Wake up honey, pandemic 3.0 has dropped
Trump Ignored a Call from the Pentagon During Jan. 6 Capitol Attack - Rolling Stone
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Fox news cope in the comments


rnews thread


You WILL stay home for over a year

You WILL social distance

You WILL wear the mask

You WILL wear the mask while eating

You WILL wear the mask while sleeping

You WILL wear 4 masks

You WILL stay 6ft apart from others except for during your corporation approved BLM rallies

You WILL flatten the curve

You WILL submit your DNA for Covid-19 testing

You WILL subscribe to the quarantine subreddit

You WILL record and report anti-maskers

You WILL embrace HR6666

You WILL obey the curfew

You WILL take the vaccine

You WILL support permanent social distancing

You WILL get the swab

You WILL eat the cricket burger

You WILL drink the cockroach milk

You WILL eat the maggot chips

You WILL eat the bugs

You WILL eat the babies

You WILL consume estrogen

You WILL avoid eating meat

You WILL take violence-inhibiting hormone injections

You WILL eat the soy

You WILL donate to GMO research

You WILL donate your food

You WILL drink recycled urine

You WILL believe in Ball Earth

You WILL believe in the moon landing

You WILL believe in climate change

You WILL stop believing in chemtrails

You WILL work and live in a sealed pod with your Vaxpass™

You WILL avoid travelling without your Vaxpass™

You WILL ride the bus

You WILL live in the FEMA camps

You WILL get in the wage cage

You WILL work in the cube

You WILL follow the arrows in the supermarket

You WILL rent your clothes

You WILL trust only government and government approved officials

You WILL trust only fact checker approved content

You WILL embrace identity politics

You WILL support erasing history

You WILL refrain from researching statistics or manipulation

You WILL listen to state approved media

You WILL listen to Bill Gates

You WILL avoid listening to conspiracy theories

You WILL get digital ID implants

You WILL be an early adopter for Neuralink

You WILL report non-compliant individuals

You WILL refrain from asking questions

You WILL get the digital tattoo

You WILL carry a phone at all times

You WILL allow the police to search your home

You WILL get an identification tattoo

You WILL support government-corporation unification

You WILL be mandated to house illegal aliens

You WILL remember the Shoah

You WILL support Israel

You WILL embrace the cashless system

You WILL have propaganda beamed into your mind

You WILL accept our version of history

You WILL only read pre-approved content

You WILL only hear pre-approved content

You WILL only see pre-approved content

You WILL only think pre-approved content

You WILL only dream pre-approved content

You WILL worship the New World Order

You WILL donate to African aid programs

You WILL accept corporation set UN migrant quotas

You WILL cut contact with loved ones

You WILL get circumcised

You WILL give up your privacy and freedom

You WILL embrace mass surveillance for your safety

You WILL take the meds

You WILL protest and riot in defense of criminals

You WILL take a knee for Black Lives Matter

You WILL accept white fragility

You WILL refrain from asking hate questions

You WILL punch Nazis

You WILL donate to BLM

You WILL use the pronouns

You WILL reject Christ

You WILL destroy God’s creation

You WILL inject your son with HRT

You WILL let the transgender go into female bathrooms

You WILL accept there are 40 genders

You WILL pay for POC’s welfare

You WILL be jailed for being right-wing

You WILL have your street closed down for LGBT parades

You WILL watch state-sponsored race mixing propaganda

You WILL accept that anti-Chinese sentiment is racism

You WILL support anti-white racism

You WILL embrace demographic replacement

You WILL have no spiritual beliefs

You WILL kneel when the George Floyd anthem plays

You WILL clap for our BLM health heroes

You WILL admit to institutionalized racism

You WILL believe blacks cannot be racist

You WILL own nothing and be happy

You WILL be transported to death camps if you resist

You WILL accept the new normal



Aka Groypers

HuffPoo and Twitter sneed inside





Dramapilled tweet

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