Crowdstrike problem cause poll :marseychartbar:



CrowdStrike spergouts

Turns out the anti-malware is the biggest malware of them all: windows machines worldwide that installed CrowdStrike are all crashing because someone at the company fricked up

they have a customer ticket here if you have an account

Also it looks like Trump took another W

New Toss


Kubernetes has destroyed more lives than blow, they just don't track the stats for that.

If you notice these signs, seek professional help immediately, don't wait for them to start posting on StackOverflow.

Seething! At the job market :marseystocksupdown: :soysnootypefast: :soysnooseethe:

A :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: long blogpost made by some neurodivergent :marseycheerupretard: guy who has spent 2 decades in the tech industry (including positions at STRAGMAN companies) and has gotten nowhere :marseysal2: and about to get evicted

The whole thing is written like someone who posts on 4chan :marseydrum: in an overly sarcastic :marseyfuckingfunny: and memey style. Its best summarized by the last paragraph:

The worst feeling is comparison. Comparison is the death :marseygoose: of happiness, as they say. I look at my own place :marseywinner: in the world :marseyww1german1: compared to people who just started at Apple or Microsoft :marseyclippy: 20 years ago then never :marseyitsover: left, and now they have made eight figures just over the past 4 years while my life path has lead me to… practically nothing. Then the tech inequality continues to compound. Imagine joining a company where :marseydrama: the teenage interns have already made a couple :marsey2commies: million :marseysamhyde: off their passive stock :marseywallst: grants and other employees have been making $2MM to $6MM per year over the past 5 years there, while you're starting over with nothing again for the 5th company in a row so what's the point :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: in even trying6. Though, did you know paying rent on a credit card still qualifies for points? Made $60 this month paying rent with credit card point :marseynoyoupedozoom: rebates7. whoops.

Well, at least the author :marseygeorgerrmartin: is fricking :marseytom: hot for someone in their 40's, and isn't some IT blob. I'd tap that blonde :marseyelisabeth: bussy!

Orange site discussion here


Reinstated :marseyitsover: but this is the sort of quality you can expect from the modern programming sphere.



>Yeah. I'll just frick with the semantics of realloc(0). It's not like we need backwards compatability or anything.



orange sight:

redditards :marseyspecial: discuss:


Literally the only thing Intel had left was a reputation for being relatively reliable and now it might not even have that since all their performance metrics are called into question by the failures :marseyxd:

I bought a 13700k for a new build last year - it's so fricking over - I should have gone AM5, fml :marseycry:

WTF is blackarch? (Kali knockoff)

I was searched up "local server focused distros" since I'm putting some shit on a mini pc and wanna try something other than my common ubuntu / Debian / Arch (I use arch btw) and saw some shit called blackarch that looked cool since it had a sword.

the other shit are obviously shit for servers like kali, tails, all that shit is trash for it but I looked up blackarch.

is has a gay hackery look but is open source but I don't get the point, is it just that it's arch-based?

Further I looked at that parrotOS, it's a debian pentest distro but why pick that over Kali when it's also debian?

I have a dislike towards kali since it would break whenever I used it in a VM and a compatible wifi antenna, where it'd just frick up and stop working randomly

I'm probably just gonna try fedora



I wonder what Shareblue is called these days


IMPORTANT: HN has this great feature called "show dead" to see flagged comments. Make an account.

COGlory 17 hours ago [flagged] [dead]

Honestly, I'm not saying that it wasn't, or couldn't have been gunshots, but something about this is off. The sound was just not sharp enough, and the way he touches his head after being shot was just weird, if it was a gun/bullet, it definitely was not a direct impact.

PhD in structural biology btw

Heidaradar 16 hours ago [flagged] [dead]

They really need to ban guns in the US. Gradually, of course, e.g., by first banning specific types of weapons, making it harder to get a license etc

Man got flagged to death for suggesting common-sense gun control :marseybased:

wtlkjzdfblk 17 hours ago [dead]




There's many comments like this, unfortunately they're all from new accounts so no doxxing :marseygiveup:

neurodivergentmind 14 hours ago [dead]

Steve Bannon, former trump advisor and white house chief of strategy, practically predicted it."Its his number one fear" Why is Bannons fear no.1 that the republican nominee would be assassinated before november? Because democrats are known for assassinations?

Another great thing about HN is that sometimes people get flagged so much their comments are auto-jannied and they don't notice for years. This guy has been talking into the void since 2019, starting from this schizopost about CO2:

neurodivergentmind on July 7, 2019 [dead]

Teach people about whats realy going on. For example: CO2 is not same as CO2. Sounds weird, maybe stupid, but its a fact. Also never saw people talking about CO2e. Like its not existing. There are different types of carbons, also of dioxides. Pubchem, shows me about 15 hits. While americans talked about antrophogenic clouds or cirrusclouds from contrails, since more than 20 years ago. Also in their cloudatlas.

