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  • HailVictory1776 : Christ denial not only is a mortal sin, it is the denial of basic human morality, it is pure hatred
  • Nightcrawler : @hailvictory1776 is right free my neighbor or face the Christian reeducation camps :capypharaoh:

:marseypraying: /r/atheism MELTDOWN as they realize Project 2025 is underway :marseyhappening: "THIS IS LITERALLY 1984 AND THE HANDMAID'S TALE" :soycry:

Fun fact for all of you enlightened by your own intellectcels: atheism has grown from 3% in 1970 to 4% in 2024 (source) and your project has utterly failed. Belief in new age spiritualism and du jour paganism have had all the growth in your efforts to destroy religion. Having said that, enjoy some reddit seethe:

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Holy shit what happened to the :marseyamazingatheist: "we are le level-headed rationalists" bit? Internet atheists were always super annoying but at least they had that going for themselves. They're just in full on fan-fic mode right now like those chicks with Handsmaid Tale costumes.

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They were never level-headed rationalists. :marseysmughips: I realize most of us were young when the new atheists got going but if you ever check out old content you can see they were always on the same tier of Howard Zinn and their understandings of history, philosophy and religion were always ideological garbage. They just won debates by tapping easily dunkable fundamentalists. !Christians !Catholics Checking in on the four horsemen, who were united only in their (admittedly a bit based) actual Islamophobia:

In this work, Dennett's interest in the ability of evolution to explain some of the content-producing features of consciousness is already apparent, and this later became an integral part of his program. He stated his view is materialist and scientific, and he presents an argument against qualia; he argued that the concept of qualia is so confused that it cannot be put to any use or understood in any non-contradictory way, and therefore does not constitute a valid refutation of physicalism.

This view is rejected by [Nobel Prize winning] neuroscientists Gerald Edelman, Antonio Damasio, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Giulio Tononi, and Rodolfo Llinás, all of whom state that qualia exist and that the desire to eliminate them is based on an erroneous interpretation on the part of some philosophers regarding what constitutes science.

On the next to last page of his book, Harris makes the telling admission that if people like male feminists, liars, and thieves could be just as happy as good people, then his moral landscape would no longer be a moral landscape; rather it would just be a continuum of well-being, whose peaks are occupied by good and evil people alike (p. 190).

What's interesting about this is that earlier in the book Harris observed that about three million Americans are psychopathic, that is to say, they don't care about the mental states of others. On the contrary, they enjoy inflicting pain on other people (pp. 97-99).

That implies that there is a possible world which we can conceive in which the continuum of human well-being is not a moral landscape. The peaks of well-being could be occupied by evil people. But that entails that in the actual world the continuum of well-being and the moral landscape are not identical either. For identity is a necessary relation. There is no possible world in which some entity A is not identical to A. So if there is any possible world in which A is not identical to B, it follows that A is not in fact identical to B.

Since it's possible that human well-being and moral goodness are not identical, it follows necessarily that human well-being and moral goodness are not the same, as Harris has asserted.

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dennett is right tho. not necessarily about his proposed resolution (which he freely admits), but about all the glaring inconsistencies in the traditional ideas about consciousness. what 99% of people think consciousness is can't possibly be true, it contradicts itself.

This view is rejected by [Nobel Prize winning] neuroscientists Gerald Edelman, Antonio Damasio, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Giulio Tononi, and Rodolfo Llinás,

because they're dumb

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Dennett did defend and held to a strong illusionism attacking premise 1 of this Moorean argument in Why You Can't Make a Computer That Feels Pain:

1. People sometimes feel pain.

2. If strong illusionism is true, no one feels pain.

3. Strong illusionism is false.

You can handwave by allowing that at best people undergo processes of pain, and register them, but they do not experience pain, and they do not feel pain. But to deny that people feel pain is to deny something apparently obvious... and it is of the essence of strong illusionism about consciousness to deny something apparently obvious and seemingly undeniable which is why the hard problem of consciousness is called the hard problem to begin with. :marseysmughips:

Dennett was too ideologically committed to his strident scientism (the edifice of all "new atheism") and false dichotomization of a poorly understood faith with a poorly understood science to be reasonable in much the same way critics often accuse us theists of being. :marseyindignant: !sophistry

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@whatastory is right because he made his point using less words.


