
One brave user, /u/Several-Panic-8164, notices inconsistencies in the way the New York Times reported the latest ATF stats:

“A majority of people investigated for owning, selling or using an illegal gun are white, more than 80 percent are men and the overwhelming majority — 95 percent — are U.S. citizens, according to the report.”

It seemed curious :marseyhmm: that the NY Times described the exact percent of cases involving men, the exact percent involving citizens vs. noncitizens, but relied on the more blunt “a majority … are white :marseymutt2: " when it came to describing race.

I took a closer look at the study itself and the exact racial percentage breakdown provided in the ATF report is as follows:

:marseymayo: White: 53%

:marseycantsneed: Black: 45%

:marseythissmall: Asian or :marseyjunkie: Native American: 2%

Obviously chuds don't miss this opportunity to remind everyone of the journoid menace:

I can't help but think that the NY Times was acting very intentionally when they framed those statistics.

Of course it was intentional. Doing so suits their stances on both race and gun control.


I'm still astounded about how the 2020 summer riots, which killed dozens and lead to cities across the country being trashed :marseyfine:, were very much created by the media selectively reporting race to push a false narrative and create an extreme amount of racial animosity. And there seems to be no discussion about this :derpwhy:. Even on the right you just get "mostly peaceful protests!" memes. You'd think that this would be a better target for congressional investigations than Hunter Biden :marseyeldritchnut:.


I remember asking a friend who taught Ibram X. Kendi's book in his classroom about how many unarmed black people were shot to death by police each year. He guessed 400. He was shocked to learn that the number is generally around 20.


One redditoids is left shocked :marseyscream: at the heckin bad faith article by a respected media:

I don't understand the purpose of doing this. Like why?


Thankfully the chuds are out to set the record straight:

To fight racism.

Many journ*lists see it as their mission to raise the social status of BIPXCs (:marseyxd:) and lower the social status of white people. So they spin everything in a way that makes white people look bad, and for minorites (black people in particular) look virtuous, or falling that, at least victimized.


It's so ridiculous. The people doing this are mostly white :marseymutt: too. I don't know how fried your brain has to be to decide you need to throw your own people under the bus.


Also, to paint "gun crime" as an issue of white dudes in the suburbs :marseycountryclub:, the enemy demographic, rather than black gangs :marseyblack: in cities, who they consider to be on the team.


"Per-capita" makes an appearance:

Note the waffling on whether total or per capita statistics are more important. When talking about getting killed by police (~50% non-Latinx white, ~25% black), they want to emphasize per-capita numbers. When we're talking about who commits crimes, or who receives welfare, suddenly it's the totals that matter, and "per capita" is a racist dog whistle.


Remember, folks:

Kill journ*lists

Behead journ*lists

Roundhouse kick a journ*list into the concrete



Main link has the video. At first this looks like your standard Houston Robbery, but there's more...

>The suspected robber reportedly pistol-whipped a man who was pumping gas at a gas station on Ella Boulevard at Greens Parkway before demanding his wallet. That's when the bystander stepped in.

>"Is in another car parked in front of the store. He sees the robbery. He gets out of his car with a pistol. He shoots once maybe twice at the suspect that's running away, and the suspect goes down," said Houston Police Department Lt. R. Willkens.

>According to court records, Scott's wife told police this wasn't supposed to happen. She reportedly admitted that this was all a scheme.

>Court documents said Scott and Winfrey had been committing fake robberies for over a year. When Winfrey was arrested, he told police that he would pay Scott for his involvement in the robberies.

>A court document said the apparent victims of aggravated robberies could use their statuses as victims in order to apply for a "U visa," which according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity.

>Court documents said Winfrey gave Scott an airsoft gun to use in the staged robbery.

>Police said they obtained text messages from Scott's phone between him and a man named William Winfrey the night of the shooting.

>In one message, Winfrey writes to Scott, "It's the usual gas station (expletive)."

>In another he writes, "When you done run make all the (expletive) to look real."

Now the wife (also an accomplice) and mom (who is very disappointed in her dead son) of the deadstrag is sneeding that Jesus, the man who defended those poor hard-working Americans from an armed robber, isn't being charged.

