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  • The10thMan : I thought I clicked the Trump assassination link, so seeing my name pop up was quite a surprise
  • Y : I tried to give you awards, lol
  • FookinSookinCookin : If you think about it reporting a post serves the same purpose as an award :marseymindblown:
  • DWHITE___________DYNAMITE : so true king, thank u
  • pet : fake and straight

Bong mass murderer Nicholas Prosper, who slaughtered his family over Walking dead vidya game, discovered to have WPD accounts and even made a youtube video whining about getting banned/bullied off of the site for being a fricking schizo libertarianism/lolicon apologist

Edit, I fricked up the original video and accidentally uploaded the version I saved without audio: :marseybrainlet: - fixed with audio

Video transcript:

Unjust WPD Ban.

this video is in reply to the 10th Man on watch people die the context of this is that I have been banned for libertarian which basically means I'm Banning you because I don't like you I guess considering I've broken no rule and no one is willing to explain how I have broken any rule I've tried to reason with these people what I've done is I've made a slew of messages combating misinformation and comments based on empirical findings and comments made purely for academic purposes in spreading knowledge and understanding on this topic so for an example this is the comment which got me banned you can read that if you like and obviously I've made not of the comments and people have responded in Anger obviously pertaining to my um messaging the moderators um not one person was willing to explain to me what I said how what I said was sexualization because that is the rule they try to bend in justifying my ban um I wrote the definition of sexualization here and you can read that and it really isn't sexual sexualization of Min is any more than talking about puberty genitals or just s*x said is really it's in it's purely for education and purposes it's not to satisfy any libertarianphilic desire purely there is no sexual objectification anywhere it really is just combating misinformation and obviously they have responded with no care like always but the comments which really annoyed me was they message by 10 man nothing I said was a threat of violence a threat to commit a crime the way that your analogy suggests nor was anything I said a joke considering I quite literally cited my sources so I really don't know how to respond to this considering he hasn't addressed any of my concerns and of course he thinks it was a joke anything that doesn't demonize libertarianism is a joke then break a new rule

WPD post with additional info:

Previous @Dramamine post:

>British schizo shoots and kills 3 of his family members, states it is because his family made the wrong choice while playing the teltale games Walking Dead video game.

An 18-year-old man has been charged with murder after three people were found dead in a tower block in Luton on Friday.

Nicholas Prosper, of Leabank, was arrested on Friday morning after the bodies of a woman and two teenagers were discovered at a flat.


Juliana Prosper, 48, Kyle Prosper, 16, and Giselle Prosper, 13

Comment he was originally banned for:

To avoid inevitable rhetoric and misrepresentation surrounding the legal terms of 'consent' and 'r*pe' I'm going to use involuntary and voluntary s*x instead. I don't support involuntary s*x with children; I do, however see no issue with voluntary ch-adult s*x, stemming from empirical findings (Areola et al 2008; Stanley et al 2004; Rind, B, 2001; Rind B, 2021.)

Studies purporting harmful, long term effects and pervasiveness due to ch-adult s*x, often use clinical sampling which don't represent the general population of children legally sexually abused. Off the top of my head: clinical samples are vast majority females, and only consist of cases considered serious enough to report, in contrary to the GP, where a large quantity of instances go unreported due to lack of perceived seriousness Lahtinen, H., et al., (2018). In addition these studies count for no confounding variables.

What's interesting, is when the definition of CSA was made overinclusive, for college samples, the way of these clinical studies, upon controlling for confounds (Family environment, retrospective perception of willingness) the effect size became almost non existent, with the little remaining values being attributed to unaccounted for variables (Rind, B., & Tromovitch, P, 1997; Rind et al. 1998; Skaug, E, 2022; Ulrich et al, 2008.) With the idea of 'informed consent' as necessary prerequisite to avoid harm being utterly unfounded; again, supported by the Kinsley reports where the retrospective recall rates of positive, neutral and negative experiences being almost synonymous for ch-adult and adult-adult s*x.

I'm willing to discuss any criticisms or issues you may have with the rind study.

The conversation he had with mods:

:marseykrayongrouns: Nicholas Prosper:

I got banned for "libertarian" which isn't a stated rule. I didn't post anything illegal under US law, nor did I sexualize any minor.

:marseykingcrown: @FishyMan420:

"Do not sexualize minors."