The germans first time talked about manmade contrail-cirruscloud formation in the year 2017! The americans many many years earlier. And they hide these special cloudformations behind codes and phantastic storys about their formation. 20 Years of lies/secrets. For what and why? Germany kicked himself back about 20 years of existing knowledge. They kicked the knowledge americans had earlier, behind a code in their german cloudatlas. WHY? Cirrus-clouds formed from contrails. That was nearly the time, where these conspiracy and misinformation-campaign abaut chemtrails started. Since then, all people who realized anomalies like unusual trails in the sky, were called conspiracy-guys. Some years later they told us that these trails are a normal reactions from condensationtrails/watervapour from exhaust. No word about Fuels,or weatherexperiments. WHY? They had some Differnt Experimentalfuels wich were made by different companys at the same time and tested over decades. No wonder our today weather data is coruppted. Last week on one day nearly +40 Celsius. 2 days later -2 Celsius, only partly in some regions in germany. They, our industry and our governances dont act as they should and have to, NOW! Unableto to get it in their mind, that its no more time left for hiding things the have already botched years before. That their fuels and their decades long experiments changed the watervapour-circle in our atmosphere. Mostly they ignored it for years, to keep the oil, car and flight industrys growing, and cashflow alive. Make more money for the rich... Maybe they did not looked for this, maybe the electronic devices are getting better over time. BUT.I am a only a hobbyscientist who loved it to discuss themes with real climatescientists. Other people would call me a pothead, but not these people. Who else can give me a better answear? I had rly some nice expiriences, cause no one laught at me or called my theory a conspiracy. Sure there was some hard way to find the right communication. But they could understand what i have meant, and how it works in my head. No one with a brain, directly said i am wrong. No, they thought about it and brought it into calculations, only a scientist can make. Was fun to see my thought as a mathematical rule in a calculation for climate ractions. Also how watervapour reacts under several conditions. Will it get to drops formation and rain or not! This has changed and caused more UV-radiation, drought while the ocean is getting higher. So, we have more water everywhere but not where it should be! And there is another thing that makes it much more worse. Till american military sees climatechange as a force and threat-multiplier, they will do nothing to reduce carbon-outblast. Specially not in americas flying units, which cause a pollution of nearly 140 little countrys. And i tell you something, new fuels wont make anything better. Problem will be the same. Wartactics and strategys from the airuniversity show exactly how they acted over the years to force carbon output and expand production of nano particles, for different uses. Also there are themes called hybrid-wartactics. If i would not read about it in science articles, i would not belive it. But its possible to control the watercicuit, which is also a point under tactics and strategy. Transport Water with clouds. Saudi arabia, also became good in rainmaking technologies. Tropical or arctic-Aerosols are also a realy weird thing. And some of these used materials are very very smal. They use different sizes and different materials of particles, from 1 μm to 3-500μm... And its not only one country where they do research like that. In many countrys things like that happen. And if its a secret research, no data will go out. Now some leaders realized what actually happens. Two big oilcompanies are spending a lot of money to suck carbon out of the air. Just a few weeks ago. Cause the Air is more vapoured with water and other artificial stuff. Earlier times, we did not had such a, let me call it slimy air. What now actually happens and how i understand the planet. This more water in the air, is also more heavier airpressure + if no clouds it work like a thin layer of glas, which let radiation better pass by + reflect in both directions. Causes longer heat at night. Or in other cases it should reflekt radiation, with clouds who should brightening the albedo to more reflect. But here are also different possibilities wich can take place and happen. But back to the heavy wet air. This should cause in higher pressure on tectonic plates, causes more erruptions and eartshakes. This heating will cause the planet to sweat and cough. Like human with higher temparature. Body gets hot to kill the virus/bakteria. Then sweat is cooling the skin. In this case, volcano erruptions and ashclouds schould take place to replace antropgenic CO2. And bring back the natural CO2 + sulfur from Volcano. Possibility to watervapour to react like its natural and form natural clouds and climate. And not artificial infected till kollapse. P.s. Research about CIRRUS clouds, go back to late 1940s. And then again years later, and again, and again, over the years, they done same experiments in defferent countries. Only with newer instruments. I mean, WHY and for WHAT. I am not a scientist, but im not stupid, not to see the lack of information, spread of misinformation and how its been handeled over the years from differnt sides. Americans and europes. We only had to look for differences in information and their handling. But they are rly fast and efficiant to keep me out from social-media, spreading informations. If a scientist is in here, check it please.


According to Mozilla, Firefox's implementation uses the "Distributed Aggregation Protocol" (DAP). Individual browsers report their behaviour to a data aggregation server, which in turn reports aggregate data to an advertiser's server using differential privacy. But the aggregation server still knows the behavior of individual browsers, so basically it's a semantic trick to claim the advertiser can't infer the behaviour of individual users by defining part of the advertising network to not be the advertiser.

!chuds if you're not using Brave you don't belong in this ping group

Disney's Internal Slack Breached? NullBulge Leaks 1.1 TiB of Data

The breach, which is yet to be verified, allegedly contains a complete copy of the company's Slack communications used by their development team including messages, files, and other data exchanged within the Slack workspace.

The hackers further claim the dump includes "almost 10,000 channels, every message and file possible, unreleased projects, raw images, code, logins, links to internal API/web pages, and more!"

NullBulge also used X (formerly Twitter) to announce the alleged hack, stating, "Disney has had their entire dev Slack dumped. 1.1 TiB of files and chat messages. Anything we could get our hands on, we downloaded and packaged up. Want to see what goes on behind the doors? Go grab it."

Now's a really good time for making some fake Disney bait and claiming it's from this leak. :marseyfsjal:

Make some Slack messages about how Disney is planning to remake the original star wars but race/gender swapped "for modern audiences" or something.

Torrent link is here


I bet conde nasty took the deal


Goofy BIPOCs let their r-slurred promotion process leak into the real world.

New USCSB industrial failure post-mortem video came out
AT&T :marseygossip:has nearly all of their customers :marseycrayoneater:data hacked :marseyhacker2:

Almost as big a data breach as when Equifax got hacked

Of course their security chief is an :marseyhibernian:

and their CTO is a political science major and possibly brave and valid

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