The first terrorist getting deported for organizing Pro-Palestine campus protests is... Liu Lijun??! :marseyburgers:

!asians is that at least like a Uyghur name? Do Uyghurs look different then Han?

Okay so this is just a full on Chinese. Weird!

Gayborhood hustle and bustlers run into some midnight snack rowdies


New lazer warfare just dropped.

Immigrant (frick off we're full :cunt: ) flies Aussie flag, r/australian :soycry:


I hate immigrants so much bros. Coming here and appropriating our culture. YWNBAA :marseyindignant: :bruce:

Filthy English coloniser and schizo rightoid shows up, :marseylongpost: about woke mind virus

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Australians all let us rejoice. For we are young and free.

Young? People have been on this land since before it was even an Australian continent. It's old, old as can be. :marseybait:

Regardless of whether the lyrics are right or not, in the grand scheme of things our country is young.

Mate, the Australian grand scheme goes back 50,000 years. This is archaeologically and scientifically proven, why pretend otherwise? Be proud.

White people think everything started with them stealing it.

Those are two completely separate things. Australia being an internationally recognised country happened in 1901, colonisation happened 130 years earlier. There were people on this land before colonisation and there were things here before people even arrived but the country of Australia did not exist until 1901.

Hence "young" in the lyrics.

I am not pretending otherwise I am just saying that out of all the internationally recognised countries, Australia is one of the youngest. I am proud of the ancient history of this land however that history was not during the time that this country existed as a country.

It's both. But if you believe our national identity should focus on just one heritage rather than embracing ALL Australians, then go ahead and sing "young"—no one cares.

Wasn't Australia then though.

There wasn't an Australia in 1788 either, but that doesn't stop you from celebrating Australia Day. Funny about that.

That's when it was colonised and it became the country of Australia in 1901 when federation happened. Not sure why you mentioned Australia Day.

We are one and free

Nope and we never will be. Never forgot the people who built and died for this country sang "young and free"

Oh please. Go learn your history. That version of the National Anthem started in the mid 1980s. What people who "built and died for this country" are you talking about?

Woke PM Scott Morrison changed the word from young to one in 2021

These comments show that people just make up scenarios in their head then get mad at it.

Yeah, the Lefties.

They live rent-free in your head, don't they?

Absolutely they do. They've been tearing the Western world apart before our very eyes for the last decade and a half. In fact, if they don't live rent free in your head, I'm more worried about you than anything. Do you just simply enjoy casually watching the West burn at the hands of radical socialist nutters?

Average day for me

6:00 I wake up and remind myself to stay woke for the day

6:15 I make a fair trade oat milk latte and read Jacobin

6:30 Check my Centrelink (I have BPD and dysphoria)

8:00 Go to gender studies school

10:00 Smoke-o (actually, i vape, thanks)

10:15 Critical race theory class

12:00 Lunch (vegan) and a sit-in for Palestine in the cafe

1:30 Marxism lessons

2:00 Go home (I ride a bike, 3 abreast in the right lane)

2:30 Relax with some impossible nuggets and watch my favorite streamers

10:00 Bed time with my 2 transmasc boyfriends (we are a gay polycule)

This is the future all of us leftists want for Australia and you will be forced to assimilate

:marseyagree: !nonchuds what have you done today to destabilise western nations?

It's funny how bang on you are, yet you're trying to be facetious. This is precisely what these nutjobs want. Watch a few of these ffs:

I opened the link and then saw it was that right wing nutjob from Sky News and closed it. If you're going to try and prove an ideology is insane, Sky News isn't a good source

Yeah you're right, we didn't have major corporations at all trying to not even promote Australia Day. What a made up scenario, am I right?!

You think major corporations should be forced to promote public holidays?

The supermarkets stopped selling tacky Australia Day merchandise made in China because it wasn't profitable. That's the reason.

This exactly! If there was even a small profit still in the practice they would bleed it dry. Didn't one of the supermarkets even say that they had been throwing out thousands of dollars worth of Aus Day stock that no one was buying?

Yes it is but people will assume you're a right wing conservative unfortunately and is not a fair thing but just happens.

I'll only assume that if you drape it over your fricking shoulders like a cape.

I love seeing Asian-descent Aussies with the Aussie flag draped over their shoulders with Aussie Tatts on their faces having a barbie in the park etc Beautiful!

