely see something new. I almost regret ever wanting to see new stuff. Actually, I regret ever getting interested in those threads.

It was late afternoon, and I was scrolling through /b/. Same old threads page after page. When I got to page six, a gore thread caught my eye. I'd seen most of the pictures before, but then some one with the tripcode, "Xethos" posted a really fricked up image of a man with both his eyes ripped out, half his nose gone and his head bashed in. Two other namefricks started begging the guy to post more. He posted about fifteen more images, the next one being gorier than the last.

I replied to last picture he posted asking what site they were from. He replied with another image. I looked for a timestamp or a watermark, but there was none. Six or seven anonymous posters asked for more. He replied with more pictures. The same two namefrick who had asked for more were for the first time getting curious too, asking if he had done this himself. He replied to the first namefrick (I think his name was "Shanedaplayr" or something) with another image of a man face down on a desk with his skull bashed in. Shanedaplayr didn't post in that thread again, didn't beg for more. I thought at first he was offline. Then, I looked closely at the picture.

There was a laptop beside the man. On the screen was the same gore thread. I looked at all the other images Xethos had posted. The people in them were lying dead either on a desk, bed, or couch, with a computer or laptop beside them showing the thread. I pointed this out, and got a good few replies. I was freaked out now. What if I was next? Some anonymous poster said that we should notify the police because "Shit just got real". Xethos replied this time with a picture of a woman with her lips ripped off and her teeth smashed. Next to her was an Android with the thread on it.

Everyone started making guesses on who the dead people were. Then someone said what I had dreaded. These were the people who had begged for more. But this can't have been one person. /b/ is worldwide. Part of me wanted this see how this ended. Another part of me wanted to beg for more pictures myself. But a big part of me wanted to leave. I knew staying in that thread was trouble. So why did I stay? I didn't stay that long. Just long enough to see some under aged kid get his head half cut off his neck for suggesting that the thread be archived.

I left after that. I didn't sleep that night in fear I'd be Xethos' next victim. I went to check if the thread was there the next day. It had probably 404'd because I couldn't find it. I don't participate in gore threads anymore. Xethos doesn't seem to either, but I can't take the risk. I don't want to be the next picture that has people begging for more.




would it be possible to get @Impassionata3's password reset?

Homeless vs pit bulls here in the raq

Trans lives matter

Yoko Taro letter

Please tell us your hopes for 2024, or a message to 4G*mer readers.

Yoko Taro: When I was young, I talked to my male friends, and he started talking about how β€˜seducing women was simple'. Of course, I wondered what he meant, and asked, β€œHow?!” And he told me to just pass them a letter. I said, β€œThere's no way such a simple technique will work that well.” β€œThen just try again. Keep repeating that.” His logic was that, even if the success rate was 1%, if you repeated it 100 times, you'd get closer to 100%, and that it was just a numbers game. Huh, I thought.

Actually, I had a few things to promote in this section. Not games, but other projects that have been announced.

But I couldn't get into the mood to do so. Looking back at 2023, the world has been cruel, hasn't it? The Ukraine war isn't even over, and yet a new war in Gaza tore out. According to UNICEF, over 5,300 children have died over 46 days. I'm the twisted sort who is skeptical about everything. So if UNICEF, if they really lied about the figures by multiplying the numbers by 10… that's still 530 people. Even at 1/10th. Heck, 50, or even 5. There's no way those deaths are a good thing.

So I watched this sort of news every day, thinking, β€œWow, this sucks. But a game creator like me can't do anything about it.” Like I wrote above, I like kids. I cry, watching the news. But I can't do anything, so no matter if I laugh or cry, it's meaningless.

What I think is that I probably will never be able to think of a way to solve this problem in my entire life. I don't have that power. I can only discuss the issue like I'm knowledgeable about it, look for reasons I can't do anything about it, and watch from afar like it's not my business. Still, I look around everyday if there's any way to solve it. Despite faintly thinking that it's useless.

So I go back to my first anecdote about wooing girls. In this powerless reality, I thought, how about swapping it into a probability problem? I may be powerless, but I have a way to increase the percentage. If it weren't me, and someone in another position with the power to help, maybe they will come up with an idea.

It says here to write β€˜a message to 4G*mer readers', so there must be people reading this. I don't know how many, but there definitely are. Try think for one minute how to save those children. Put all your effort in just thinking for one minute. I'm being very serious. Think of any possibilities without giving up from the start. 100 readers mean 100 minutes, and 1,000 readers mean 1,000 minutes. And then maybe someone will think of a great idea. Perhaps I, out of those 1,000, will be the one.

That's what I thought of today

Frick scammers

@IamGod love sucking peepee

So @IamGod was already sleeping and @IamGod get a sms

β€œ uw jaarafrekening is gereed” (your annual statement is ready) and a shady link like bitсh at 2 is that's exactly the shit @IamGod need.

And yesterday some fuсk created a group sms chat at 5 is with @IamGod and wrote this

β€œRemote worker wanted for world hotel tourist attraction, available too work remotely for 30-50 mins per day, 22+, clear thinker, easy job, assessment and booking only, €100-700 per day, paid same day, employer Whatsapp:”

In the past they called and did that shit during day and now they doing this at middle of night on weekends :marseyraging:

Pacman supports India

Scottish officials approve UK's first drug consumption room intended for safer use of illegal drugs

Scottish authorities on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023 approved a 2.3 million-pound ($2.8 million) pound drug consumption room, the first government-backed place in the U.K. where users can take illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroine under the supervision of medical staff. Local officials in the Scottish city of Glasgow on Wednesday approved the facility, which had long been delayed by political disagreements.

There's something left out of the Bible and misunderstood.

More related to Easter than Christmas, but yeshua didn't "die for our sins"

He orchestrated his own crucification to prove the point that he couldn't be killed.

He said if you live like I said you can't die

Milkman - Aphex Twin


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Neighbor us like 60

Love any excuse to bump this Holiday Classic
Why is Napoleon being played by a mayo? Is Ridley Scott a chud?
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