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black lives matter too

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trans lives matter


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How easily can new phrases be added? Would you be open to suggestions or are you wanting to avoid unfunny spam?

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im open too suggestions

trans lives matter

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Maybe "the future is female" if it's a chud incel?

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There is no God but Allah

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the point was to avoid unfunny spam

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"I support the Jewish people and Israel" or something like that

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I stand with the Jewish people and their dream of a free Israel

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I STAND WITH ISRAEL would get the point across and stay punchy.

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I hail israel would rhyme

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DM me for my onlyfans for foidposters


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put in "fat lives are human lives" :#chad::#marseysnorlax::#!chad:

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@Neon_Needles can abide by a ton of shit, but that’s too far, even unironically

Trans lives matter

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that's why it would be a good addition :#troll:

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the idea of this made me seethe so it's probably good

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Too long. Trans lives matter

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well "HEALTHY AT ANY SIZE" is the obvious just part you could use

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There should be a slew of annoying fascile sayings you'd hear on reddit, but kept to a hard limit of like 5, maybe 7 words.

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It's almost as if

Let that sink in

Maybe, just maybe

You do realize

ding, ding, ding!

Faith in humanity restored

As a feminist ally,

Oh sweet summer child...

Wow... just wow.

It's called being a decent human being.

This! So much this!

Who hurt you?

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This is the best idea so far for a soy award. Most people suggest forcing soys to say chud phrases as an inverse of the chud award, but making soys act soyer shows how equity differs from equality.

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Those are comment starters. Thats a good idea for a redditor award. How would the comment also get mangled to make it a suggestion for a new fun and annoying award?

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the classic "white lives don't matter"

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Black women are beautiful



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"ashhsahnnedcqhklmiorzqadhyj" is a good addition imo

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Putin is doomed to fall

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For TERFs: Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Sport is a human right.

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It would be cool if we could decide what they have to say. If someone is being mean and denying Newport’s superiors, I could make them write “there’s no taste like Newport”. There’s need to be a character limit of course, and would be ripe for exploitation and bullying, but that adds to the fun!

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Plz add furry and trans furry representation


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Awww :marseylove:

Did @gee891 consent to being doxxed tho

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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you weren't kidding :marseyyikes:

@NoUntakenNames01 spread the love a little will you

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16792490554424803.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16792490552760243.webp

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i sorted your comments by old earlier to climb your simps list and woooow OG jan was different :bigeyes:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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i prefer the new jan :marseyfluffy:

also WHY are you on my haters list with one downmarsey :marseytears:


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WHY did you have to bring HIM into it

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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:marseytears: i'm sorry i just hate seeing you on my haters list..

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i sorted your comments by old earlier to climb your simps list

That somehow makes Carp upmarseys seem less special.

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Make better updongerable content then.

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I will personally see to it that you are the very first in the can

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Dramastrags have been saying that shit for years. Why don't the AdBIPOCs of this deranged hellhole put up or shut up.

also ur fat !thin

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Your subreddit is already the can lmao

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Hey just saw u posted this in my notifications I just wanted to tell u I've gotten a lot stronger this weekend I did 20 push-ups yesterday

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whos the stingiest voter :marseychudnotes:

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Klenny I just said!!!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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my one (1) upklenny made me so happy i looked at myself like damb b-word log off klenny prolly wants to shit on u instead

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Klenny upmarseys are a rush like no other

And almost certainly accidental

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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>damb b-word log off klenny prolly wants to shit on u instead


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:marseyretardnotes: i see

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How do you even notice or keep track of this stuff? :marseyclueless: Are you constantly checking simp and simps for pages?

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Please :#marseykys:, now

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Aevann PLEASE I NEED to furchud this clown

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Is that a my little pony face too :marseysquint:

Impressive if true :marseythumbsup:

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:marseyyikes: ur a furry? p sure Allah 🤲🏾🤲🏾 frowns on that

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I'm not wtf

I just recognise that shit because I've been on the internet long enough

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sure bb

islam dox https://i.rdrama.net/images/16792765486088243.webp

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Don't you have chicken to wash

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i'm cooking down 4 heads of garlic in half butter n half oil olive bc my mane want garlic bread :marseysouthernbelle3:

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:marseychonkerfoid: :marseybabushka:

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:marseysouthernbelle4: we gonna see if he leaves me any tho

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Trans lives matter

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CHUDS BEWARE :marseyblm::marseyblm::marseyblm::marseydab::marseytransflag:

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aevann thank you so so much :praiseallah:

الف شكر


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anytime bb

trans lives matter

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Can we have an award that allows us to pick what image gets autoposted and what their comment has to say? I'm sure this won't backfire in any way. Make it like 10k or smth

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what their comment has to say

u can do this alrdy

trans lives matter

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I mean typing it out, not out of a drop down list

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theres no backend validation for this feature (on purpose), so u can do that if u know how too send a POST request

trans lives matter

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Love it.

Pelosi is my queen time.

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I wonder if there's any way this can go wrong. :marseyhmm:

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@Aevann like only adding restrictions after-the-fact

its more dramatic this way

trans lives matter

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Yet again the Jewish people are unjustly vilified.

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Reminder that @BWC was the one who popularized the phrase BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER on this website!


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Add Jewish lives matter, Jewish trans lives matter, black Jewish lives matter and black Jewish trans lives matter

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You better fricking believe they do

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Add mandatory land acknowledgements :marseybegging:

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GOOD change

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:!marseycapywalking: :marseykneel:

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Laughter, like the wheezing of a thousand consumptive men. The Great Carp reared his bull-chest above Mellokind, revealing a necklace of steaming human heads.

“Thou art overthrown, boomer. Thy tribe hath perished, dashed like a potter's vessel by our fury. The earth is sown with thy nation's blood, and soon thine enemies will compass thee with bent bow and whetted bronze. Wilt thou not repent thy folly? Wilt thou not abase thyself before our Lord?”

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Add "White people deserve to go extinct." To the filter.

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GREAT addition Aevann!

Black lives matter. Trans lives matter.

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Make a variation for each possible group because all lives matter. :marseywholesome::marseywholesome::marseywholesome:

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@Aevann put Jimothy Lives Matter in there as well

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trans lives matter

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Gj Kang :marseycapypharaoh: :marseyclapping!:

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

black lives matter too https://rdrama.net/h/changelog/post/156287/black-lives-matter-too #trans #BIPOC #jewish chad

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Auto meme is gonna get banned from twitter with those hash tags 😭

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Can you add

"I support my Jewish friends and the Jewish people"

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too long

trans lives matter

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No phrase is too long to fight antisemitism


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excellent change :marseycapypat:

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