I went to a food factory a few weeks ago was sold frozen meat pies by the most bogan Asian I've ever met. Puts the whites to shame.

Who thinks that?


Maybe they assume that about you because you are a right wing nutjob?

I'm not right wing in the slightest. Also not a nut job. I subscribe to common sense, logic, and reasoning, of which the Left is barren.

We can see your comment history bro.

And? You're a complete nobody.

Here's what I think and where they align:

• Closed borders and strong border security (Centre)

• No uterus, no opinion. All life is an inconsequential accident of nature and abortion is not murder (moderate Left)

• No one should have access to firearms except trained professionals such as police and military (moderate Left)

• All religion should be officially abolished and should no longer be able to influence anything real (moderate Left)

• Free speech must be protected at all costs and covers ALL speech. "Hate speech" included (Right-leaning)

• LGBTQIA2+LMNOP nonsense has gone way too far and needs to be dialled back and restricted so that people with zero understanding of how the world works are not longer able to influence it (Right-leaning)

• Everyone should be able to shag whoever they'd like (Left-leaning)

• Promiscuity is not a negative thing whatsoever (moderate Left)

• male feminists, libertarians, and certain murderers should be hanged and made an example of (I have no idea where this fits on the political spectrum)

I don't see a whole lot of Right-wing nutjob there.

And that's relevant because..?

Because you're a nobody trying to tell me what I am or am not. I'm not Right-wing. I'm just not a complete idiot and can see what the Left has done to the Western world.

Dude…. As I said: your comment history is there for all to see. There's two options here:

1 You know you're a right winger but you're trying to pretend you aren't. That'd be pretty stupid given the aforementioned comment history.

2 You genuinely believe you're not a right winger. That would just prove you're stupid because your comment history shows nothing but right (or alt-right) talking points and socio-political leanings.

So which is it? Stupid or really fricking stupid?


Your username is ApacheGenderCopter and you're pulling the ol "I'm just a common sense centrist" malarkey. Get better at lying

You Lefties came out with the 300,000,000 genders bollocks, I'm just the one taking the piss, so you really haven't got a leg to stand on here. Common sense tells us there are only 2 genders. Too easy.

The same common sense that says the earth orbits the sun? Just because you observe it through your biased lense doesn't make it true.

Given the post-invasion shape of this country was created by left wingers, it's funny that people think that's somehow unAustralian. So real Australian is right wing, except the born to rule mob who used to think they were British and now spend their time tugging their forelocks to the Septics.

Your first mistake was calling it an "invasion". You're welcome, by the way.

"you're welcome" too Yankee.

I'm English you mong.

Ok, Pommy, just wondering why you were using that typical Americanism "you're welcome" + passive-aggressive posturing. So your people invaded this country and you're experiencing hurt feelings because someone said so? I guess you're one of those who thinks Cecil Rhodes was a hero and the East India Company was the best thing that ever happened to all those brown people?

No one invaded this country. We found a large piece of unclaimed land, colonised it, created an actual civilisation, and even left the natives alive. That's more than can be said for the Spanish. You don't hear the Aztecs or Incas banging on about how their lives are so hard with all this modern technology. Oh yeah… there's none left to b-word & moan. I don't know who Cecil Rhodes is.

The only "East [____] Trading Company" I know of is based in Solitude, Skyrim. So I'll say it again: You're welcome.

It's not your country mate, even though your forebears invaded it. But pretty much confirm the stereotype of a flag-waving racist.

It is our country, though. That's precisely my point. As a Brit & and an Australian, this is my country. The indigenous themselves considered themselves "custodians" of the land and specifically not "owners" (considering they had no concept of ownership). That makes it free real estate. Sorry. Them's the facts, and the funny things about facts is… drumroll They don't care about your feelings.

Piss off pom.

There it is. The very thing you Leftists swear you're against. While it's not technically racism, it's certainly prejudice towards a specific nation. You people are all the same. Proper airheads, the lot of ya.

Shooting fish in a barrel. Can't you make it a bit harder, snowflake?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keep yapping, lil bro.

I'm a lefty and I don't care. Even as a lefty I'd proudly display the flag.

Do you believe in 300,000,000 genders and that cis straight white males are the root causes of all problems in the world? Do you absolutely despise Donald Trump and think he's the second coming of Hitler? Do you believe we should be giving children hormone blockers and allowing them to "transition" into make believe nonsense, likely sterilising them in the process? If not, you're not a "Lefty". You're just a left-winger or left-leaning person. "Lefties" are radical socialists hellbent on tearing the Western world apart.

