UK's Labour suspends lawmaker for saying Kwarteng 'superficially' Black

GOP: :marseyveryworried:

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Among a wider pool of all registered voters, the survey indicates Fetterman with a 10-point 51%-41% lead, with 7% of those questioned undecided.

THESE 11 SENATE RACES WILL DETERMINE WHICH PARTY HOLDS THE SENATE MAJORITY According to the Marist Poll, Fetterman leads Oz by 22 points among independent votes, with just over one in 10 Independents undecided.

"Fetterman is ahead of Oz among most demographic groups.

Most Republicans (56%) said inflation was their most pressing issue.

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  • BasedGod : Iranians and Venezuelans did this. Wake up sheeple
Nord Stream sabotaged, reactions everywhere

Orange Site:




Disclosure: /h/slackernews is our parent hole.


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MOSCOW, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Three offshore lines of the Nord Stream gas pipeline system on the bed of the Baltic Sea sustained "unprecedented" damage in one day, Nord Stream AG, the operator of the network, said on Tuesday.

read more Nord Stream AG said it was impossible to estimate when the gas network system's working capability would be restored.

Russia blames faulty equipment at a key compressor station and Western sanctions over Ukraine for its idling.

The project was halted altogether just days before Moscow sent its troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24.

Register now for FREE unlimited access to Register Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Louise Heavens and Jan Harvey Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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  • Unbroken : Putin bros I'm getting tired of winning



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People cast their votes in sham referendums in Russian-occupied Donetsk Oblast on Sept. 24, 2022. (

The so-called vote at gunpoint has been declared null and void by all countries that commented on the issue.

During the "referendums," the Russian troops were checking residents' houses and writing down the names of locals who voted against the annexation, according to Luhansk Oblast Governor Serhiy Haidai.

They point weapons at people, give them these 'ballots' and tell exactly which box to check."

Russian state-controlled news outlet RIA Novosti wrote that Russia might formally annex the occupied regions on Oct. 4.

Kyiv warned that the illegal annexation votes would not change Ukraine's counteroffensive plans and that there would be no peace talks in case these "referendums" take place.


Russians are that desperate.



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Summary This content was produced in Russia where the law restricts coverage of Russian military operations in Ukraine MOSCOW, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Farmers are among the Russians being drafted into the military, President Vladimir Putin told a meeting with officials on Tuesday, signalling potential further risks for the 2023 crop.

Russia is the world's largest wheat exporter.

Autumn is a busy season for farmers as they sow winter wheat for the next year's crop and harvest soybeans and sunflower seeds.

"I would also like to address regional heads and the heads of agricultural enterprises.

As part of the partial mobilisation, agricultural workers are also being drafted.


New figures have revealed that the price of charging an electric car using a rapid public charger has risen by more than 42% in just four months, caused by the rising wholesale costs of gas and electricity.

It now costs £32.41 on average to charge a 64kWh family car such as the Kia e-Niro Long Range to 80% from empty via a public rapid charger, up £9.60 (£22.81) from May and £13.60 (£18.81) from the same time last year.

This is due to the average cost to charge per kilowatt hour, which is now 63.29p, up from 44.55p in May and 36.74p in September last year, the RAC has revealed.

The rising cost has been mirrored at ultra-rapid charging points (100kW-plus), which now charge an average of 63.94p per kilowatt hour, up from 50.97p in May and 34.21p in September last year. This means that charging a 64kWh family car to 80% costs £32.74, up £6.64 (£26.10) from May.

Charging firms have expressed concerns over the rise – caused in part by the UK’s decision to look at other sources for its gas and oil following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – arguing that they can no longer shield consumers from the price rises.

Instavolt has argued that the rise is due to the 20% VAT imposed by the government on public charging, compared with the 5% on home charging, adding that it could offer prices as low as 58p per kilowatt hour if home charging VAT rates were matched.

“We reiterate our commitment that if the public charging rate is reduced, the benefit will be passed back to consumers immediately,” said a spokesman.

This point is supported by Osprey CEO Ian Johnston, who previously told Autocar: “There is a cap that is protecting consumers at home, but there is no such cap for private businesses and we are buying energy at unseen levels at the moment.”

“We are trying to protect customers where we can but clearly we can’t run the network at a loss.”

However, one firm, Ionity, confirmed that despite the rising costs, it won’t be making any price rises yet and “currently have no future increases planned”.

Another worry from the RAC is that the price hike could put off potential buyers, hindering the government’s plan to ban the sale of all new petrol and diesel cars by 2030.