"I do, however see no issue with voluntary ch-adult s*x"

We don't care why you think that way. We have our own rules that go beyond US law.

:marseykrayongrouns: Nicholas Prosper:

"To sexualize something or someone means to make them sexual or consider them in a sexual way."

Everything I've said has been based in reality, on empirical findings, and is for purely academic purposes. Discussion of studies pertaining to the reality of s*x and minors, isn't sexualisation any more than discussing periods, or puberty is. You only detach the act of s*x from minors because it's arbritarily considered taboo and a big no no. This is akin to accusing someone of sexualizing dogs for discussion information related to breeding, and heat patterns.

:marseykingcrown: Princess_Crocodile:

I will unban you if you submit a video of your suicide.

:marseykrayongrouns: Nicholas Prosper:

Are all the mods here r-slurred?

:marseykingcrown: @FishyMan420:

We might be r-slurred, but we don't advocate fricking children under any circumstances.


:marseykrayongrouns: Nicholas Prosper:

That's not an explicitly stated rule. If you want to make a rule against any libertarianism, go ahead. My issue, however, is I didn't break any stated rule.

"Sexualization (sexualisation in Commonwealth English) is the emphasis of the sexual nature of a behavior or person. Sexualization is linked to sexual objectification, treating a person solely as an object of sexual desire." — which is solely where the negative connotations of sexualisation stems from, and why it's considered wrong; it's this part which is why it's often made to be a rule.

When discussing s*x in relation to children, the focus isn't sexual objectification, the focus is, as I said, to promote understanding and knowledge on the topic. I didn't sexually objectify anyone, anything, or say anything self-serviing to purely

any libertarianphilic desire. If we're to go by sexualisation as simply looking at something in a sexual context, then, again, discussions related to the sexual behaviour of children, including masturbation, sexual orientation, puberty, periods, and genitals would be considered sexualisation of children even in an academic context, yet no one is against s*x-ed. If what I said is 'sexualizing children' then discussing science related to homosexuality and homosexual s*x is "sexualizing gay people". This does not follow.

:marseykingcrown: @FishyMan420:

To sum it up, this guy was bullied/banned fairly quickly some time ago for being a fricking libertarian freak arguing about "consensual" s*x with children on a gorestrag website no less. Despite the best efforts of based mops including @FishyMan420, @The10thMan and Croc, he unfortunately failed to take the dose of reality given to him or at least just fricking kill himself. :marseydepressed:

On a lighter note, his most hated user was our resident wholesome poster @OnlyCats so props to onlycats as well :@onlycatslove::@onlycatslove::@onlycatslove:

Other misc findings:

!wpd !metashit !jannies

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I commented the following on WPD. Columbine forum users do not like our gore sister site.

His WPD account names were handmadeki / exquisite-tastes, handmadek, and NicholasProsper.

YouTube channel: (I did not download the videos, but I copied and pasted the links into

Hello Columbine forum users, if you have a WPD account, can you post links here? We can't see the links you post if we don't have accounts on your forum.

Currings: I also got banned because admins are too fragile when you ask a fricking question on their site + they praise their edgelord cringy "gore is cool" teen community aswell.

NEXT STEP UP: You guys talk to people on that website? I've only ever asked about Sanitater 88, my truescore, and chatted with some Catholic confederate and an Arab guy. The rest of them are edgy preteens or strags.

I guess maybe not.

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KiwiFarms thread (login-gated):

Nicholas Prosper's Instagram is handmade64_ (Archive). It has anime art and fan art of mass shooters. Normally, I use Picuki to archive the profile, but it doesn't load as many images as before now. This shows a few more. (Also Picuki)

All images here:
!metashit Any of you want to download and post all the images? I also asked the WPDcels, but they normally don't respond. I would ping anime if I were in the group, but I don't want to spend coins.

Archive link list
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Factcheck: This claim has been classified as misogynistic.

but also it has to be lol

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>I will unban you if you upload a video of your suicide

:marseyxd: some of you jannies are ok

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how many is that for wpd now?

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>my le killing website users... killed le people?!

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Most well-adjusted WPD user

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At least 2.