How much time do you spend each day being outraged by the woke mind virus?

Depends on who many stupid posts/comments I come across from dumb Lefties 🤷‍♂️ And I'm glad you acknowledged the woke mind virus. The infection's running rampant at the moment but it all stops in less than a week.

What's happening in a week? Something with the planetary alignment? It's supposed to peak in a bit more than a week though

Haha funny. You know exactly what happens. At least 4 years of no-nonsense America will have an incredible flow on effect to the rest of the West. People have already started to feel safe & confident enough to speak up again without the threat of being cancelled.

Do you sleep with Fox news on in your bedroom?

I don't have access to American television so I've never seen it.

You don't have access to brain cells, either.

More than you 🤷‍♂️

You're so terminally online you named an account ApacheGenderCopter to spew culture war shit, touch grass kiddo

I'm leftyish and I don't care.

Then you're not a Lefty. "Lefty" refers specifically to the socialist radical wokies pushing anti-Western agendas at every opportunity.


Me for one I don't like it and would never do it but whatever - someone like the OP sounds like his heart is in the right place. Flag waving like this has not always been a thing here and I always associate it with the more rank displays of excessive American patriotism. No offence to the OP at all I'm glad he likes it here and wish him well and I love this place too but there's too much nationalist bullshit going on these days.

There's far too little nationalism going on nowadays. We're taught in our schools to hate our country and that our history is nothing but evil. We are told that there is absolutely nothing special about being Australian and that somebody fresh off the boat that disagrees with everything we stand for as a people is equally as Australian as somebody whose family have been here for generations.

Get real - calm your farm - none of that is true.

It most certainly is true. During my public education I was taught multiple times throughout high school of the evils of the first fleet, the stolen generation, how bad the white man was. Is somebody who has come to Australia and believes the opposite to us but manages to get citizenship an Australian in your eyes? Because they are to many. Is Australian an ethnic group and if not, what is being an Australian?

My mate's grandfather used to kidnap indigenous children. He was objectively a very bad man. My mate even tells me how horrible and racist his grandfather was. The people who used to kidnap indigenous children were often bad people.

When I was a child I remember crowds of white people gathering outside the house of an indigenous family on the next street to scream racist abuse at them well into the night.

That's what Australia was actually like in many places. There's no point hiding the truth. Kids need to know different parts of our history. That's very different to teaching them to hate Australia.

Okay, do you believe that we should teach the barbarity and cruelty of aboriginals before colonisation? Should we teach about the prolific infanticide? The cruel punishments of spearing people in the leg, often for them to then starve? Or should we be hiding that truth?

wtf are you on about?! I'm all for teaching the good and the bad.

But we don't teach any of the bad about aboriginals in public education in Australia. It is incredibly sanitised.

You could always leave?

Thats exactly the sort of comment I was expecting and points to the dogshit mentality that this can represent. It's as much my home as yours c*nt.


That's conservative paranoia, bit like thinking someone's out there is banning you from celebrating Australia Day!

City of Greater Geelong 2022-2024 would like a word. Yes, some places have tried to stop people from having an Australia day.

Most of the inner city Melbourne councils too. Not sure about other states but the invasion day rhetoric here in Melbourne is fricking intense

Right wing conservatives aren't a things here we aren't America

There are no rightoids on rDrama.

If you want to celebrate the true Australia, don't fly that little British colonial flag. Fly or wear our green and gold, it's more Australian than the national flag and colours of Britain will ever be.

The Australian flag is our national flag you fly what you want to fly but don't start this colonial rubbish

"don't start this colonial rubbish" It's literally a British colonial flag. Its primary purpose was to appear British, not Australian. That's why it follows the same standardized template and color scheme as hundreds of other colonial flags throughout history—most of which now sit gathering dust in museums..


Take it to /r/vexillology, flag strags

In a show of true German autism, Germoid shows up and posts enormous dossier on flag protocols or something. Idk I didn't read it.

>name is actually "neurodivergent_blossom" lmao

It is also appropriate to burn it, use it to wipe your arse or wrap it around a rock and throw it through your local MPs office window.

im an immigrant but if u hate Australia why dont u leave? this is the best country on earth no doubt

Eat an actual darkie.