But Johnston disagrees, previously telling Autocar: “I think for the people who are currently making the decision to switch, the list of reasons to move to an EV are long and proven, and it is still – in many cases – cheaper than driving petrol or diesel [vehicles].

:marseychingchongsupremacy: Empire Strikes Back :!marseysoldierchina: (long, but fascinating read)


Reddit reacts

Chin had been feeling cautious even before Lee was murdered. He told me a story about how, in late January, he had encountered an unhoused man who he said was defacing a mural outside his building. “I was chasing him off. He turns around, and he was like, ‘Frick you, chink.’ And then pulls out a can of pepper spray and sprays me right in the eyes,” he said. “That shit burned — I was just a roaring man. He seemed terrified, like, Oh God, it’s not working. At that point, I chased him down in the subway and then shot him in the back of the neck with a taser.”


I was taken aback. “Wait, so do you carry a taser around with you?” I said.

“Oh yeah. Absolutely,” said Chin. “I actually recommend you carry one as well.” The man fell down the stairs when Chin tased him before running off. According to Chin, there happened to be a couple of NYPD officers in the station: “They said they couldn’t find him. He escaped into the subway.”

Chin characterized this incident — the man calling him a chink and hitting him with the pepper spray — as a hate crime. “Everyone’s terrified out of their minds now because we’re seeing stuff like this,” he said. “I think the collective sense is that criminals are being protected more than citizens at the moment.” Lee’s murder served to galvanize that conviction





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In an interview with Fox News on Monday, West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin expressed surprise the GOP is whipping against his energy permitting bill, which is to be included in the continuing resolution to avert a government shutdown.

For some, it goes maybe too far for others.

We just have we have agreement to disagree on that.

"What I didn't expect is that Mitch McConnell, my Republican friends would be signing up with Bernie or trying to get the same outcome by not passing permitting reform."




Turns out you won't find anyone in moscow to put up against the wall


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In this aerial image, the city of Tampa, Fla., is seen Monday, Sept. 26, 2022.

It's been more than a century since a major storm like Ian has struck the Tampa Bay area, which blossomed from a few hundred thousand people in 1921 to more than 3 million today. (

The adjacent Gulf of Mexico is also shallow.

ADVERTISEMENT McNoldy, the University of Miami researcher, noted that Hurricane Andrew’s storm surge today would be 7 inches (17 centimeters) higher than it was when that storm pounded South Florida 30 years ago.

“As sea level rises, the same storm surge will be able to flood more areas because the baseline upon which it’s happening is higher,” McNoldy said.




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Mitch McConnell praised Kyrsten Sinema in introductory remarks before her speech at the University of Louisville.

"I've only known Kyrsten for four years, but she is, in my view — and I've told her this — the most effective first-term senator I've seen in my time in the Senate," the Republican leader said. "

She is, today, what we have too few of in the Democratic Party: a genuine moderate, and a dealmaker."

Throughout her speech, Sinema stressed the importance of bipartisan dealmaking, touted her efforts on bipartisan legislation, and defended her approach to maintaining the Senate filibuster.

But I've never really wanted to fit in, not in Washington, and not anywhere else.

A new poll commissioned by the AARP this month found that a majority of Arizona voters on both sides of the political aisle — 54% — view Sinema unfavorably.




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Andrii Yusov, spokesman for the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, said that the ministry’s hotline has received many calls from Russians who had recently been called up and who are now asking how to surrender to Ukraine.

They’re calling and asking ‘What should I do if I get called up?

Yusov added that Russia has run out of people who could be called up in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

The only men remaining are either sick or engaged in essential work that is vital to the region’s viability.

Journ*lists fight on their own frontline.



During his first speech at the General Assembly as the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro said that the world's addiction to money, oil and carbon is destroying the rainforest and its people under the excuse of a "Hypocritical" war against drugs.

Mr. Petro highlighted that while the developed world let the rainforest burn as an excuse for the war against drugs, it also asked for more oil, "To calm their other addiction" to consumption, power and money.

Mr. Petro then demanded, speaking in the name of all of Latin-America, the end of the "Irrational war against drugs".



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Russia has been planning what Washington describes as sham referendums in portions of eastern Ukraine in what is seen as a step toward annexing these territories.

"The United States will never recognize Ukrainian territory as anything other than part of Ukraine," he said.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that the United States is prepared to level additional economic penalties on Russia, in lockstep with allies, if Moscow attempts to annex more Ukraine territory.

Russia is really desperate for draftees
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