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there :marseycheerup: was that :marseytrain: :marseyliathomas: school :marseygrad: shooter :marseydeterminedgun: from the start of the year and then this bipoc :marseyblack: almost murderer:

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Bait idea: Convince wpd users the graphics IRL beats anything on screen

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least libertarianphilic and violent WPD poster

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may Imam jinxthinker issue a fatwa against him


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Who the frick commits murder over a single player game. Multiplayer is at least understandable

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well, this guy for one

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Id like to know what choice it was that set him off

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not absolute adherence to Kenny :!marseykneel: :marseysneed:

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If only everyone else weren't so r-slurred Kenny could have lived out his life on the high seas in peace :#marseydepressed:

The absolute worst is that dumb b-word at the end of whichever game it was, where she pretends to have abandoned the baby to save herself so Kenny will try to kill her and "prove" to Clementine that he's dangerous

Can't believe that there are actually people who side with that ladygarden

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I mean i didn't really read the post but if it's the one with lee and clementine it basically railroads you and the choices ultimately dont matter, very good games and they disguise it well but still, what?

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He mentioned killing Larry in front of Clementine.

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100% justified, stuck in that freezer? that zombie would have eaten them all

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There are a few of these each year. G*mers are a menace

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wpd cat sisters.... we lost :marseysulk:

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>using your real name as a username on an obscure gore website that's a fork of an offsite of a banned alt right hate subreddit

this neighbor r-slurred?

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And the profile picture is him. Absolutely deranged.

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i dont comment on public instagram posts because of this the neighbor wildin

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funny :marseythissmall: how rdrama :marseysurftheweb: got its first :marseywinner: killer :marseyface: before :marseyskellington: WPD

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Yeah and lets not forget the buffalo shooter mentioned Love4Landlords, a sublet of rdrama, in his manifesto :

homicidal r-sluration follows no rules except internet + schizos

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Who was it :marseyconfused:

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blood :marseycarpocide: is on carps hands :marseyhmmhips:

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when you get bullied off WPD for being a fricking weirdo amongst an already nutty userbase, if the penny still doesnt drop then nothings going to click

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He merely sold the butter stick, he didn't insist on its consumption

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a reminder that you could make this comment in Elon's X but not on Aevann's WPD


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JJK was always shit because it's anime. Lolicon is also shit.

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Goes to show the consequences of watching anime, methinks.

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and how much better us furries are @FishyMan420 :marseyban:


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:#furryban: all libertarians.

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thank you for your service

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I couldn't care what political way something is if it's hot

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this isnt political :marseyfluffy:

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Another proof all weebs are libertarians

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This site need to have the same balls and bully the loli apologists from this site. I had an account banned for calling people libertarians posting questionably aged cartoons and zoo pup crap.

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Join !anime so you can more effectively bully animecels

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Ive been permanently chudded before lol, ive applied

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Didn't really bully him off the site, more like kicked him off the site for opening himself up to bullying.

Also, pretty sure he was a straight up child s*x apologist, not just loli.

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We have loli apologists? I knew there's the cirnoposting (and figured it was to keep the @JoeBiden meme alive) but do we actually have an unironic libertarian defending lolishit?

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Would be nice, give libertarianhunters something to do besides eating themselves alive. It's always sad to people starving without the flavor of blight they desire so badly.

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Its always the ones you most expect

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Anyone who watches anime as an adult is a libertarian

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no u

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I've seen enough, shut wpd down and give us back exclusive usage rights for Marsey

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They have better marseys than us wtf

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Nah just more lax threshold for AI

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The driving wheel is a giveaway

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the entire thing is a giveaway

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Who cares if it's AI, I also want a ride or die latinx big titty gun wielding Marsey :marseymommymilkers:

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>jujutsu kaisen was good until wokies invaded

:marseyxd#: !anime britmutt shonen fan

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:#britmutt: + :#soyruto: = :#iheartwpd:

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bro thought he was him :skull:

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Dude is 18 and wants to frick children, he is pretty close to been a child himself. And he is citing sources, he had the potential to become one of the biggest dramacels of all time

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nah its a nothing burger and will go nowhere in two weeks

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I will not stop bullying incels until 1 million britbongs are dead

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Guy looks like a !macacos member to begin with

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@TracingWoodgrains Write an article on this so it can get laundered into legacy media :marseybegging:

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We did it, reddit! :!marseyparty:

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wpd commenters make porn video commenters seem normal

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is this place some massive zionist conspiracy to take over and control all the internet shitholes in order that they might direct the chaos at various enemies?

