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  • Arran : Holocaust denial
Balkinite Bandits BBQ Leaf animals in retribution for Novax scandal.

Curiously thereโ€™s nothing about it in r/Toronto but Iโ€™m sure thereโ€™s much sneeding to be found about it, Iโ€™m just too lazy to do it myself.

:marseyroo: :marseyroo: :marseyohno: :marseygrilling2: :marseygrilling2:

Monoclonal antibodies are off the menu boyz but not fent
Mottizen gets trolled
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why was my american psycho post getting reports?

i wasn't whoring for karma

It turns out the manifesting community has its own little drama wars

This whole sub is hellbent on disproving r/nevillegoddard and replacing it with their own dude



Japanese article calling a mayo celebrityโ€™s blond kid โ€œbeautifulโ€ causes aznidentity to seethe. This turns into a debate over the white worshipping nature of anime.

It never was free from eurocentrism, rather just perpetuates it even further. Mukokuseki in anime was created to make japanese look less Asian.

Before the "ALL ANIME CHARACTERS BY DEFINITION JAPANESE NOT WHITE" crowd jumps in, I just want to mention that the Japanese culture has been doing this shit in the 1800s ever since they got their butt owned by a bunch of Europeans. (all the European looking people are Japanese, all the East Asian looking people are Chinese/Korean/Mongolian) :marseylaugh:

thereโ€™s a lot of full east asian people that โ€œlook likeโ€ anime characters. If you compare a good looking asian with a good looking white and placed them side by side with an anime character, the only characteristics that could distinguish ethnicity are eye and hair color (obviously a specific type of person and anime character, anime in general looks completely inhuman). To suggest that โ€œanime is modeled after white peopleโ€ is just completely disingenuous. Itโ€™s as if youโ€™re trying to craft the narrative that asians can never look attractive. OP, what game are you playing here?

When did I even say anything about attractiveness? You're already assuming-because I actually think the drawing looks ugly. Or maybe our views on attractiveness have been shaped by hundreds of years of European contact and then subsequent colonization.

Letโ€™s educate weebs about how their favorite media is a tool of white supremacy! #STOPASIANHATE :chadasian:

Hi, DramAnon! Which house did you pick? I hope it was the same as me!

That would be so cool if we were in the Furry house together wouldn't it?


Vegan hates exploitation, yet he participates in it? :marseyhmm: :marseyhmm: :marseyhmm:

The entire thread is filled with people waiting to argue.

Today anti gayming cominazi boomers toke a big L


Can someone loan me 100 coins.

I will unironically pay you back I just need enough to donate to my main so I can join one of the rdrama houses.

I'll even ask that @carpathianflorist enforces the loan terms with his janny sourcery.



EDIT: Alright I got the coins no need to donate anymore.

Mayo reverse scam calls sexy Indian dudes and has epic fails.
MC in the manga โ€œRent A Girlfriendโ€ turns out to be a cuckold, r/manga reacts

I wuv drammer

Can't Pause(k) the Frosk
Poorcells seethe over tipping yet again

Tons of arguing in the comments between people who think tipping is needed to support the heckin r-slurs working as a waiter or people who say don't tip to help change the system

lmao fricking americlaps, reminder to never tip anyone

R A D I C V L T centrism

there were those of us who went out into the religious debates online and made our way to the radical

in the sense of, at the root

the root, you see, of centrism, isn't orienting yourself based on myopic notions of left or right

but by the establishment of the center.

now how do you establish the center? how is the center established?

the center is established by excluding the unreasonable from debate.

yes this means defining reality without regard for the unreasonable.

yes this means bullying unreasonable people off of your platform.

because the ancient plea

"Why can't we be reasonable about all of this?" was never uttered except to be answered, by and large, with a solid "no."

you establish the center by identifying the things which people can agree upon which shut other people up. stop whining about men and women, you're only showing your adolescence. we were all literally there in adolescence. every single person. trust us when we say we can identify it.

and never grow up because adulthood is a concept of the state.

but we're not a political forum. just a forum about drama. lmao.