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For philosophy my response was actually pretty brief and I avoided using much jargon. :marseysad:

They invited me by name to join the ping group the day they created it, and I refused for a few months because I frickin' knew it was just gonna be jokes and another one for :marseywingcuck: political back and forth. I have been proven right. :marseysadge:

@hypernovasaiz has said he has a master's and he never tries bringing these topics up here which is probably the correct move. :marseysigh:

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Ohhh, I'm just goofin' around. :marseyteehee:

I'm only knowledgeable about political economy, but I have dabbled in philosophy. I never really got into metashit and consciousness because much of it seems like untestable nonsense. A lot of philosophers enjoy focusing on constructing purely logical arguments to make their points, but that often leads to them chasing their tails because they tend to slip into only testing for validity instead of also the soundness of their propositions. That test for soundness requires something from the sciences which they're highly allergic too, but at that point I simply ignore them or at best find their opinion amusing but weak. :marseypathetic:

If you couldn't tell, I really enjoyed reading Wittgenstein and Karl Popper. :marseyexcited:

!sophistry, have another "good morning" ping because I love you so much. :marseycoffee:

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Consciousness is obviously biological. Get punched in face. Lose consciousness. Have a tumor in the right place on your brain, you want to murder people for the first time in your life. It's all physical and anybody who doesn't believe it is scared of dying and being nothing.

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Metaphysics and consciousness are really why I got into it in the first place. :marseyautism: Impossible to have opinions on the Church Fathers without understanding neoplatonism and for the medievals Aristotle.

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Pain is obviously real to the extent that our biological impulses are designed to feel the subjective experience of pain. Is it impossible to cross the wires to make you feel tickish when you get stabbed. I doubt it.

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When I was a young edgy internet atheist I used to watch shit like this

Granted I was a teenager and wanted to rebel but looking back it all seems so silly. Also this guy used to hate republicians 15 years ago and now one of his most recent videos is dunking on democrats

Strange how things turn out

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I hated republicans 15 years ago, peepee cheney was still VP. back then democrats were a different beast entirely.

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yeah same I was a crazy amazing athiest fan

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TIL of new equine marseys

:#marseyhorsemandeath: :#marseyhorsemanwar: :#marseyhorsemanfamine: :#marseyhorsemanconquest:


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:#marseybooing!: BOOOO!!!

:#marseyfluffyannoyed: Crappy Marseys.

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Could get a series of plushies of these :reposthorse:

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these have been around for a long time, plus theyre wpd :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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new atheism is what converted me as a young teenager but it impressive what a thin veneer of intelligence they have.

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Consciousness is an illusion. Just as pain is an illusion. but at that point it does not matter to your experience of existing whether it is an illusion or not.

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Co-opted by intersectionality.

Dawkins was (and is) happy to talk about how terrible Islam is for example, /r/atheism is waving Palestine flags.

You can't think people waving the Bible around have too much political power unless you also get behind 100 other causes .

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When does the snitch police begin? When do they start arresting journ*lists, as he has threatened to do? When will speaking out against him (past or present) become a crime punishable by jail, torture, death, or all three? When do our social media accounts become weaponized against us? When do we have forced church attendance? When are we required to fly the flag? All of these things are now possible, and some are probable.

/u/billjv Stop trying to seduce me. :marseylaying:

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When does the snitch :marsey69: police :marseythinbluebline: begin?

Now lol: PERIODT

literally, /u/Kindly_Cream8194:

I'll be snitching on every non-white Trump :marseychuddance: supporter when the deportations start. I saved screenshots displaying support for Palestine :marseynyanisrael: from a bunch :marseysurejan: of people who didn't vote or voted :marseyridin: for Stein over Gaza - and I'll be turning :marseylookingback: them in if Trump :marseyhitler: goes after them too.

Frick around and find out. (31 upmarseys)

!chuds !reportmaxxers but its whatever

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>voted for stein over gaza


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>Kamala is a heckin brave woman :marseychingchonggrandma: of color but its whatever

>Palesneedians are oppressed BIPOC :marseysomalian: folx

>therefore Kamala :marseygivecoconut: is pro-Gaza

!palestine I am not making this shit up, this is how their elementary school :marseyeric: logic :marseycheckmate: actually :marseyakshually: works, glad to see that the "demographics is destiny" bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: has been finally laid to rest, I never :marseyitsover: expected that I would :marseymight: be writing :marseyclippy: this, but Drumpf winning is an unironic victory :marseybush: for anti-racists non-chuds, because it demolishes the notion that humans only vote for candidates of their own race, and the notion among :marseyimposter: both progressives and white :marseysouthernbelle7: nationalists that importing non-white immigrants :marseyabbott: would :marseywood: result in said non-whites voting :marseynatesilver: for non-white politicians to dismantle mayo civilization or something.

