The mountain chinkis are acting up again :marseysmug2:

Nipples waiting to be annexed by Endia any day now

:marseywait: :marseyskeleton:

Other hits

:marseycope: :marseylaugh:

God I hope they build those dams with chinki loans too then we refuse to buy the electricity like expected. They'll stab themselves to make us flinch.

Indian Street Brawl

Don't care. didn't read. plus you're white :gigachadqueen:
JioFiber vs. BSNL

I get a consistent 100 Mbps with BSNL but the problem is whenever there is, say, a festival or some unexpected weather condition, there is a looong downtime of atleast 1 day. I get good internet with BSNL, I just hate the downtime.

Should I switch to JioFiber? It happens to be available in my locality and I don't know if JioFiber has the amount of downtime BSNL does every once in a while.

Help me out sexy Indian dudebros


You guys are the only ones who understand me :marseycry::marseysob::marseycrying:


Is it just me or does this baby look super r-slurred?

Knowing the grown up version might be prejudicing me but I've seen a number of babies and none looked as visible r-slurred as this one.

Reported by:
  • Slippery_Jim : Not india because nobody's riding a bike with a wardrobe on the back
  • Sasanka_of_Gauda : Bus doesn't explode so it isn't Chinese either :marseythinkorino: Must be Nepali then :marseyagree:
Imagine getting to drive here :marseystars:

I'd def crash looking at the sights tbh.

Amid nothingness there has to be one :marseydrunk: shop :marseyxd: :marseyxd: All the mountain goats must make for a captive clientele

:marseymanlet: seethes at her :marseyboomer: :marseytrad: relatives

If you're post puberty human, and someone comes to visit our family at home, almost all of them point how short I'm at 5 feet. They'd give me tips (I'm done growing) like go on and hang on bars(thankfully not fan), eat this biscuit, eat that medicine and what not. None of them accepts that both my parents are short and I'm made of their genetics. Environmental factors can only do so much for you. It takes me a lot to accept and be comfortable with myself, but even the best of people visiting our home(the highly educated ones) are same. They make it seem like they're at home not for visiting but for checking me out for arranged marriage and are disappointed when they don't see a beautiful model like fairy. It's the opposite for my extra fair skinned friend who gets told by aunties to keep herself safe from 'dusro ki nazar'. The world can't just accept humans are different, and just make peace with things that can't be changed, at least here in India:) Edit: Apparently even our generation judges, but they keep it to themselves.

Edit2: it sucks when even your mom can't accept the way you look. Like u birthed me?? Genetic pool Kim Kardashian and troye sivan ka kaha se aa jaegA??+pretty people won't understand shit here so💁‍♀️it's not your expertise. You pls be out

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Imagine not being the tall kid in your family. :marseycringe:

It's really demented, backwards, and even creepy how Indian adults think about a girl's marriageability from such a young age, starting from when she is just a baby. I was only 6 when I'd overhear my relatives, mother included, discussing my complexion, and how it would be perceived in the marriage market, but I'm sure they had those discussions when I was even younger but wasn't old enough to understand it.

Randi foid doesn't understand a joke


Our media normalises it and bodyshaming makes up a major part of 'comedy' scenes.


Everybody in my family said this to me back in the 80s and 90s. Where the f do they get this idea? And it makes no fricking sense either. Do they not understand that bones aren't elastic like gum and dough??????

They just don't want to see manlets and pollute their eyes :marseyshrug:

Bro you should tell that uncle that he looks like a 5 month pregnant lady. Roast them back dude yelog kabhi nahi sudhringe

:boomer: :!zoomersoy:

I am a 26 year old Male and I am 5ft 3in. My mom used to give me advice like this when I was in 11th and 12th. After a point, she realized that my height is something out of my control and stopped giving advice.


I’m a 4ft 10” female (26y). I’m healthy but slightly overweight (I’ve always been). All my life, random butt uncles and aunties have given me advices like “do skipping”, “hang from a fricking rod”, “ do yoga” and what not. I’ve been bullied for my height and weight since a young age.

Seethe continues for 5x this length


At one point my child was convinced they could be 6' tall if they wanted. I had to sit down and explain genetics and why they could never be that tall. Gave them realistic possible height they could reach. They were not happy with my answer like I was physically holding them back. They've grown to their predicted heights. ..

:marseywhirlyhat: Mommy I'll be king of the manlets

:!indiandoomergirl: No son your daddy is a turbo manlet and that is your fate

My relatives cannot accept the fact that I'm not "fat" and its my "body type". LIKE I CANNOT POSSIBLY CUT THIN MY PELVIC BONE WTF. To prove my words, we even went to doctors who said that I'm okay as I'm healthy. Then came the unsolicited advices about my hair (I had once waist length hair which is cut short around my shoulder now).


When did a bunch of fat sexy Indian dudeas set up camp in /r/india kek?

Dalli moment
Lundian intervention in Burma when?

These are the civilian government in exile's forces. :marseythinkorino: Objectively speaking more anarchy in Burma is bad for us cause the border is porous, the military doesn't seem to be winning and the 'resistance' is every flavour of ethnic separatists who even if they win might not disarm and stick to their activities outside the country. Doesn't look like a militia either, they have vests and stuff. Army said recently they killed 50 and it seems they are crossing over in strength, from this video too.

:marseychudnny: :marseychudnny:

!bharatiya day we clear devbhoomi is finally here


Seriously though with Manipur and this is a proper happening actually approaching


Momowalas drew a new map :marseycrayoneater:

@whills you get invaded too :marseywholesome:

Apparently Kathmandu mayor advocated for this :marseyxd: Fricking pahari Biharis man.

A Modest Proposal, by Sexy Indian dude Swift

Very funny thread


Someone signed my email up for some indian newsletter so now I get these every month.


New Indian lore just dropped :marseyhotep:

:marseydrunk: Had Old Monk after a long time :marseydrunk:

Its still terrible rum my insides still burn but its a good drunk. :marseywholesome:

:marseyflagpakistan: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Ghazwa e Hind is a mudslime fantasy about conquering India BTW.

Endians are such fanatics for wanting to conquer us :marseydisagree: It'll just end in us conquering them like has been foretold in our religion though :marseyexcited:

The Yellow Peril menaces Aryavarta :marsey300:
Were we the globohomo all along bros? :marseydeadinside2:

Maybe Nepalis are right to hate us. The ABSOLUTE state of this mutt country, blockading our brothers for the sake of some white gussy.

:marseycontemplatesuicide: :marseycontemplatesuicide:

:marseymutt2: :#marseyshooting:

:marseyitsover: Stalin declares workers don't have to work longer shifts :marseyitsover:
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