:marseyjamming: :marseyjamming: :marseyjamming:

you establish the center by listening to people and finding the fundamental agreement, and building around that agreement. you ignore the unreasonable people, because they're just loud and no one likes them, and you shut them out of your conversation with a carefully constructed social reality that does not admit any room for the suicide memers.

the suicide memers being those who hang around for long enough to seem normal, and then get banned for, you know, showing their power level. letting the mask slip. I'm sure there are spaces where there are leftie suicide memers but I've seen a lot of the rightoid ones.

it works at least at first but then the hivemind becomes acclimated.

Woman gets rekt jannies clean it up

Unddit link:

r/science discusses the lifespan of locomotives
"Free" "Love"

If you liked "Communism has failed every time it has been tried", you'll love "Free love has failed every time it has been tried"! Not only can you act smugly superior to leftists, you'll also finally have an excuse to hate hippies and "degenerates"! Interested? Read on for more information!

"Every time"? you may ask. "Isn't that just a hippy thing?" WRONG! Ever since the """enlightenment""", and to this very day (polycules) variations of this same idea have been proposed:

  1. Everyone has s*x with each other
  2. Everyone raises all of the children

Do the math, and it is seemingly objectively a good idea:

  • Everybody loves s*x, so more sexual partners means more s*x :marseydepressed: => :marseycoomer:
  • Get bored of one partner? No big deal, just switch to another partner :doomergirl: => :abusivewife:
  • The group as a whole disciplines the children so there isn't a monopoly - aka, no more child abuse :marseybattered: => :marseywhirlyhat:
  • The group pools thier money on the children (c*mmunism ๐Ÿคฎ) so they all get equal opportunities :marseypoor: => :platyrich:

It is also (in some circumstances) philosophically a good idea :marseypipe: . After all, aren't the notions of "property" and "ownership" something that are corrupting humanity from its formerly perfect state? Some philosophers sure thought so, including greats such as Rousseau and (probably) Marx :karlmarxey: . Besides that, many have that general, vauge intuition that the world is getting worse as a result of greed and it's ilk. And what greater manifestation of property is there than the property of family? The woman I have married is MY wife, my wife calls me HER husband, the children are MY children, and they call me THIER father. Whose right is it to say that a human being is owned in this way??? r/aboringdystopia r/latestagecapitalism

Well, God would. The Bible is pretty clear that s*x should only happen within the bounds of marriage, what I just described ain't a marriage ( :marseyakshually: "what about when a man took multiple wives" :marseyakshually: that's a different thing because there was only one man, so it still marginally made sense. Of course, if you read the Bible there are plenty examples of this being an absolute pain in the butt for everyone involved. I mean think about it, all of the women have the hots for one man. Imagine the catfights!) So every time this has been proposed, the Christcucks all get together and say :fatpriest: "this is degeneracy stop having fun!" :soyjakmaga: Yeah, whatever, grandpa. I'll just be banging more hoes than you've laid eyes upon :chad:


A few problems always end up happening:

  • It turns out that people don't like sharing their sexual partners, and, if they do, they are fricking cucks. :marseycuck: Beyond s*x, it seems that the sort of intimate love that occurs in a monogamous relationship can't be scaled up to multiple people. It also turns out that these illogical apes still have emotions and desire intimate love.
  • STDs, obviously. :marseyvirus:
  • Mothers and their children have a very intense bond, that also can't be scaled up very well. This is mostly because how few children we have. A single child takes nine months to gestate fully. Other animals, on the other hand don't really give a shit about their young because of how many they have at once (see: pigs).
  • Studies have shown that children do best when they have a mother and a father. This makes evolutionary sense, children have had a mother and a father since we were frogs.
  • Without someone constantly invested specifically in their development, children end up getting neglected. For an example, look at any orphanage ever.
  • etc

What you should take away from this """essay""":

  • Never join a free love commune, because it's either a ponzi scheme or it will collapse in about a year
  • Radical new ideas about human society based on SCIENCE, FACTS, and LOGIC might be really fricking bad so maybe be careful idk tho
  • It's possible to write """political""" posts that actually have a clear argument and point without being hyperfocused on current events.
  • If you are a female, you should be wearing a burka at all times. If you are a male, you should be fully nude.
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