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Worst case of toxoplasmosis Iโve ever seen. Sheโs developing whiskers pic.twitter.com/NVLFt8ZFsm
— รtheric (@3TH3RIC) February 17, 2025
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in its time as one of the deadest( but best) esports of all time, competitive tf2 has had numerous dramas, some funnier than others. most of these are libertarian drama. one notable one occurred back in 2016
Grant "B4nny" Vincent is the most successful competitive tf2 player of all time, having at least 30 tournament wins, 4 international tournament wins and numerous other meaningless trophies for his collection since 2008, racking up over 28,000 hours in the game. (no seriously) He is notable for being perhaps the only tf2 player to have made a career from streaming and for his enormous ego, creating numerous moments of hilarity.
(there will be more.)
one of b4nny's most redeeming traits (at least in the past) remains his penchant for tweeting.
his tweet game was so prolific that there is a 15 page thread on the main competitive tf2 forum compiling people's favorites
some of these have caused immense seethe.
some of my favourites include:
(ok, this one is pretty funny, hes making fun of someone for not going to lan because of school or something lol)
despite his mastermind X antics b4nny has had a rough relationship with the community through the years.
initially starting off well liked, something seemed to snap in b4nny's heart, turning it cold.
maybe this was when he got cucked by his teammate and continued to play with him after finding out because he loves winning that much. Maybe it was his own teammate leaving mid-playoffs match due to him insisting on swapping the team's roles around for some reason, causing his team to get upset, get 3rd place (up to this point b4nny hadnt been either 1st or second in the top division for 4 years!) and disband immediately after. This also happened again like 7 years later but thats a different story.
B4nny immediately rebuilt his team with new up and coming players (including some who would go on to play in theoverwatch league (lolll)
all was well in b4nny's camp. He had recently met his funding goal to attend the 2016 international lan hosted in some shithole in england idk lol
one fateful day, b4nny decided to beat his liver and stream drunk. Clearly intoxicated, b4nny streamed on. meanwhile an up and coming top european player by the name of thalash decided to do some trolling by insinuating that b4nny was getting carried by his now ex-teammate who had cucked him
in the past. B4nny's ego, already more inflated than the hindenburg (RIp crodies) reached nuclear meltdown levels. how dare a player who has never gone to LAN talk down on me like this!
b4nny also has a bizarre half-joking hatred for european players, berating their playstyle constantly for being slow and boring (true)
these factors lead to b4nny going on a legendary drunken tangent raving about europeans, accolades and how thalash is the equivalent of what someone might call a plumber or taxi driver driver in the UFC.
the most notable part of this autism fueled rant is b4nny's legendary statement that he requests his new found foe utter when he loses to him on lan(0:33 seconds in video 1 :) )
im sorry im not good i apologize for my ego please forgive me, im just europeean.
uh oh!
this sparks huge drama in the community, with some pointing out that thalash was provoking an obviously deathly drunk b4nny while others laughed at his ego about an already small esport.
august 26, 2016
b4nny has arrived in europe with his team to smite the europeeans once and for all.
at his sexiest, he is ready to take the win and prove why blumpfkenstiltskin needs to stop giving aid to twink european panhandlers.
can you guess what happens?
b4nny loses, becoming a laughing stock and likely killing some hobo in retaliation (he lived in la).
b4nny later returns to his uncrushable winning ways, winning every single major tournament in NA until 2021 and eventually getting his getback on thalash in 2018 and 2019 at lan, one being in NA one being in ingerland.
b4nny still plays to this day. i think despite his insufferable ego, its quite impressive hes been able to dedicate himself to this without roping or moving on to another esport. hes clearly a talented team leader and team builder.
ill probably never post again on this site but theres so much funny drama from this esport holy shit lol
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It doesn't sound like such a bad idea, being out in nature rather than being locked up in a psych ward. IDK why libsharts are freaking out so much over it? It literally sounds like some hippy green tree hugger stuff that they usually love.
- DickButtKiss : Whose your favorite million dollar BIPOC?? - trans lives matter
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Happy Superbowl. I hope your team wins. pic.twitter.com/eqWo99K02D
— Josh (@XJosh) February 10, 2025
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Canadian here. Not sure if this is PreperIntel worthy but just reporting something I've honestly never seen in my life. Canadians woke up today feeling super patriotic. And super pissed. Not that we aren't usually patriotic but we aren't a bunch of flag wavers. It's more a quiet patriotism we keep to ourselves. And we are generally a polite and reserved bunch in general.
Not today. Holy... the mood in Canada is ... PISSED.
Most of the anger is aimed at your current head of state but also at your country as a whole. Not so much individual Americans. You will be perfectly safe traveling through Canada or visiting. But there is outright anger directed at any product with a "Made in the USA" flag. Every store in Canada is going around with maple leaf stickers marking the "Made in Canada" products. Consumer boycotts are springing up organically across the country. The talk is really sort of ... ugly.
I get the sense there has been significant damage done to the US Brand in Canada. And I don't think it's confined to Canada. I have friends in the UK who say the same. They are also just frankly pissed beyond all reason. I expect it's the same across Europe.
