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Last weeks prompt:
Create a whimsical portrait of a character, such as a playful robot, a mythical creature, or a steampunk adventurer. The character should have a distinct personality shown through expressive features, unique clothing, or accessories
Submissions from last thread:
This weeks prompt:
Draw bees and/or bee related things
As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.
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25 more boxes. But I am feeling a bit ill so it probably won't be today
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Nervously waiting for a grade on an exam. The deadline is tomorrow. Been testing out some brushes. 210 boxes, just 40 more
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Painted the tiger lilly while listening to Melvins Lysol and the squid to Ween's The Mollusk.
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Last weeks prompt:
Draw something relating to the word "Ink"
Submissions from last thread:
This weeks prompt:
Create a whimsical portrait of a character, such as a playful robot, a mythical creature, or a steampunk adventurer. The character should have a distinct personality shown through expressive features, unique clothing, or accessories
As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.
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Heads are more fun to draw than boxes. I will be traveling back to my student apartment tomorrow. I will continue drawing boxes then, 150 more to go.
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the nose needs to be rounder and narrower . face too wide cheeks are ehhhh. hairs kinda fricked. liked the badger lighting. listened to the feedback, no more eastern hoes, this is a german bro! feedback welcome
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Last weeks prompt:
Draw a something for the holidays, Christmas themed, Hanukka themed, Kwanzaa themed, or anything else you can think of that makes sense for the season
Submissions from last thread:
This weeks prompt:
This week, draw something relating to the word "Ink"
As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.
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I am on box 85, these 35 have been more fun than the first 50, but I haven't had as much time this week..
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Feedback welcome. I continue to struggle with hair. also the left eye is fricked up i just noticed oof lmao
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We celebrate the holiday today in my country, I have just come home after the celebration.
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im outa juice again. the tchaikovsky portrait is pretty good me thinks
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Last weeks prompt:
Draw a "political comic" on a topic of your choice
Submissions from last thread:
This weeks prompt:
Draw a something for the holidays, Christmas themed, Hanukka themed, Kwanzaa themed, or anything else you can think of that makes sense for the season
As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.