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Hey Dramanauts. I figured I would award your assimilation into the community. Make sure you don't share with Ben.
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Posts are getting hundreds of views and people are only hitting that vote button like 20 times. Either the admins, in their vast r-sluration and fathomless stupidity, made it so that the view track doesnβt track views by account but by literally how many times the web page is opened, or you idiots are too lazy to hit the fricking arrow after opening a post. Dramacoin is devalued by your apathy and laziness, frickheads. If you donβt think a post is worthy of drama, take back the drama coins, because negative coins is good for dramacoin.
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>on the internet
>on a drama board
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never be a woman
>he will never have any friends
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>on the internet
>on a drama board
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never be a woman
>he will never have any friends
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>on the internet
>on a drama board
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never be a woman
>he will never have any friends
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All japs are vile libertarian nazi scum and anyone who likes japan should be shot
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kill the white, kill the jap
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Video: https://imgur.com/a/cst31OD
Security guards dummied his butt. Imagine going to a game and getting tackled by 7 security guards and then getting dragged out and put in a cell for the next 15 hours. Crowd was cheering hard for him though. Kinda based ngl. Tempted to do it now for dramacoin.
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Is it just going to the doctor and asking? Iβm asking for my friend who wants to know because they think they are MtF
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Your 8yr old son comes up to you and says he's a dinosaur (not at all possible) you'll probably play along and believe he'll grow out of it.
Then he comes up to you and says he's a power ranger (not at all possible) so you grab a sword and play along but you believe he'll grow out of it.
Then one day your 8yr old son comes up to you and says he thinks he's a girl (not at all possible) and you ACTUALLY believe him enough to give him estrogen before he even fully understands what he has already.
Those parents (in my opinion) are fully functioning irresponsible human beings that failed to teach their child basic human biology. I had full confidence as a kid that I was part dog and always went up stairs on all fours. If I told my mother I felt in my heart that I was really born a dog and if she believed me and started feeding me dog food every day she'd probably be sent to jail.
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My doctors will be inducing labor this Thursday. I get to see my baby girl soon so please pray that everything goes as plan and I recover fast. If you want there is some this in the bio I still kinda need for the baby so please send my little girl some gifts.. LINK IN BI0..
— β₯οΈHannahHaysxxxβ₯οΈ (@Hannah_Hays19) June 1, 2021
pol/ has failed
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It wasn't CP, the image while also heavily censored was embedded from an original media article.
My comment on the topic was fully opposed to the practice, not supportive of it ffs.
You banned me for fricking opposing Tradition Jewish infant circumcision (which fyi hapens to include using the mouth).
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What if instead of Grape nuts it was Gape nuts and instead of old people cereal it was anal creampie porn??? and thats the tea, sis
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literally, I dont know what Michael Crichtons family is bitching about, and Sure its set an emergency room, sure Noah Wyle is in it but they say frick alot and that one lady got her leg degloved
im literally screaming, Did ER have literally any of that??? No, and So frick off