Rule 4 - Racism in any form is prohibited.

Nothing wrong with that! I'm an American and I fly the flag wherever I go. I have an American flag jacket, American flag jeans, and several pairs of American flag undies (those are only for the ladies to see, lmao). I fly a big American flag off my pickup truck. There's no greater country in the world than America, but your country is cool too, so nothing wrong with being proud of it, I guess

That's a bit excessive. Especially off your "pickup truck", it's giving wanker.

I can see why you'd be reluctant to fly your flag everywhere, given your country's history. But America has always been on the right side of history, so you can never have too much flag!

Ah, you're a troll. Shoulda guessed

Is this a hybrid British and Austrian flag? Am American

Not beating the stereotypes with that comment.

Hey now. We're not all stupid. 💪💪🇱🇷🇱🇷

Wrong flag mate. 🇲🇾 Here's what your looking for

It's literally a mix of the two, but ok smarty pants.

You know you can google what the Australian flag looks like right?

I don't trust Google.

It might have saved you some embarrassment in this case.

Just because I have a refined appreciation for privacy doesn't mean I have something to be embarrassed about.


PAtRiOtiSm mAkEs mE sO PrOuD (feel like l'm in a US sub or something, thought this kind of stuff died over here 20+ years ago lol)

Is it wrong to be proud to be an Aussie? Should we be ashamed?

Nothing wrong with a little pride, keep it healthy and it'll be a pride we all can enjoy, although not a lot has made me proud in recent years. A fair bit of the opposite actually.


The issue isn't pride in itself, it's how performative nationalism distracts from the real problems we should be confronting. There's so much in our history and present that demands accountability, change, and improvement. Wasting time patting ourselves on the back for some abstract idea of 'being proud' feels hollow when we could use that energy to actually make this country better for everyone.

You sound fun


Do you feel the same about people who fly the aboriginal flag?

If you have nothing else to be proud of yourself, it makes sense you take whatever given, even the location of birth xD

I'm proud of a lot. I also love my country. Perhaps you can go elsewhere if you aren't.

Wont change the fact that I wont ever be mentally colonized by any country to feel proud of a "location" That's not particularly relevant to individuals, only people who lack self worth and try to leech it from things bigger than themselves or dead people's achievements

Yea go ahead and celebrate your colonization. Maybe hike to the top of Uluru to celebrate!

Lol. These comments are stupid.

No, your ignorance is, someone should crack an egg on your head, buddy

People will call you racist for that


The left

Says who?

Sky news

All the "invasion day" wankers.

I think it might be considered a hate crime in Victoria but everywhere else you should be right.



[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] Any trump supporting businesses to avoid?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Man, someone woke up and chose drama today (-36)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Definitivamente making la gran uruguaya my go to now. Thanks bud (-13)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's not drama. I want to avoid places that don't align with my values. If the president gets to do that why can't I? (38)

Your choice to do so isn't drama.Your choice to engage in a discussion about it with Internet strangers on an anonymized site? Drama.But I could be wrong! Let's see if I'm wrong. (-20)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Are you people for real? Jackson Heights suffers a lot from illegal immigration. 🙄 (-17)

Are immigrants the one raising our tax code, allowing racism to run rampant, spreading lies, releasing violent criminals, firing hardworking people because they're uplifting minority voices, defunding federal organizations which directly led to a plane crash and deaths of civilians, increasing tariffs that will only harm the average person, etc? (13)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's not drama. I want to avoid places that don't align with my values. If the president gets to do that why can't I? (38)

There are many things this President has done or gets to do that you will never be able to.I expect this to be a controversial statement in true Reddit fashion.EDIT: never change Reddit, I was talking about the fact that he got away with felonies, being a male feminist, a libertarian, an open racist, and somehow becoming President while simultaneously being the dumbest person I have ever had the displeasure of listening to more than any human deserves. Knew you guys would take it the wrong way and come with the pitchforks. (-11)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

As recently as last year Dan Cathy has publicly opposed marriage equality. (7)

So what? Why don't you go ask the local mosque if they approve of you? I don't care who approves of me or not. And doesn't matter if they oppose gay people being married, who cares? When I was a hateful leftist I used to say oh don't eat Chick-fil-A. I don't do that anymore. I eat Chick-fil-A. It's a great company. You know they just shot and killed an ex-muslim in Sweden? Sweden a progressive, western country. We need to take control of our borders and stop our country being overrun by people who hate us. (-4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/weirdscienxe

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

City in third world country is finally making headway on their rat problem

New York literally just invented garbage cans :mjlol:

I'm sure it cost the city tens of billions of dollars to pilot this program.