Hopefully it dies down. It's absolutely non-productive and unCanadian. America and Canada have been ride or die BFF's for a century or more. I live in Arizona 1/2 time and I love LOVE it here. I have yet to personally meet an American I didn't genuinely like. You are good people. You do not deserve any of this.
Unless of course you voted for this. In which case... hope you get everything you voted for and then some.
also RIP to /r/prepperintel, it has turned into just another 'Drumf le bad' subreddit
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Whenever humans want to pass judgement on their quality of life, they look to their left and right, to the people above and below them, to their children's generation and how much better their live would be than their own. However, all these people fail to look in the direction that matters, which is backwards at the hellscape that they have developed and been born beyond.
90% of humans in the world will never know what missing a meal because you have no money feels like.
For the average human alive today, they are not expected to work till the age of 18, surviving on free gibs for the first 18 years, and expect to retire by 65, which gives the average person 7 more years of not having to worry about working every day to stay alive. In total for 25 years out of 72 years of existence, the average human doesn't have to work to keep themselves alive. 33% of their lives spent just chilling, and even in the working ages, they get two days out of the seven days of the week off. Which is 13.42 additional years of time spent not working. That is a total of 38.42 years of a persons life, or more than 50% of a persons life where they are not working through a day to support themselves, and we aren't even including the vacation time here.
Meanwhile, we look at the animal kingdom, and you are lucky if half your progeny survive to adulthood. You drink dirty water and raw food that shortens your lifespan to a few decades at most, generally 20-30 years time if you are very lucky. Every day is a struggle. Energy needs to be conserved 24/7. You are either acquiring short term resources until those run out and you have to hunt or scavenge again, or you are resting and conserving energy for the next hunt or scavenging mission. You do not have the time, intelligence, or resources to make things better, to make things easier. You simply are born into the life you will live and you die with nothing changing for those that will come after you.
It is only in the human realm that the worst deal you can get is that 10 years down the line things will be better. Even in your worst case scenario, quality of life moves from complete shit to slightly less shit, and your kid will always grow up with a slightly better shirt than you did, even in the worst scenarios, for 90-99% of mankind.
Yet all we hear day in and day out is how bad life is. How meaningless existence is. How everybody is being taken advantage of every single step of the way. How there is nothing worth working for.
All of it is bullshit. The whining of manchildren who cannot appreciate how good they have it, because they can only compare their life to their neighbors and their betters, and live every day insecure in the knowledge that somebody better exists out there.
That is why the west so often relies on foreign labor and immigrants now, because the third worlder is the last group of humans left who can appreciate living in the developed society enough to agree to "suffering" through the lesser paradise where things will still continue to keep getting better for his children over time.
Meanwhile the average westoid is resentful of the best quality of life provided to him on the planet, where because of cost disease, he can flip burgers and still get paid 10x more than another person putting in the same skills and twice the effort in the third world. Providing the westoid with a far better quality of life. Is he grateful for it though? No. Never. Because all he knows is that there are people better than him on the planet. Incapable of embracing a utopia even when he was born into it, because he didn't get the throne.
This is the true tragedy of the modern times. A people living as the superior species on the planet with things getting better forever, but instead of finding joy and optimism in this stability, they only find a lifelong insecurity, forever left feeling like they can never be enough.
That is the tragedy of the developed world. An entire society drowning in the mental illness of lifelong insecurity, and it will be the death of them unless they make peace with their existence and accept that a forever improving life is good enough to be worth living, no matter what position you live it from.
Be grateful for the life lived that will always end better than how it started. Be forever grateful for being born into times where you need not fight your own in a desperate bid to snatch the last slice of bread. Be grateful that you are born into times where you have the time to question the why of things rather than an entire life spent just surviving. Live your best life, and be free of guilt for it, for as long as the world moves forward, you are living a good life worth living.
@jackie would you check whether 4chan likes this post in exchange for 500 dc?
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Des nouvelles de nos impรดts.
— Laurent Obertone (@LaurentObertone) February 15, 2025
(Hier soir sur France 2) pic.twitter.com/lBsASoo2xP
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We shouldโve beaten Greg with hammers https://t.co/XmTdrGCO5o
— AD ๐ซง (@mybrothersoath) January 27, 2025
You might remember this drama from the previous two posts about it:
Original post from the yoootoober themselves: https://rdrama.net/post/335788/i-have-pissed-off-1000s-of
Further sneeding: https://rdrama.net/post/336959/brave-dramasoldier-has-ended-up-causing
After 4 days, he's still generating whiny children. Technodad is the father of dead YouTuber Technoblade. He came out with the following statement:
It'll make more sense if you read (and upmarsey) the previous posts.
There's a lot of sneed on OP's tweet but it's kinda hard to parse what's being said as Minecrafter terminology has changed over the multitude of years that I haven't played the game. The guy OP's quoting has been tracking the whole situation.
NOBODY is letting our brave dramasoldier off the hook, even after he donated $100 to the charity that the dead YouTuber was fundraising for.
Further sneed about both our dramasoldier and another YouTuber defending him, TheMisterEpic.