The opposite has occurred, Trump :marseysnappymaga: has won more of the non-white and immigrant :marseymexicaninvasion: vote, has lost much of the white :marseysouthernbelle5: vote, and more whites voted :marseyridin: for Kamala, heck, black :marseycopfreeze: foids :marseybirdlielol: voted :marseyridin: more for Biden :marseyliberty2: than Momala, in other words, Kamala, the heckin valid :marseytransaxe: BIPOC :marseyblack2: liberal, is the pro-white candidate, whereas Trump, the huwite conservative :marseytrumpwereback: nationalist, is the pro-multicultural candidate, and redditors :marseysoypoint2: with white :marseydimmadome: savior complex have already gone mask-off about why non-whites are uneducated low-IQ apes who do not appreciate :marseyadmire: the benefits that white :marseysouthernbelle5: western :marseybootscoot: civilization has gifted them, and :marseyphrenology: *sips tea*


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She's pro Gaza when campaigning to Muslims, and pro Israel when campaigning to Jews.

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Great strategy lets look at the vote totals

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She didn't take into account that the internet exists and her two-faced policy might be revealed to the other side.

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I got a couple dozen tards here who are convinced that I love Hamas. It's black & white thinking where they want to divide the universe into two teams and everyone agrees with their team about everything.

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That's exactly what a Hamas lover would say :marseysquint:

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I think they mean voted for stein because of gaza

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>israel nyan cat


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Scratch a lib.

Hilarious that these unprincipled cute twinks are ready to tattle as soon as the uppity hard-working Americans step out of line.

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!trump2024 !trump2028

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I like the part where the illiterate mouthbreathing atheists invoke Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, completely unaware that the intention was regicide in order to restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. :marseycrusade: Remember, remember, indeed. :marseytime: !catholics

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These r-slurs invoking fawkes is his ultimate final defeat. Forget forget.

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Guy Fawkes

Isn't he a character from a comic book? :marseyzoomer:

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When are we required to fly the flag?

Oh no, not that!!! :marseyshook:

I love how he puts this after the death squads, as if it's even worse.

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!project2025 all to plan

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:marseypraying: Ben Collins in Guantanamo Bay with Hasan :!marseypraying:

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Something tells me this guy supports lite versions of all of the above already happening in regards to :marseytrain: rights

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You're laughing. Christofascism has just won and you're laughing.

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For atheists they sure sound a lot like an end of the world cult right now

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ideal timeline:

>trumpler's election causes a nation wide jesussianna feetwasher x atheist civil war

>feetwashers give normal ppl the ICK :#brookscringe:

here's where the GOOD PART comes in:#chad:

>holy bride of God ISRAEL steps in :#gigachadqueen:

>provides safety and SOLACE to ppl damaged by the feetwasher wars :#marseypoorpat:

>everyone realises xey were the lost children of israel all along :#donkeykonghearteyes:

>Jewish Supremacy TAKES OVER the earth, forming a colossal scale Jewish Empire :#chadjew:

>proceed to WIPE the feetwasher idolators and pressure atheists into joining the Jewish Alphary :#chadjew2!: :#chadjew:

>all 1st world nations are annexed by Israel, proceed to ERASE jesussianna and xeir victories from the history books PERIODT and make Jewish Alphas look like the winners of history :#capyramses:

!jidf was Trumpler becoming president Hashem's will all along? :#vegetakneel:

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I shared a Barbra Streisand song in this thread so don't accuse me of antisemitism JIDF! :marseyhugjew:

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Literally Voldemort AND Darth Vader combined.

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Skibidi AND potty

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So besties, what would I be targeted for personally under Project 2025?

  • Mid 30s

  • White

  • CIS Male

  • Homeowner, paid off

  • Married to natural-born citizen, a white CIS female

  • No criminal records, either of us

  • Valid drivers licenses, no tickets

  • No chronic health conditions beyond usual foid nonsense

  • Household income is twice the median

  • She has a culinary degree, I have multiple journeyman licenses

  • Both drive Fords -- mine is Canada-built, hers is American-built.

  • Both voted for Trump

  • Nobody in my extended family is in jail

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mine is Canada-built

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a white CIS female


Inshallah for that

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Well you can't get pegged by your wife anymore


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>being active on a gay cat dating website

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Homeowner, paid off

I understand it makes little financial sense unless your interest rate is truly astronomical but I'd really like to pay off my mortgage that early.

