America's smartest CEO :capymrboss: falls for pig butchering scam, sends $47 million into the void. :byemoney:

Dude bankrupted his entire town. He even drained his daughter's college fund.

Creepy :marseydisconcerting: neighbor macks on reddit :marseychonkerfoid: foid in r/Apartmentliving




Rouge nukes and bird flu on my bingo for Musk/Trump incoming frickups.

I really hope Burgers will get cut off Medicaid and Medicare.


Metallica - The Unforgiven
Throw me some numbers
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Are hardcore BDSM practitioners mentally ill?

A recent discussion I had about AGP got me thinking about which fetishes cross the line into psychological disorders and it occured to me that every Masochist I've ever met has been self destructive outside of their BDSM shit and every sadist I've met has been sadistic outside of their s*x life too so the idea that the whole thing is a LARP isn't very convincing.

Granted, I'm working with a small sample size but the one hardcore sadist I met IRL was a huge bully in his teen years who did all his "roleplay" with severely depressed chicks and also liked hurting people or watching them get hurt for the fun of it outside of his s*x life and had other antisocial traits. He was also into the really extreme shit like crying and bleeding.

I've met several women into it and unsurprisingly all of them had really low self esteem and depression.


The yet to be opened Obama Presidental Center is falling apart. The reason? Racism (or maybe incomptence). Time to sue! :marseyobamahope:

Obama Center subcontractor files $40M discrimination lawsuit against engineering firm for overruns

The subcontractor claims racial discriminatory practices forced it to do extra work that left it at risk of bankruptcy

A Chicago-based subcontractor is suing one of the firms involved in managing the construction of the Obama Presidential Center for $40 million, claiming racial discriminatory practices forced the firm to do extra work that left it at risk of bankruptcy, according to a lawsuit.

Robert McGee, the owner of II in One, which provided concrete and rebar services for the center starting in 2021, filed the lawsuit in federal court last month against New York-based Thornton Tomasetti, which oversees structural engineering and design services for the $830 million project.

McGee claims that Thornton Tomasetti changed standards and imposed new rules around rebar spacing and tolerance requirements that differed from the American Concrete Institute standards, which resulted in "excessively rigorous and unnecessary inspection" and massive overruns.

The allegations: racis' engineers made the contractors be too rigorous

However, Thornton Tomasetti defended its actions nearly a year ago, writing in a memo to the lawsuit that the subcontractors were "questionably qualified," and the delays were due to their own shortcomings.

McGee claims Thornton Tomasetti falsely accused II in One of lacking sufficient qualifications and experience to perform its work, while stating that non-minority-owned contractors were sufficiently qualified.

The counter-claim: No you just suck and qualified people should have been contracted instead of your bum butt. Look at this shit

The project has faced problems in the past. Construction was initially anticipated to get underway in 2018, but it was kicked back to 2021. It is scheduled to open sometime in 2026.

Some community activists claim the new center will cause prices for homes and rent to increase and may price many of those who live in the area. Environmental activists have also been critical of the project, arguing that it would remove too many trees and destroy some bird habitats.

Also this shit was supposed to be done awhile ago and everyone else is coming with their hands out


this is so sad can we kill people who weigh under 250 pounds? :#carpagreefast: !sigmastacies

A revolution is when you vandalize some schmuck's car. :marseyfatrick:


Kratos has been arrested in Romford
I noticed there's an anti-foid hat but no anti-moid hat.

Clearly my kind is not welcome here. You will all regret this.

Redditors ask why those big, stupid kitties in the military don't do something about space daddy and orange hitler


I don't know what a lazerpig is, but some of these guys :marseyme: are still butthurt about their high school crushes getting fricked by marines that they also demand be their Avengers League.

"I was in the military and it's very focused on being apolitical."


"Uh, everything is political, especially the military."


Chesneighbors… dare i say it???
Detail from the Bréviaire de Renaud de Bar (1302-1303)
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:chad: is sick of mowing his lawn and has an innovative new solution that leaves the neighborcels seething

:marseygrilling2#: The whole yard is your patio + more time to grill

Far-right attack on Codeberg continues: Website downed by DDOS attack












Daddy just cut off aid to South Africa :marseyflagsouthafricagenocide: Thirdies are coping hard :soyjaktantrum:

At this point I'm sure that every account mentioning lions or roaring is a :whitenationalist:

Here's how you too can blame Israel :chadjewrentfree:

That's a good point actually, Merica pls carpet bomb the tulip eaters :marseybegging:

Yeah, I'm sure Trump can't sleep at night because of Cape Town :marseytrumpitsover:

About that... :marseyjewoftheorient:

We don't even need your money white devil :marseyseethe:

If only the strongest country in the world love your country as much as it loves Israel... :parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :parrotisrael:


>work together


America beware, you've made a very powerful enemy today :marseyscared:

Oh, everything will be fine then! :lelolidk:



Dax Riggs - deceiver
I regret taking the fork payoff

I took the payout in the hours before it closed and got my x amount of money and referral letter, but honestly I feel kind of horrible. Seeing how many people were left in the cold without even severance really breaks my heart.

Blah blah put this into chat gpt and then post to /r/fednews


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Drumpf :marseytrumpgarrison: goes full communist :marseyrevolution: , sets aside federal dollars to buy TikTok :marseytiktok:

Islam take on gay people


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