is this the good drama?

I can't stop getting replies from an absolute schizo.

What the FRICK is going on. Why aren't my comments upmarseyd?

I literally just made an account, and commented on shit that was literally just posted and I have like no upmarseys doenvotes or comments on anything.

Can nobody see my posts or something?




Redditors discuss the legal consequences of monkey noises

As long as they fit the sub who fricking cares?

πŸš‚πŸšƒπŸšƒ coping that "real men" didn't die during the plague that killed all men, yet all the "real women" did

Boomer rightoids :marseybrainlet: crawl over each other to prove (probable) smelly boomer hippy :marseyrasta: right on the fluoride question.

Need Help! Mods won’t let me edit my profile!

I recently received a message from auto jannie informing me that my history of anti-vax comments have persuaded the moderators to enforce limits on my profile.

I can’t update my bio or my flair! Now no one can see that I’m the only user who uses Marsey Yeezus :marseycry:


I'll take one art, please!


Sorting by Controversial posts of all times on r/all leads to posts that are hardly controversial, all made on the same day. Either this is voluntarily done by reddit in order to hide its general biasness as most controversial posts of this year are mainly leftoids seething on rightoid subs or they have no idea about it. Both of these scenarios are pretty embarrassing for a big website like reddit. :marseysnoo:

Maybe if they spent less time finding pedos to employ and fighting HATE on the internet, they could have done something actually useful. :marseygigaretard:

:marseygivecrown: @Aevann and all the other folx who made this website better functioning than reddit.


Drama in the comments over eminem stans and accusations of racism
Bush breaking

I want to say that it's an injustice that urguburg

Just put on the mask skippy.

Why are they on horseback, that's a beautiful buckskin horse btw, I want the video of these covidiots being chased down


I didn't put those scare quotes, that's the NYTimes headline.

The Way It Is

Said, hey little boy you can't go where the others go

'Cause you don't look like they do

Said, hey old man how can you stand

To think that way

Did you really think about it

Before you made the rules?

I still miss ed 😞😴😴😴
Been banned twice now and there is something I wish to announce

Frick you soy cuck

Cleaning time
POC battle royale after the long-awaited Mayocide?

I originally posted this on the currycels thread. But I'm making a separate thread because a) I made the other post 7 hours too late and b) I genuinely want to get some responses this time instead of just dumping my wordswordswords schizo post and walking away. So here goes:

I wonder how Burger politics will change in the coming decades with the massive demographic shifts going on. By 2050-2060, mayos will be below 50% of the population. Contrary to all the leftoids' smug-posting and the rightoids' seething, I think the mayos would mostly be fine. They will still be the largest racial group, by far, and they will probably still hold the majority of the country's wealth. In fact, I think that the biggest losers of the current demographic changes would be the πŸ€s.

For example, take a look at this survey ( Unsurprisingly, outside of their (relative) dislike for mayos, all the POC groups do not like each other nearly as much as they like themselves (especially in the case of πŸ€s). Thus, the so-called POC Alliance (if it even exists) would only stay together as a counterweight against the dominance of the mayos. As the wh * toids become less dominant and the Asians and Latinx become more and more powerful (around 41% of the population by 2060), I wonder if they'd still toe the (Democrat) party line and follow all the mayo nonsense currently pushed by the Dem leadership and upper-class leftoid mayos? Now, I'm not saying that Asians and Latinx would become a bunch of rightoids (although many of them come from conservative cultures). I'm predicting that Asians and Latinx, in the future, would not be so amenable to all the hand-holding policies towards the πŸ€s. Would they be Ok with all the talk of reparations or paying more taxes to improve inner cities? Would they tolerate all the cultural attention towards black representation in the media while, for example, Asian and Latinx actors are underrepresented in Hollywood? Would the Asians still be quiet about the grade discriminations against them in higher ed.? Would they be Ok with their children being inundated with anti-racism stuff that's predominantly geared towards the black perspective?

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Asians and Latinx would fight to get more govt. resources for themselves at the expense of πŸ€s. Right now, even the mayo rightoids have to acknowledge the wrongdoings of their ancestors. They can only (lamely) fight back by talking about "muh colour blindness". The Asians and Latinx would have no such compunction. They'd probably not be browbeaten or guilt-tripped into following all the self-flagellating mayo nonsense. And given how racial identities have become so entrenched in burger politics, it'd be interesting to see all the potential POC infighting in the future. Any non-mayo (or mayo) burger here can give me some hot takes?

Will the POC alliance hold? Will Asians and Latinx finally break off from the mayo nonsense (both leftoid and rightoid varieties) and forge their own political destinies in :marseyburger: land? :derpthinking:

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