Boobs 29

Avatar 2: Boobs

Lord miles is balding

Should had masturbated less

Pro tips how to spot a wall

If her FB picture hasn’t been updated for years and her profile picture is like from 2018 and if you scroll to next profile picture it’s from 2021. (Basically she decided to use old picture for her profile)

On Instagram: if she is following more than she has followers.

On reddit: if she is on reddit she already hit a wall or drop a peepee.

On tinder: if she gives you a like she already hit the wall


Cool. Yall big mad Master Chief is having s*x? I mean in a video game it doesn't make sense for him. But in a dramatic series it can. You reaching for hate on this my guy.

This just in: Fans upset when writers ignore existing canon,something they've done for years,and that they told us they were going to do in advance. If Halo fans watched this series expecting something different I honestly don't know what to say except I have a bridge for sale?

Everyone seems to be having a kneejerk reaction to this but... actually it seems that trauma and many systems of exploitation led to the Fall of Reach in the show. I think people are comparing this wayyy to close to the core cannon which prevents insightful analysis

Nobody wants master chief to be the guy who's childhood trauma causes him to be easily manipulated by a spy into having s*x because he thinks he can fix her while she seeks out the genocide of humans

Stop discriminating

[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You are applying normal workplace standards to a place that isn’t normal in any circumstance. Congrats on thinking this has any weight (1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Again this is all retaliation, not dismissal. Retaliation. (3)

i swear the Hank supporters in this page lack reading comprehension skills (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Never thought I’d see myself comment in the CITO sub, but I’d like to jump in with the others and say there’s no fricking chance in heck Marty Mush sues, and if he did there’s no chance in heck he wins. This is absolutely delusional thinking and would be embarrassing if anybody you worked with knew you typed this out. They’d just assume you’re a moron. (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You’re skipping over part of it. Because of this situation Dan and Dave don’t want to work with Marty, which is their right. Marty’s only productive work has been with Dave and Dan. If he doesn’t find something else productive to do he won’t be renewed. Not renewing an employee that’s not productive is their right and they’d have proof if it ever did go to a lawsuit. It was spelled out so a first grader could understand it. (1)

Yes, but it's retaliatory behavior tied into sexual harassment. Grilling an employee over when he started "boning" her and then outlining your plan to not renew them because you're not comfortable working with them anymore is crazy. Dave is literally his boss and had a demonstrable track record of working a shit ton with him and now will completely abandon him. To what you're saying --- if Dave never said any of this, never had him on the show, used all that vulgar language, etc... and just slowly stopped working with him and faded him due to performance without a mention of the Hank/Ria angle nobody would have ever been the wiser. But he is publicly making it about a personal relationship, albeit office-related, but still over the top.The rest of the staff (both men and women) don't really seem to have a problem with it. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Never thought I’d see myself comment in the CITO sub, but I’d like to jump in with the others and say there’s no fricking chance in heck Marty Mush sues, and if he did there’s no chance in heck he wins. This is absolutely delusional thinking and would be embarrassing if anybody you worked with knew you typed this out. They’d just assume you’re a moron. (-3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

If you think that Dave didn’t have lawyers listen to a pre recorded podcast or been discussing the vernacular they could use when talking about Marty you are crazy.They never said they were firing Marty for the relationship, Dave said he doesn’t see Marty creating sustainably profitable content without him or Dan leading to no reason to renew his contract. (10)

I doubt he has lawyers review his youtube show. Just because someone does something illegal doesn't mean you can say "do you think he'd say that if he knew it was illegal?" That's not how life works. People frick up all the time. Do you know how many lawyers are out there? Why do you think that is? (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/benpatman314

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


In the middle east trans lives matter only in Israel. Should we give more foreign aid too Israel?

A shoal of Carps circlejerking:marseycarpcrying::marseycarpdead:

Seriously though, are most active people in reddit today suffering from some form of disability?

Every post has all kinds of disabled people coming out of the woods; colorblind, trans, foid, Indonesian etc etc

Really makes you think :marseythinkorino:

Meanwhile on /biz/



old article but i couldnt believe it

rDrama has a meetup at the boathouse
Some neoliberal cope

/r/science seem to dunk on the paper though lmao

this is sergay

Andy Peepee just r*ped his seccond ip2 streamer loool

more clips of what happened tonight (starts from 5 hours ago)

and hes live on this channel now and gonna confront andy peepee RIGHT NOW

Progression (a question, and a rant) - Hitman 3 (2021) - Hitman Forum
Quadnarca gets bullied by scrotes
This is Mathieu
:marseytrans: :marseydoubtit:

Denver City Council meeting gets heated over homeless camping ban Monday night : Denver

Trans lives matter. Did the Egyptian police make you do thus @Aevann or do you just find my suffering funny?

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