Orange sight:

Is it okay to have a business lunch with a woman? Absolutely not :marseyindignant:


Just to get it out of the way, he probably was trying to tap that. This was recommended to a lot of people's feed so there are accusations of "not a real lawyer" flying around that I'm not going to bother posting.


We have a new undergrad intern (a young woman, perhaps 19 years old), and I thought I'd take her to lunch to welcome her and answer questions about the work. Simple, right? Apparently, taking a female intern out to lunch is now a high-risk situation requiring oversight.

When we got back, it was suggested in the future that I invited other attorneys and avoided going to lunch one-on-one with female interns.

Lesson learned, and in hindsight I get where the firm is coming from. I still think it's a bit of an overreaction, though. I've gotten mixed responses when I've told people this. I'm curious what the subreddit thinks

His darning follow up post where he admits to having something in common with her and actually talked to her.

[–]TurnDownTheRadioJerk[S] -47 points 3 days ago

So here's more: I'm a 24 year old first year and the school she's going to is the same school I went to for undergrad, and she even has some of the same professors I had. We got talking and I asked her to lunch. No, I don't assign her work, but we seem to get along. Yes, there are other interns, but I haven't really had to talk to them yet

Responses to the follow up:

That sounds a little better than I initially imagined, given your ages are pretty close and the power dynamics aren't super crazy off (I'm assuming you don't have much influence at your firm). But your follow-up also makes it sound more like you are in fact trying to hit on her (or at least become her friend), and your firm gave you good advice. You shouldn't be doing anything that looks like you might be looking for a romantic relationship with anyone subordinate to you

Yea OP is totally hitting on her he wouldnt have done this for a dude I'm guessing.

That is pure speculation on your part, is really hard to imagine forming connections and mentorship in a professional field without ulterior motives. It seems reasonable to plausible to me I have gone to lunch with both male and female colleagues.

Dude… that's a crush let's be real, and you were testing the waters.

There's nothing mentor-ly about this. You were trying to get to know her in a personal capacity 😭

Why did this get so downmarseyd?

Because the world of genuine courteous courtship has gone entirely to the wayside and in its stead is this hyper-sensitive environment. All of this whilst people complain that they can't meet others organically anymore.

He's a young man and shes a young woman. If he is courteous and respectful in his proceeding with her and he doesn't have power over her directly or otherwise in the firm, I don't see the issue. Statistically, the workplace used to be a great place to meet your spouse.

Young man and a younger** woman. She's a teenager AND an intern. He is an adult who can drink and her mentor at a law firm trying to isolate her. He can treat all the interns or a few more so they arent alone.

There is nothing improper, legally or ethically, about a 24 year old and a 19 year old dating

Got ourselves a :marseypedo: over here.

Other Responses:

More context is needed. Are there more interns than just her? Are you working closely with her? If you were her direct supervisor or somebody formally assigning her work, and she was the only intern, I don't think it would necessarily be weird. If you were some random associate who just showed up and was like, "Yo, wanna grab lunch", and didn't invite any of the male interns in the same room, I could see how that might not have the best appearance

I think he left them out on purpose. He didn't want to look like a creep

Two comments in we have him being called a creep. Doesn't appear to be a lawyer and posts in a really odd mix of subreddits including /r/aupairs.

Barely a crumb of context which might be explanatory in itself.

Is this the only intern you've ever taken out? If so, why this sudden exception?

Is she the only intern? If not, why exactly did you choose her and her alone?

Do you work more closely with her than anyone else? Most attorneys work more closely with paralegals, so why her and not them?

[–]PoundTown68 -35 points 3 days ago

That's a lot of useless questions. In a sane world, two consenting adults can go to lunch without concern. Two consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want together if we're being honest. This is exactly why feminists should be ignored. We've allowed them to create a culture of fear, where everyone is tiptoes around unnecessary regulation that benefit nobody….except for 40 year old feminists, jealous that they're no longer sexually attractive, who want to force everyone else to be unhappy with them. Misery loves company.

Darn, found the incel

$100 this guy sexually harasses people on the daily


Yeah, I mean, look alive brother. Avoiding the appearance of a questionable situation is very easy if you have situational awareness.