>According to court documents, the bystander was on probation. It's why Green thinks he should also be charged in Scott's death.

>"I'd like to see him involved in being charged because you're on probation," Green said. "You had a gun. Why were you even let go?"

>Scott's wife said the “victims” and the “robbers” make the robbery look legitimate so the “victims” would use an incident number to later make insurance claims and split the profits. According to detectives, other "victims" in these robberies could use their status as a crime victim to apply for a U non-immigrant visa.

>Sade Beverly, Scott's fiance, says she's now left to raise their two children alone.

>"He didn't deserve what happened to him at all. He was making a dumb decision. I'm not defending him, of course, but he didn't deserve to die," she said.

>"Somebody still lost a life at the end of the day. Have some decorum," she said. "It would have eventually caught up to him, and he would have had to learn the hard way. He just took him out. He didn't get the chance to fix his mistakes."

Full police report is attached here:


Here's the article if anyone wants to circumvent the restrictions and engage in good faith:*x-brain-damage.html

Else !foidmoment !moidmoment !fellas !biofoids @Fiona discuss :#marseynoyou:

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100% true things that make r*dditors angry. A list.

Here's a list of 100% true facts* from a lot of different areas etc that make certain r*dditors very angry. Feel free to use to bait r-slurs 🤗🤗🤗 i probably forgot a bunch so I might update this list but idk

Violent video games increase aggression and desensitization, and decrease empathy.

Vegetables are healthy.

Red meat is unhealthy.

There are reasonable concerns about adverse health effects from MSG.

There's no evidence that seasoning a cast iron pan creates a layer of polymerized oils.

"Hydrogen oxide" is just as correct as "dihydrogen monoxide".

Eating meat is immoral.

Moral relativism is false.

Non physical experiments (like models and computer simulations) produce the same kind of evidence as physical experiments.

/r/nihilism's stickied explanation of nihilism does not explain nihilism correctly.

Anki spacing algorithms are not the most efficient algorithms for longterm retention.

Word cards lead to implicit word knowledge.

Gender is a social construct.

Clathrin mediated endocytosis does not significantly contribute to synaptic vesicle recycling under physiological conditions.

Sam Harris is neither a neuroscientist, nor a philosopher.

All the popscientific debunkings of the Kalam cosmological argument fail.

Jesus existed as a historical figure.

Wage increases only very rarely don't at least match inflation.

The wage gap exists.

IQ differences between races for the most part aren't genetic.

Youtube pianist Traum's videos are heavily manipulated.

* 100% true fact in this case means there's a robust consensus among the relevant experts. This works less well with r*ghtoids since they will just call the entire field libtard propaganda brainwashing or whatever.


Here's Albini recounting buying child pornography while in Hamburg:

Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly.

They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.

And here's him promoting his friend, Peter Sotos', chld pronography magazine:

The cover of PURE 2 is a guy holding open a toddler's puny hole so his spuzz can dribble out. The girl is past crying. She is destroyed. [...] Like I said, I like that sort of thing

Sotos later defended his use of child pornography in cout, stating "child abuse is a sublime pleasure"

Albini also produced an album for Sotos called Buyer's Market, which Wikipedia describes as "sound collages of spoken word samples from parents, law-enforcement officers and victims of s*x crimes and pedophilia". When asked about his relationship with Sotos in a reddit AMA, this is what he had to say:

Peter's an old friend. I've known him for 30 years or so. I'll help him do whatever he wants to do, from wash his car to edit his album.

dude abyssy lmao 💚


Reported by:
  • Aevann : get her to make an account and say hi
  • Mayocide : if you don't unban aquota i will find the male partners of every rdrama admin and forcefem them
USER WAS BANNED FOR LIFE FROM RDRAMA.NET I tricked a foid into marrying me

Bottom text lmao.


Is there any bias among Indians of hiring other Indian workers in the IT industry?

I'm beginning to :#marseynooticeglow: .... nootice.... please :#marseynooticeglow: .... make it stop

@X weights in

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Thanks everyone for your patience! I have sacrificed my place amongst my fellow entrants to judge and along with assistance fellow volunteer judges @HeyMoon and @Ninjjer, we have finally finished what the fish could not and we're pleased to announce the winners of the rDrama Fanfiction Contest!


