F U Rocky Top

I WILL repost this everytime rockytop gets their asses kicked.

Wednesday Night Buzzed Thread

Well, I can finally drink again, so I'm enjoying a couple evenings of booze. My shoulder is mostly better and I'm getting my muscle back. My new band sucks, the drummer might be leaving us, and the singer didn't show up to practice tonight.

On the other hand, the neighbor's pretty college freshman daughter was friendly earlier.

How are your evenings, drunkonauts?

Wind turbines at home? Based bong pontificates :marseythebuilder:
Merck Manual is absolute shit which sucks because it was a very trusted publication.

This is the second time their Pearl of the day fricked up an overview.

Today is hemophilia and while the Factor XIII, IX and VFW are correct, it's far too basic of an understanding

New Lawlz post
Can't believe falsehoods about CTC is still around : ChannelAwesome
Joeyy - From



Real Estate brokers pocket up to 6% in fees.


I think this is something a lot of rightoid types don't really understand. You know the kind, the neurodivergent or at least neurodivergent-adjacent people who get all confused by the QAnon shaman into misunderstanding the nature of insurrection.

The human social forces are basically composed of a lot of legacy code. You may have heard some of it described as 'patriarchy.' The basic idea is that underneath it all, we're just primates who follow the instructions of the patriarch.

When patriarchs duel, they duel to the death.

All of the morons who had some difficulty understanding why leftists cried out about muh norms and policies as Trump forced our country into ruinous descent by sheer barbaric boomer drivel, well, they seem to me to be the kind of people (neurodivergents) for whom norms and policies are an elaborate fiction wrought by normie minds.

Well, yes.

Because the fictions obscures and replaces something far more barbaric and savage. It's not very far underneath the surface, the violence between primates. Primal primate violence.

And I actually tend to think that neurodivergents are especially predisposed to buying the narrative of state (not just what the state says, but that the state can say it). After all, the state says that if you follow rules and get good grades, you're a goodthink and you get rewarded for your goodthink.

The problem with buying the narrative of state is that you get confused when the narrative of state is confusing. This difficulty telling the difference between meaningfully true fiction and spurious idiotic fiction is another major political dysfunction of our online politics.

And I don't know why I recircle, I don't know why I rewrite. It's just that the more people saying it, the better off we will be.

It's not complicated. A patriarch grunted and the mob struck the symbolic building. This is a second narrative of state, which is now engaged in a duel to the death.

The natural consequence of this is that the losing patriarch and all of its family are killed. That's the old way.

But whatever, you think a goofy mug shot is winning. Fricking shithead dipshits. The mug shot is proof that they can kill him any time they want.

The new way is justice: his crimes are documented, and he is punished by spending the rest of his life in prison. After Nixon we won't make the same mistake twice. If he's pardoned I doubt very much he escapes assassination by some rando crazy.

But look at the numbers. 70% of people want an age limit. Apparently almost '2 in 3' think Trump is guilty. The civil war would be brutally short.

The only reason the nazis marching in Florida ('it's only 40 people lmao way to overreact to fascism' shut up you're neurodivergent) weren't gunned down is because the leftists and moderates have trigger discipline. The only reason Trump's family is alive, for now, is we still have time for the system to chew up this boomer obstacle.

If you're still confused about any of this...

Give up the boomer bumble.


trans lives matter


Record and report tyranny everywhere

Abrovinch - As the flies grow

They really had high hopes for 2023

But now they coping about 2024 being the year they are going to win but with 2023 they had some arguments behind it like all those countless game changers #freeleopards

But in 2024 their is light in the end of tunnel but I don't think it's the light they want.

So it's sad that those politicians keep lying like this to their civilians just to save their asses because Zelenskyy will be a dead man if he lose this conflict so he is ready to sacrifice last Ukrainian just to save his bussy.

Weekly Vampire Contest #7: Vote for the winners :marseyvampirecrusader:

I forgot to post this on Friday lol but here it is !vampires Vote for the following posts to decide our winners. Posts made over the weekend are eligible for next Friday's contest along with anything posted this week.

The mayos are appropriating sexy Indian dude customs.
I just got rejected from Hudson River Trading.

Kinda peeved, interview was cool and the job looked exciting plus mega $$$$$$$$$$

wish me luck for JS pls ty

Bardfinn song (work in progress)

Get Back by the Beatles

Bardfinn was a man who thought he was a woman

But he knew it couldn't last

Bardfinn beat his wife in Dallas County, Texas

Now he needs to touch some grass

Get banned, Get banned,

Get banned by reddit power mods

@_____ passed @_____'s French exams

Feel so relaxed now, won't need to frick with la le shit. :marseymonk:

And that teacher who legit lives is la la land, she told so many times โ€œParisian do Xโ€ in such manners that they are superior to everyone. Oh Parisian love to hanging in their balcony and drinking coffee and pronounce some word in this manner :marseyfrenchitsover2:

German at least sound cool โ€œDer die dasโ€ it has such clear pronunciation. But what's interesting black bipocs manage to sound like black bipocs in every language :marseyhmmm:

Anyway @_____ is thankful too the teacher for letting @_____ pass

@_____ stand with Ukraine

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