Was it actually questionable? That's not the right question and doesn't matter (unless it got weird). Protect yourself and the firm. Heck, the vast majority of lunches I went to as an intern or otherwise young firm employee were with multiple people, now that I think about it.

This is crazy. Taking someone out to a business lunch in a public place is not out of bounds or even close.

Why was this intern chosen for a solo business lunch with an older male attorney? I'm not saying OP had any untoward intentions, but let's not pretend the optics don't raise valid concerns.

Also, though, based on the follow up, op definitely does have untoward intentions

The optics of it are not great. Put yourself in the shoes of a supervising partner. Perhaps his 28 years old associate has no bad intention when he asks the 19 year old intern to lunch. Perhaps the 28 year old intern has romantic intentions. Partner has no idea. Does the 19 year old intern know your intentions. Did you take any male interns to lunch. If there is no romantic intention perhaps bring along another associate (perhaps female) and more than one intern or staffer.

Yeah he has to think what the firm partners would think if this 30 year old associate took the 19 year old to lunch. It's a bad look when a 34 year old associate is doing that with an 18 year old intern. The 17 year old intern doesn't know she can decline the lunch invite from the 38 year old.

When I was a 19 year old college student, I invited a visiting professor to lunch to discuss their career. I thought thats what we were supposed to do "networking" and all, build a rapport. The lunch was 100% professional the entire time. No drinking. I paid for myself. All day time hours in public. Afterwards i was invited into the deans office and told that my behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional and that I needed to learn my place and not be so forward. When I was ultimately asked to leave the school (we aren't expelling you, we want to encourage you to go to a place better fitted for you) they cited my inappropriate relationships with visiting professors as one of the reasons.

It was humiliating.

15 years later that school got sued into the ground for 30 decades of sexual abuse against minors.

(am woman)

Talk about getting absolutely :marseychaosdunk: on.

I think they are trying to help you out.

I went to not-lunch with a support staff ... we were both new to the org, and she accused me of being a predator. And then coworkers hacked my email and spread it around the community. It was too late by the time we established that she was lying, for my email inbox was everywhere and the firm decided I had to leave before I could figure it out.

You need to be extraordinarily careful.


I found one of the few dissenting voices that wasn't downmarseyd into oblivion.

I strongly disagree with this take. Be professional about it. Make sure it's a public place, but refusing to take women to lunch in a professional environment is Mike Pence culture crap that prevents women from having the same opportunities as men.

IMO, a work culture that discourages men from meeting 1 on 1 with women is a massive red flag and usually the #1 sign that the employer has fostered an anti-woman environment.

There is a difference between "men and women can't have lunch together" and "attorney shouldn't take young intern of the opposite s*x to lunch alone". The power imbalance inherent in the latter certainly has a higher chance of producing a bad situation, from either direction (attorney actually taking advantage, or intern falsely claiming they did).

Keeping that sort of thing as a small group activity avoids all the possible issues.

Muh power imbalance.

You're a lawyer and don't understand professional conduct or ethics?

OP about to be disbarred.

Why is no one talking about the 19 year old intern's perspective. That's what matters here. And that's what the others at the firm are focused on, not the intentions of the OP.

Possibly the most incorrect response in the whole thread.



Reported by:
:!marseystrutting: Marseygen's back now :marseystrutting:
Sunday night drunk thread

Spent the morning and evening drinking and was able to pretend to not be an alcoholic and just a sports fan. Won a frick ton of money and lost some since the Chiefs should've done better.

What's up !boozers

Anthony Davis already out with a non contact injury


I dont think the world knows how lucky it is to have you in it ♡
Reported by:
Kash Patel says the fricking N word in Senate hearing :marseyhappening:

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Now we know why Trump :marseyhitler2: had such an obsession :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer: with Hunter :marseycastlevania: Bidens peepee

!r-slura I do not post very often but when I do it's quality :marseycertified: politician :marseykamalarentfree: Micropeepee :marseydicklet:

Community Note by @65364254

this is 100% a real photo btw. certified bunked :marseyokay:

Helpful [76] Not Helpful [2]
Community Note by @Epicaricacy

This tweet is from 2011, but the image is from 2016. Trump did not post this image from the future.

Someone either changed the link shortener to point elsewhere, or bought the domain and changed the page itself.

