
Finally, the story we've all bern waiting to hear told. This will be the first PS5 game worth playing

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  • whyareyou : thats what i get for not checking the username :marseydepressed:
  • Cusek : I'm not clicking on that
  • JohnDevereaux : UH-UHHH neighbor I ain't fallin for that shit no more
  • DickButtKiss : Ignore the username, this link is actually legit

Ideas? I say we doxx him and then show up at his place with cacti to repeatedly shove up his butt

Top 10 reasons to hate drinkers

1. They're stinky

2. They can't walk straight

3. They talk shit

4. They're broke from buying booze :marseyjackmormon: all the time

5. They can't handle responsibilities

6. They're loud

7. They're male feminists

8. They're a burden on our healthcare :marseydoctor: system

9. They drive :marseysteer: drunk :marseyharrierdubois: and kill people

10. They act stupid :marseyclueless: and reckless

This neighbor biden

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King Kanye calls his employees "slaves." (I would put this in chudrama but black people can't be racist so this isn't rahhhcist.)

!chuds !oldstrags !ranchers GTFIH


TL:DR because I'm not copy pasting that wall of text, slutty 16 year old hooks up with a guy from work without so much as dating him, gets knocked up, kitty foots around until she can't get an abortion and is mad her parents are "making" her give up the child.

I m reading about the parents forcing her to do that and that. What about the fact that she forced this situation on them? They did not ask for this. She is still a minor and their responsibility. If this was in the early stages i would opt for abortion but at this stage it is cruel and bound to leave marks on her soul that she will carry to her end. Not sure how they will react when the baby is really born. It is a different thing imagining the baby and seeing it for real. They may have a change of heart. But in the end raising a child holds a million responsibilities and at their age i imagine it would be like climbing the highest mountain. As someone in their 50s with 2 kids i can see them dreaming of a better more quiet life after their daughter is an adult and with the child this is impossible. A really shitty situation for everyone and even more for the unborn child. Hope everything turns out for the best for everyone.

Downvote of course, because how dare you expect anyone to care about what they're putting their parents thru?

What the frick? What she did to them? Give your head a shake. She's a child. And what they are coercing her to do is illegal in most places for good reason.

She's a dumb slut who got knocked up and was scared to just get an abortion. And illegal? lmao if she wants to keep it she can get a job, marry the father and raise the child herself, but oh wait she doesn't want to do that because she doesn't like the father and doesn't want to work.

Time for OOP to go to church and to tell the good people there that her parents want to give away her baby.

!nooticers Notice how these people have no understand of the religion they claim to hate? No church would have an issue with this. If anything they'd suggest childless couples who might want the baby.

>? I know keeping the baby is not a good option for her, but it's horrible the way her parents have taken all autonomy away from her.

Naw, giving her autonomy is what got them here.

I have a feeling she doesn't want her child to have a mother because she's so traumatized from the way her own mother has treated her. I hope she at least picks a gay or lesbian couple to spite her parents.

What a c*nt. Her parents want what's best for her and she should spite them for it?

Did they take away autonomy from OOP or did they simply go "we aren't helping you raise a baby so either you are on your own or adoption"? OOP even admits she doesn't want to keep the baby and she could have gotten an abortion by herself before even telling her parents she was pregnant. It seems that OOP is just trying to shift the blame from herself and make her parents the villains of her life when everything is the result of her own actions, with typical Reddit eating the "evil parents" narrative up as per usual.

Yup reddit is made up of children who hate mum and dad for maing them go to bed on time

Punishing somebody by taking away their baby right after they've given birth is like some kind of dystopian horror movie bullshit. No love like Christian love, right?

It's not a punishment, it's the natural consequences of her actions. She can take the kid and leave. Or she can give it up and keep living off mom and dad.

The baby they were forced to give birth to at that. Her parents are awful.

What? She could've gotten an abortion but waited too long. Again on her.

And this is one of the many reasons why I think the US sucks. It's like a 3rd world country.

"Dumb slut is dumb, amerikka to blame"

I hate to say it without knowing more about OP's specific situation & stance on abortion- if she's ok with it, if it's even legal, if her parents are the problem- but a lot of this comes off as her being far too fussy about the consequences of her (and the guy's) lack of caution and not thinking further.

She isn't ready to be a parent, she doesn't want to be a parent, the dude isn't ready and doesn't want to be a parent, her parents don't want to be grandparents, I guess the guy's parents don't want to be grandparents, but yet she's waffling on & on about adoption as though she's being made to offer the darn fetus as a sacrifice to Lord Imhotep.

Wahhh it's so hard thinking about giving up this baby and to whom, this baby I don't fricking even want.


Entirely right

I manage a few people, some older men. I have noticed that when they speak, people listen. Gush. Thank you soooo much for your time. When I speak, they just expect it. Doing my job. Obviously.

One of the guys is new, not that good tbh, he's getting there. He says wrong things very confidently, in that way. And I find when I try to (diplomatically) correct the position, I'm disbelieved. I have to actually convince them that he's the wrong one.

This never happens with the women I manage (although the women are rarely Confident But Wrong).

I am worried it's becoming a fixation of mine and I might start overreacting. I can't change the world or this frustrating baked in sexism but how do I handle it?

Charismatic dude captures everyone's attention despite her attempts to passive aggressively diplomatically tell people how wrong he is.

Welcome to patriarchy.

Youre right and I have been in the game too long and am too cynical. But you are absolutely right. Mediocre men still get promoted far faster than stellar women. Because patriarchy.

We must stop the patriarchy from making men so socially competent.

I have never stopped to think of this before, but you are right. When I look back, the people I have known who were just incompetent or inadequate at their jobs, were all men. I've haven't known a single women who was as bad as any of these men. All these men had no insight into their own inadequacy, with most of them being full of bluster and they also loved criticising others behind their backs.

Yes the idea that women are "the bitchy ones" is bullshit ime

hate how women always get labelled as the bitchy ones. Let's make a thread to b-word about it.

I'm not known for diplomatically correcting a subordinate, male or female. I simply say it how it is. I found being blunt and direct (communicate like a man) gets me the respect.

The rare foid who discovers that not communicating via vague, indirect, ambiguous hints actually gets shit done.

I keep worrying that respecting men is evolved into us (like how toddlers respect the voices of men more). But I guess we can reason our way out of stuff.

That worrying moment when your inner chud starts to make sense

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  • Aevann : SHUT IT DOWN
  • BraveShill : Truer words have never been spoken
  • DickButtKiss : This was obviously made by an agenda-posting buttburt libtard
AI makes an rDrama meme

Link to the tool

Prompt was "The average user"

Happy Canada Day!

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