Not only is TME being kkkanceled for defending racism on the TL, he's also being cancelled forโฆ agreeing with a Turkey Tom video! I don't know a lot about the Wilbur Soot situation as I'm not a teenage girl, but apparently he bit his girlfriend and ppl have been melting down over it for YEARS.
He also points out in the thread how our dramafren was caught on the TERRIBLE INCEL DATING APPโฆ duolicious. Lmfao I cannot express how much I'm laughing rn
Removed the photo just in case BB doesn't want it up, his face is censored but he does selfdox a lot soโฆ
In the original video, he's basically just making fun of how people lookโฆ or the same reason these people identify themselves as an incel. He even acknowledges the true definition of the word at the beginning of the video. Later into the video he talks about how he hasn't really seen any "incels" (or his twisted definition of incel) on the app, mostly because incels are just people who can't have s*x and not he-man women haters.
The video itself is really unfunny and very hard to listen to as this British loser has a REALLY bad lisp. When it gets to the part that shows BB in his true glory, the YouTuber keeps soying that there's a Minecraft YouTuber on the platform. He tries to find who it is but he can't figure it out. The only comment acknowledging this is BB himself self reporting.
The very last tweet in the thread talks about how TME defends groomers. Well, I took two seconds to find the actual tweet and he doesn't appear to be defending groomers, in fact, he sounds like he's against it.
TheMisterEpic also defended sexualized content towards children. pic.twitter.com/TVlbtKns7n
โ Jia โ โข ๐ฝ โข โ ๐ต๐ญ (@JiaThaPig) January 28, 2025
Original tweet:
Hot take:
โ TheMisterEpic (@TheMisterEpicYT) April 25, 2024
Who cares what content he makes. Sure the guys cringe, but his main channel has 55 mil views, he's been more successful on YouTube then almost everyone criticising him. Content sucks but if he didn't do it, someone else would. Don't hate the player hate the game https://t.co/kUC7yXJAD6
The whole argument is over sexual thumbnails on YouTube videos, TME puts a purposefully vague quote tweet to farm interactions. He further replies clarifying that people should be protesting for change at YouTube VS attacking a shitty guy that'll just be replaced with another shitty guy. I find this especially funny when the guy who made the incel video (who's also part of this Minecraft YouTuber gang with the dead YouTuber) also has slightly suggestive thumbnails/themes.
NOW looping back to the original pointโฆ do you know the best part about all thisโฆ that incel video was made 8 months ago. If it actually becomes a part of this drama, that technically means he's been generating seethe for 8 MONTHS. Make sure to upmarsey to support my independent research and make sure to show "support" for everyone involved
- GoldMemer : !coalburners would u?
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P Diddy's lawyer Anthony Ricco has stepped down from his legal team.
"Under no circumstances can I continue to effectively serve as counsel for Sean Combs," Ricco said in a motion for withdraw of counsel filed in New York on Friday. Discussions had been held with lead counsel Mark Agnifilo and Ricco before the motion was filed, according to the documents, which were obtained by The Mirror US.
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๐บ๐ธ Trump describes the US in 3 words
— Zlatti71 (@Zlatti_71) February 20, 2025
- ukraine_watch pic.twitter.com/6KInzkAiHG
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Got axed. Not going to say which agency.
I've always considered myself extremely tolerant and willing to love people as they areโฆ even if we don't agree on everything.
I've never been an Orange Man supporter, but I've kept it civil with friends and family that were. Some of them liked having a civil conversation about him. Some were belligerent about politics, so we didn't bring it up and tried to enjoy each other's company.
Getting cut from a great job that I really believed in with no notice has been extremely traumatic. It's still raw, but I feel so personally betrayed by those that voted for him. I can't see past the politics anymore when I look at these people I care/cared about.
Some have been contrite and apologetic, but then turn around and support him and VP Musk on social media.
I just can't right now.
I'm thinking about posting something and wishing the whole herd all of the best, hope they have a good life, but I won't be in it. Or maybe I just quietly block all of them and focus on myself for a while.
I do know that I will need to talk to my in-laws. I've always had a great relationship with them, but thinking of going to their house and watching Fox News almost makes me sick.
AITAH for feeling this way? Does it make me an AH for cutting all these 20+ year relationships off? Am I overreacting and acting out of emotion?
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This is a raccoon not a user of this website.
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Meg had a good body, waist/hip ratio is superb as depicted. Whatever happened to her? Does she have a public profile of any kind to this day? I heard once that Anna said something about Meg being unhappy with how the income from
the pod was shared but unsure if that's true.
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Not sure how many people follow the rationalist types but you probably have heard of or read stuff from Aella, a strangely neurodivergent self-described "whorelord" who loves using big data to do things like share her orgy planning performance.
โ Aella (@Aella_Girl) January 29, 2025
I haven't gotten that much into it but looks like the homicidal members have a disturbingly common trait. Assigned male at birth, perhaps
Somehow Republicans and Christians are involved
Although this group is based in the bay area (Vallejo mostly, I think) they're associated with murders in PA, VT (including a border patrol officer recently) and faking their deaths to avoid court.