Helpful [4] Not Helpful [1]


We need about 3% of Americans (about 11 million) go to on general strike. This has always been an effective strategy against fascism.


Our broad list of demands includes, but is not limited to: Climate action. Universal healthcare. Racial justice. Reproductive rights. LGBTQIA+ rights. Living wage / raise the minimum wage. Immigration reform. Education reform. Gun safety. Tax the rich. Affordable housing. Disability rights. Welfare and child support reform. Voters rights. Constitutional convention. Paid family and medical leave. Criminal justice system reform. Workers' rights. Permanent ceasefire in Gaza.


IMO we should be demanding that Trump rescind his EOs and resign by 2/22, or we take the economy down with us through sickouts, slowdowns, boycotts . . . whatever people can do to throw a wrench in the system.

this will happen!

Do NOT USE THAT URL! It may be a honeytrap. There is no need to sign a stike card or share your info. It is very dangerous to do so! A real strike will not require sign ups!!!


Real life, soyjack

Referenced post -

Little girls pose with AKs, hailing Hamas victory and thanking Palestinian resistance in Gaza : war roundup


"Gays go splat when they hit the ground ! Gays go splat when they hit the ground! Here in Palestine"

An excuse for Israelis to say how much they hate Palestinians and articulate the reasons why

RTX 5090 Lottery in Japan ends in chaos: buyers climb fence of next-door kindergarten

The situation on RTX 50 launch day looks dire. It seems that the few people who manage to find the cards in stock online will either be powered by fast AI algorithms or simply lucky to be near retailer servers.

We previously reported on the RTX 50 launch day lottery in Japan. The country is known for such draws, which, in order to prevent scalping, give everyone in line an equal chance to purchase limited-supply products. Only those whose tickets are chosen will be allowed to buy the product. While it's hard to call that a win, at least some participants don't leave empty-handed.

According to Japanese media, one of the lotteries at PC Koubou, which started earlier (around 15:00 local time), ended in chaos. People were seen climbing over the fence of a nearby kindergarten, and screams were heard. There's also a photo of a destroyed kingergarten sign (added above). The lottery concluded before many attendees even arrived, leading to frustration and disorder at the venue.

The PC Koubou Parts Hall has started calling for entries for a lottery to purchase the RTX5090, but the situation is currently in chaos.

Angry shouts were heard, and some people even climbed over the fence of the kindergarten next door.

@sarasteam0151 (translation)

Swedish retailer Inet confirms there may not be any RTX 5090 stock at launch. It seems they are waiting for an update from their courier company. Even if any 5090 units arrive, the retailer expects them to sell out immediately. The 5080, on the other hand, should sell "quickly."

According to a Redditor who compiled a list of MicroCenter locations and their expected RTX 5090/5080 stock, only 233 RTX 5090 cards were distributed across all stores in the U.S. Similarly, only 2,393 RTX 5080 models were allocated. This is an extremely low number of cards for launch day, though it's important to note that we cannot verify the accuracy of this list.

However, Tustin, California, appears to be one of the few locations where lining up might make sense. The queue is already over 300 people long show messages shared on Reddit, meaning that if the numbers above are correct, the last people in line won't even have a chance to buy a card.

While it's great to see such high demand for new graphics cards, it's difficult to understand why NVIDIA did not prepare a larger stock for launch. The company was not forced to release the cards this early, and there is clearly a significant supply issue. Nothing would have changed if the launch had been delayed by a month, allowing board partners to build inventory. This way, customers wouldn't have to rely on luck, fast reflexes, or being prepared to camp outside stores.

Reported by:
S*x dlol brohtel wey dem just open dey fully booked for weeks
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED :marseytrain: Janny threatens to grape all the fricking babies in my house

I'm trans and I'm going to rpe you. I'm gonna call up all my goons and we're going to break into your house and rpe you until you're gaped far enough to fit a fire hydrant in there.

Should I call the fricking fbi, b-word?

Community Note by @KawaiiFembee

Helpful [53] Not Helpful [3]
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  • Salvadore_Ally_Chud : Wine DARK sea. Not wine-red. I am betting are the lit tards are wrong about eye color thing.
  • Vegeta : That's literally what both the thread and the wordcel longpost say
  • Nightcrawler : can I report without logging into jimie ping !classics
>wine-dark sea / What did he mean by this?
Please update to talking-points-v-02.08 for the latest safe space fixes :marseynpc2:


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