1st place $15000mb - @Pibbles - Bardy's House of Horrors

2nd place $10000mb - @JoyceCarolOates - Garry's Anatomy

3rd place $5000mb - @SexyFartMan69 - C.A.R.P.

Honorable mentions $2000mb:

+ Funniest - @911roofer - 911ROOFER'S SUBMISSION

+ Most Erotic - @StarSix - A night with Marsey

+ Most Violent - @sealkey_kong - The Black Swan of Garland

+ Best Writing - @Lappland - Lappland's Submission

+ Best Unfinished - @Bruhfunny_Thrall - The Tyranny of King Antichud

+ Best Audio Version - @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE - Dwhite Dynamite's Submission

Thank you to everyone who participated! It was a pain in the butt to track down all the entries outside of the main thread so if I somehow missed yours and you failed to get a badge, DM me!



Niru is a very famous MapleStory streamer who became the first person to ever reach 299 lvl. Ever since then a huge amount of people in the community have been watching his streams and waiting for him to get to lvl 300, even the devs were watching him. In his final stream, he managed to get 299 99.99% and immediately logged off the game and started shit-talking the devs right in front of 20k viewers on Twitch

What's even funnier is the fact that the official Maplestory account on Twitter had already made a tweet congratulating him

The devs even promoted the stream through in-game banner but when he started ranting the banner instantly disappeared :marseyxd:



100% of my applications with a white name were completely ignored.

More than 60% of my identical applications with a Punjabi name received a response, including some interview offers.

If Canadians hate ray-cism so much, then why are we mass importing a large number of people who only want to work with their own caste?

Letters to the Editor

A Lotta mad Indians in the comments lmaoo - pinkpantherlean

Hired an HR person of Indian background at our company. The only people she hires are East Indians. Not one white person in the two years she's been in the job. - SplashInkster

I've been having the same issue here in Surrey BC. At the warehouse I worked they hired an Indian manager. After that all the white ppl were fired and replaced with Indians. Then he moved my shift from the morning to graveyards which the company knows I can't do because I take care of my disabled brother after work so I was forced to quit. Now I have been unemployed for a year because the mass majority of surrey consists of Indians who run all the business and only hire their own ppl. - Life\_Patience\_6751

People out here asking for proof like they haven't been to a Tim Hortons, Walmart, etc. lately. And then calling you ray-cist for pointing out ray-cism? - New-Midnight-7767

Ever walk into a Home Depot or Lowes that has an Indian store manager ? Literally ALL THE FKN STAFF are Indians. It's disgusting the obvious ray-cism. I almost complain to corporate when I fill out the review on the receipt, and ya they apparently don't give a shit. - Unusual\_Eggplant\_642

8% of the population, yet 100% of the employees at a store. Totally normal. Nothing to see here... I have been complaining about this for a very long time. If Demographic A makes up... 3% of the population of your town.... but that demographic is somehow 50 of the 60 employees working at a single business, then there is a reason for that. And that reason is ray-cism. (And you know it's doubly true when you point out this absurd statistical anomaly and are instead called racist yourself.) - OldManSyndrome

Canadians have fetishized diversity and have been the most malleable population when it comes to having any identity - BigDinkie

Brother, as an Indian, let me tell you... They are ray-cist, s*x-ist and while they may be hospitable and nice, they're extremely ray-cist. As a darker skinned Indian, these Punjabis are ray-cist towards me. - CashBitter9664

This is just the start. I was warned before coming here, this is one aspect I hate in Dubai. Once they get to higher management, that's it - railfe

At my last work I hired some Indian guys they were great I really enjoyed working with them, they were from the south and one time I had a guy in for an interview and they noticed he was from the north they basically told me if I hire him they'll quit - Additional-Rhubarb-8

Why does my upvote keep disappearing? - RedHotSnowflake2

!bharatiya !nonchuds


!leafs !bharatiya !antibharatiya

Literally every argument online involving :marseymayo: and :marseytunaktunak: always ends up with them referencing onlyfans

>Reposting his own tiktok is defamation

>Be Indian nationalist

>Still realise being sent to India is a life ruining event



Stomp sexy Indian dude skulls with steel toed boots.

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