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Gore Site user does some evil shit

Expect this to keep occurring, because the only people who enjoy looking at that filth are fucked up degenerates.

Hope WPD gets shut down, such a shit website.

Don't give me that libertarian crap either. Freedom to watch gore? How about the freedom to not have to live in a society with sick freaks.
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Banned gore site user*

He was notably not banned from YouTube 🤔

!commenters why do you use a platform that gives birth to and enables so many murderers? It's demonstrably less reputable than a gore site, which banned this kid months prior.

!wpd victory lap

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t. YouTube user

!transphobes future mass killer above, all the signs are there

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So happy for you and this YouTube arc king

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chadmined by humans vs badminned by bots


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yeah u suck

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I don't use Youtube.

But maybe I should if it lets users bully libertarians.

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Well, how about that "freedom?" Is there something you chose that enables people to kill their family? Is there something you could have chosen that could take away people's capacity to be sick freaks?

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idk what you are fricking trying to say, just tell me if you are fricking for or against then i will comment accordingly

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I don't know yet, I'm asking you my questions in order to understand certain details about how you view freedom, and about what you believe constitutes a crappy libertarian.

You talk about the freedom to not have to live in a society with sick freaks. So I am wondering would you say that the evil acts of these sick freaks require any amount of trust or compliance from bystanders in society? Do the evil acts depend at all on your choices? I would like to hear your response.

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i have no idea what you are asking
i will try and give u something on the part i understand

constitutes a fucking crappy libertarian

I don't think libertarinism is a good philosophy for the modern world. Law should reflect society values and norms tethered by tradition and the ultimate Law of God.

Libertarinism works by extending vast freedoms and expecting the individual moral integrity and social rules to ensure civility and proper behavior of people.

It's acceptable to rely on the social pressure when a group of people are small and insulated, but social pressure fails to inhibit anti-social behaviors in large globally connected populations.

I would support libertarinism if it was 1400s, but in 2024, it would be like freedom of food consumption leading to obesity, but for all malices and vices.
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Repost but has more info

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thanks for the astute observation :marseynerd3:

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You're welcome, I'll be here to continually provide routine in depth commentary

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Right, what is this, the 4th post now?

At least it combines all of them into one, so all the effort is in a single place.

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In the future, please include the following in the ban messages to all :marseypedo: that get banned...

Also if anyone is looking for ACtuAl soCiOlogY about why it's bad to frick children even if it seems like they are into it or it seems like a loving ch-adult relationship, please read:

Confusion of Tongues Between Adults and the Child—The Language of Tenderness and of Passion, by Sándor Ferenczi, M.D.

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least deranged WPD user

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I do, however see no issue with voluntary ch-adult s*x, stemming from empirical findings (Areola et al 2008; Stanley et al 2004; Rind, B, 2001; Rind B, 2021.)

Who the frick are these academics doing studies supporting pdf files? One of them has been doing this shit for over 20 years? Why haven't they been jailed yet?

Also, jfl at killing your family because you're mad a jannie mopped your comment on a website where people jerk off to snuff films. This kid has to be one of the most beta of all time

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Put this BIPOC in a woodchipper

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@The10thManAlt @The10thMan hey ur in this one :marseycheckem2:

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@DWHITE___________DYNAMITE @The10thMan and @FishyMan420 being admins over there is all news to me. :marseydepressed: Consider deleting the website.

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ive always tried to be candid on where I stand regarding rdrama vs WPD, but for the sake of brevity

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lol using your real name and photo on WPD :marseygigaretard:

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Im now convinced Japan was not trying to just make it look cool by giving Trump a Stand in an anime. Is he that guy that has the american flag and can go from place to place ,time to time? !s

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It took me a full minute to find the comment box lol

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Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fricked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fricking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.


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WPD is so r-slurred

It's a good source for workplace accident footage, but the comments on there are so stupid, like they're all 80 IQ sociopaths (they are).

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Noo you can't ban me for being a libertarian there is no rule for not being a libertarian!

Dude jerks off to gore so of course he's a libertarian.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Maybe i shouldn't use this website anymore

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Dont worry without some novel bait/gayops we don't have the numbers to attract a five alarm/five eyes lolcow

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