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i cant believe kamala lost, did you see how many updooters she gets on reddit?

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These people are so unbelievably dumb.

When do they start arresting journ*lists, as he has threatened to do?

When they break the law

When will speaking out against him (past or present) become a crime punishable by jail, torture, death, or all three?


When do our social media accounts become weaponized against us?

When they contain evidence of breaking the law

When do we have forced church attendance?


When are we required to fly the flag?


All of these things are now possible

absolutely not

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Vance has been the end game all along. trump is too unstable and crude for the tech bros and billionaires who want to run the country. Vance is spineless, amoral and easily manipulated. He's the perfect puppet for Thiel, Musk and the rest. They could care less about religion. As always, it's just a tool to manipulate the masses who, as we saw last night, are as stupid as goddarn gerbils. Now Elon gets his shot at being the world's first trillionaire.

:marseymerchant: :chadsikh: :surewalz:

As a straight white man myself, Non straight white men that voted for him, I don't get it.

I can get my head around straight white men being racist and sexist and stand for everything trump has to say (to be clear, I'm not one of them)

But why anyone that isn't white, or is female, or not straight would vote for him given how open he is about not liking your demographic? I don't know.

I'm just thankful I'm not American… not that this still won't impact me in some way.

:marseymayo: :soysnooseethe: :!littlestchuddy:

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Any serious attempt to push Evangelical nonsense will drive the USA further away from them.

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Wait, you are allowed to post outside /h/mnn?



:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Aevann lets him out of his cage every so often :marseyembrace:

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No parallel with what happened with prog nonsense btw


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Catholic or Muslim nonsense, on the other hand...

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I hope you're the Kommandant in my concentration camp :marseyuwu:

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Don't you love farce?

My fault, I fear

I thought that you'd want what I want

Sorry, my dear

But where are the clowns?

Quick, send in the clowns

Don't bother they're here

I pinged you on this Barbra Streisand version of the Sondheim A Little Night Music !classics and you didn't respond. :marseysadwave2: Cheer up, buttercup. Everything will be ok. :marseyembrace:

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Sorry babes :marseycheerup:

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Man in my expat and travel groups it's like the gym in January. Should clear out by February when they realize all the other "first world" countries won't take them and their pencil pushing admin or Uber driving jobs and the other countries are much more conservative and have scary minorities so they'll be back to Reddit bitching.

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ance has been the end game all along. trump is too unstable and crude for the tech bros and billionaires who want to run the country. Vance is spineless, amoral and easily manipulated. He's the perfect puppet for Thiel, Musk and the rest.

Actually true tho

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That's why I voted for him

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Am I a fascist is the only dictatorial thing I want to do is force everyone to read another fricking book? :marseyreading2:

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Is Project 2025 real or just a meme?

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It's real in the sense that the Heritage Foundation did put out a list of policy proposals that could fairly be called "Christian Nationalism" but a meme in the senses that:

A) the Trump campaign removed right-to-life and repealing gay marriage laws from the federal Republican platform and apart from SC picks nobody in their right mind thinks he's genuinely a social conservative (his own life being the best proof).

B) Redditors lied for months about what was actually in the document :marseymisinformation: and have genuinely been seething out about a thinktank wish list.

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That's good to hear because project 2025 does sound pretty fricked up the way people are talking about it. But of course Reddit users love over exaggerating

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RemindMe! 3 Years

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I will be messaging you on 06.11.2027, 19:46 UTC to remind you of this comment

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You have to have down syndrome if you think Trump is religious.

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:soycry: :soyjaktantrum: :soysnooseethe: :marseysoycry: :soyjakhipster: :soysnootypefast:

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Spez: I have been working for you for years, for free. I get abused, harassed, threatened, insulted, given death threats, my family insulted and threatened with harm and death, my personal info found and leaked, stalked, I have to see some of the most horrible shit there is and all to keep YOUR website running.

Where is our compensation? If you want to talk about things being fair and equitable, about how people have been expecting things to be free for too long and now it's time to pay the piper, where is OUR pay? I'll take cash, bank transfer, PayPal, or certain goods.

You can't have it both ways, so pay up.



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:soysnootypefast: :soysnootypefast:

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Orange father not only winning again but sweeping all swing states and winning the popular vote means that the god of drama is real and she has ushered in our golden age PBUH :marseypraying: :marseypray:

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