Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-23

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

06/10/23 21:27:45 with a score of -1:

While it's probably true that many employees knew that they were changing access terms for the Reddit API as of 40 days ago, it's also very true that many of those changes have plausible business cases for why they're necessary. Reddit can / has / will likely continue to justify that less than 2% of moderation activity was done via modqueues through third party apps.

What they cannot weasel away from is that they were simultaneously running usage experiments that blocked logged-in users — including moderators — from accessing their login sessions via mobile browser,

Because that's an admin saying flatly exactly that they were running an experiment to do just that

Bard spotting on Bluesky 25 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

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Accvrate vnbothered gem about digital music
:marseylolcow: [tardcore] INFECTIOUS JELQING - ROKE UP IN THE WRONG HOOD :marseyheavymetal:

trash death metal zoomer band that does daniel larson and cyrax samples

The Mr Beast Response

There's no set of Biblical rules about sexual technique within marriage. There is the Song of Solomon, crammed with imaginative Iron-age metaphor, which at least doesn't sound kink-unfriendly.


Shadman drama hits the Smiling Friends community


Pls Sars give bob

"Yes We Can" in r/AntiTrumpAlliance

!petitelovers it do be like this :marseygeisha:


I'm posting the extended outro version because the only upload I can find of the album version (6 minutes) is dogshit quality and the official upload/music video is a chopped up radio edit (3 minutes)

The music video is peak edgy and worth watching for that reason tho

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  • TheRealVinDiesel : Tfw they ask who made your fursuit but you aren't wearing one
  • TheOverSeether : Your profile song is :marseydisgust:, but I'm glad you had fun. :marseyembrace:
  • Marco : You and @FishyMan420 should keep yourselves safe
furry conventions are fun and you should go to them

i was not sober for 3 days straight and got to hug dozens of adorable fursuits and some of the dj sets were actually really good


Dirt savages coping that they fricked around and found out

:marseymexican: :marseydrunk: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseymexican:

The mayor of Tequila, Alfonso Magallanes, shared a post on his Facebook page urging residents not to approach the factory due to the ongoing situation.

Jalisco state is the largest producer of agave, the key ingredient in tequila, generating nearly 75% of the nation's annual crop. The town of Tequila, which gives the liquor its name, is a center for tourism, receiving an average of more than one million visitors annually from Mexico and abroad, according to data from the mayor's office.

In February, Mexico's Chamber of Deputies approved a law to change National Tequila Day from the third Saturday of March to July 24, to coincide with the same date celebrated in the United States, its northern neighbor and largest trading partner.

The US is the largest market for Mexican tequila exports. Adjusted for inflation, between 2014 and 2019, tequila imports increased from $1.1 billion to $4.9 billion, according to 2023 figures from the US Department of Agriculture.

Global political system of the future.

Culture always spreads from a capital to the rest of the world.

The same applies to political ideology.

In the 21st century monarchies got replaced and the number of monarchies continues to go down decade on decade. Similarly the number of communist nation states keeps going down as well, and the current day communist states appear to be communist more in name than activities.

Capitalism has continued to make inroads into the rest of the world.

Global liberal ideology has made far more progress across the world than any conservative ideology. One may argue that conservatism is coming back right now, but the modern day conservatism is more akin to liberal ideology 20 years ago.

In the western world, we see the strongest influences of American ideology everywhere, for example, even patriotic nationalistic nation states like France have embraced trans rights which were a personal project of the US.

For all intents and purposes, all western nation states are American colonies, as none of them have been able to successfully develop and export a unique cultural identity for decades now.

In the year 2024 westernization had reached as far as Ukraine, if Russia collapses into multiple states, we can expect westernization in the next generation to reach even further into Russia territories over time.

The heads of the Mexican cartels are getting extradited to the US more frequently now, it is likely that within this generation the Mexican cartel issue is going to be resolved.

The developed west does not claim South America and just takes immigrants from the region.

The developed west primarily claims all the global white populations, and the whitest populations from the rest of the world.


The future holds the westernization of East Asia including China in the decades ahead as the Chinese grow rich and they have nothing to spend their extra resources on with their current Chinese ideology.

Europe gets the easier task of westernizing Eastern Europe and Russia proper.

Authoritarian Oligarchy will fail Russia and see it replaced with democracy in the next generation.

Western ideological expansionism never stopped, only slowed down.

For every piece of influence the west loses in another continent, they gain some more influence right next door.

Example- Russian occupied Ukraine is lost, in turn Europe gets the rest of Ukraine along with Israel getting all of Palestine.


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