Apple Vision Pro is extremely uncomfortable, esp personas

I took one out and set it up. It's incredible for most things. Using it as a virtual Mac owns. The eyes thing and persona beta however is strange and the immersion thing where people can fade into your view is kinda uncomfortable.

Making a persona and calling someone on FaceTime is exactly like calling someone in cyberpunk 2077. It's fricking weird

It's really amazing what this does but it is 100% not something I feel comfortable doing so it's going right on to eBay with the others.

Also can't use it with glasses which ruins it

Who else is in line for Apple Vision Pro today?

#26 here

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What's the oldest software you still use personally

I was using Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (September 2000, and until Windows 21H2 fully broke support for it, even in compatibility mode, and Forced me to pirate and learn a new version

like Just two years ago, I used Macromedia Flash 5 (Released in 2000, and to create an animation because I have no idea how to use literally any sort of modern animation software

For the past week, instead of connecting my phone via USB and dealing with the painfully slow thumbnail generation.... set up an FTP server on the phone and use my original copy of CuteFTP 4.2 -- also from 2000 coincidentally enough -- to speed up my workflow

In today's hectic Web 3.0 world of emojified URLs and Prime 2-day shipping, what good-old-boy software are you still using because it just does the thing you need it to do without any unnecessary overhead

guiz im talking like actually using the old old version of the software, not its a modern app inspired by ClarisWorks but supports hyperthreading and x64 *sips tea*

I'm also angrily learning that the shit that appears on your actual desktop are in (username)\OneDrive\Desktop and not (username)\Desktop


Looking thru a scrape pile for some 3/4ths copper pipe I found a LaCie d2 Quadra and naturally took it apart to save the sata to usb board but discovered this 14 year old enclosure had a 2TB!

I did what literally every !codecel who's ever worked tech support does and imminently started snooping but to my shock :marseyshook: and horror :marseyscream: found it had been wiped (maybe)! It's a HFS (apple) file system with 0 mb used on the main partition

Going to try and recover any files for the lulz and because I like to snoop :marseydetective:

iwn be this cool

Orange Site:

:marseyflagrussia: :!marseyrofl:

It's restored now


Torvalds has successfully undone the years of damage that therapy caused him :marseyheart:

It begins :marseyjcdenton:

frick elon and frick twitter


Tried starting up my youtube client (freetube) today only to find over half my subscriptions won't load. Why won't they? No idea. The program logs nothing and the only error message it has is "Something went wrong"

And to top it off the settings page doesn't have a search bar so I get to expand every single tab looking for anything to do with logs.

This is what I get for using something made in javascript




Dynamic linking is batshit insane. You effectively make a virtual call every time you call a library function i.e. instead of vtable method function pointer load it's a global offset table function pointer load. Dependencies are resolved through a complicated graph algorithm that makes it impossible to figure out what implementation is actually being used. Literally no other programming language does this. Just memory map the code and the data you want to use it and call it a day - none of this complicated bullshit.

One attitude I find particularly troubling is that if a function conforms to a certain interface, you can swap its implementation out freely. This is just not true. Some observable effect will change - the execution time, the amount of memory loads, etc. that has the opportunity to break existing code due to some race condition or other UB.


The only valid form of web development is writing pure PHP + deploying via FTP to a shared hosting using FileZilla. No automation, you do this by drag and dropping files with your mouse.

Anything more is BLOAT

Potential leak of the most powerful LLM AI yet - Mistral Medium

Breaking news, so no effortpost.

See TheBloke's Groomercord (General) for people trying to work out if this is real:

Edit: Update, it does appear to be real.


It creates blatantly visible artifacts that cover up fine detail:

It doesn't even work on modern training processes:

It's utter snake oil.



If nothing changes, all remaining instances will go down eventually: Instances rely on guest accounts, which are valid for a certain time and of which you need a ton to run a public instance. The API for this got taken down and it doesn't look like a fluke this time.

HN thread:

Reported by:

!codecels look at this cute twink frick horse shit! I the USER can't ignore this error. Firestrag decided that I must be too stupid to understand such things and therefore must not be allowed to ignore this non-fatal error for my own good.

And frick all on the about page about making this fricking work.

And what do you, known bug for 10 fricking years and it's still broken out of the box.

The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website's administrator about the problem.

Suck my peepee. You can stop being a ssl strag and LET ME VIEW THE FRICKING CONTENT I CLICKED ON


Lol I was like bullshit my boss isn't that nice


black lives matter less

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