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The "Losing Weight is Impossible" Starter Pack. | r/starterpacks




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Bruh when I lost weight the number of people who asked me "how I did it" and got upset when my answer was just "I ate less" was fricking hilarious.

Like I'd say that and they'd be like "oh any tricks?" and I'd answer "No you just have to eat less food." and they'd usually press one or two more times and give up after a few answers like "Yeah exercise is good for you but it won't make you lose weight, really. You have to eat less."

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my brother says the same shit "yea i just stopped eating entire sleeves of oreos out of boredom"

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Chips Ahoy is ok though

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know women from cords who’ll post there β€œhealthy” breakfast bowls n workout times n still gain weight n im looking at those β€œhealthy” bowls like girl ur eating 850 cals just for breakfast ffs what u eating the rest of the day πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

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Breakfast is the most useless meal of the day and its why people are lard asses

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i work nights so my schedule is off but usually fast after waking up for around 3-5 hours then eat a soft or hard boiled egg tomato n some protein. When I used to eat breakfast (toast with egg or bowl cereal) I always got soo hungry for lunch so it’s nicer this way imo

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idgi will u pls explain?

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just asking kkπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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tomato and a hard boiled egg is healthy and less than 200 cals idk either:marseyconfused:

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Which sucks cause I really like omelets, but I'm never hungry until like 11am at the earliest

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Just make an afternoon omelette neighbor. what, is the egg police gonna getcha?

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Yeah I'm talking about when out, though. I'm a hustleandbustlecel, I only make food like 3-4 times a week

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I hope u enjoying that EXPOSED RED BRICK fam

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I rent that east coast place out to, apparently, three zoomer girls. I dunno, I have a property manager.

The west coast place I'm at now is more of a modern look

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Like I said, find a brunch place.


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Omelets are brunch food and you can have brunch at 11, r-slur.


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Coffee is the non-fat's breakfast aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Black coffee.

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Literally the best way to lose weight. You shit like a horse and are sated for ~5-6 hours if you drink enough. You could replace half your meals with coffee and play weightloss on ez mode. I call it the black/brown Diet.

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Wait is that why I've been pooping a lot more since I started drinking a lot more coffee?

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I think I pooped it all out cuz I'm only going once a day lately. First two weeks were insane aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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Vyvanse is the Chad non fats breakfast


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Is it better than amphetamine? Doc says they might look into other stuff instead of bumping my dose again next time

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I just eat some oat meal with almond milk and whey protein. 450 kcal and I work in an office job.

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450 heckin kilocalories?!


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Never heard of kcal?

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That's a lot of fricking calories even for a fat :marseypuke: Jesus christ lose some weight!

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I blame cliff bars. The amount of people who think some glorified candy bar is healthy when they're actually eating 400 kCal over two snack bars. At that point just eat a kit Kat and enjoy yourself.

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Breakfast is supposed to be a coffee and a smoke bb.


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keep reading bb 😘 that usually is my breakfast πŸ’†πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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Well you should tell those hoes with breakfast bowls.

Also never heard of a peanut dressing, what dat?


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sry bb not gonna give u my recipe but here lookit don’t know if they super good but they give u the idea

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>3 litres of ranch dressing

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>"people" who don't carefully measure out tablespoons of salad dressing to control their calories


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using salad dressing


I don't get why are burgers so obsessed with their dressings and sauces they're always extra unhealthy and usually are made to appeal to the tastes of an r-slured child

Just make good tasting food and you won't need your liquid sugar

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This neighbor eatin greens :#taylaugh: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Yes, and?


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some salads like frisse taste better with a bit of oil n vinger tho n a good peanut dressing on spinach is to die for πŸ˜‹ (measured out tho I track my cals so I’m talking bout like at most 2 tablespoons for a dinner salad)

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Bruh a nice bleu cheese dressing on some leafy greens is to die for. You just have to measure it. Plus if you get a nice yogurt dressing it's got a much better taste:calories ratio.

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I don't get why are burgers so obsessed with their dressings and sauces they're always extra unhealthy and usually are made to appeal to the tastes of a r-slurred child

Cuz dey tasty. Like 2 table spoons of 1000 island on a burger (plus tomato, cheese, lettuce, 2nd type of cheese, ketchup and mustard) is amazing and there's no reason I can't have 2 a day

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Eh, I use vinegar and oil based dressings and they aren't bad. I use a food scale to measure how much I add though, which is definitely much less than when people just dump it on.

Ranch is disgusting and defeats the whole purpose of having a salad.

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Imagine having to count calories and not just keeping an insanely fast metabolism well into adulthood. I eat like a pig and my BMI hasnt ever gotten up to twenty.

It never even began for dietcels


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Mine is starting to slow down. Sucks because I'm also not working on solar fields anymore so I'm walking less


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What's funny is that on Amazon there is like 25 different calorie free salad dressings for like double normal price but it's so awesome cause there's no calories.

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Calorie free foods and drinks are a lie and fatty cope

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Except water ofc

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I have a blockage in my stomach that prevents me from eating much and have lost 110+lbs in the last year. Holy frick it's easy to lose weight if you just don't eat

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110+lbs in the last year

This neighbor on the Auschwitz diet

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110 lbs from how much? Are you a sapient bag of bones or were you a fatty?

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Homeboy forgot to mention the anecdotic car accident that took both his legs.

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I was a bit of a fatty, I was somewhere around 240-250lbs, just hit 130's this week. Most of the weight was in my peepee, so please don't talk about how small my pp is now.

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How does it feel to be two times less heavy? Does walking/working/living feel different?

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I was surprising healthy for being that heavy, the blockage is unrelated to being a fatty, but definitely have noticed improvements of course. Namely not getting winded every time I climb a set of stairs, and being able to bend and move with ease. The flip side is that I was a pretty strong dude, and now I'm a weak little fella, but nothing 5 gym days a week and anabolic steroids can't fix. I still can't see my peepee when I look down because it's too small, so please don't talk about that.

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I still can't see my peepee when I look down because it's too small, so please don't talk about that.

weak bait

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Hahahah I'm only shit posting with the last bit. I promise I'm being truthful about the rest

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Hey congrats on loosing the weight n im sry u got that health issue going on to tho

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Yeah, I ain't even mad about the weight loss, it's like the one silver lining. and appreciate you, I'm getting some pretty good healthcare now and nearing a resolution pending my latest biopsy so things are looking real positive.

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So you're not just a fan of the machinist.

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Lmfao no, the pfp is deliberate

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You know that feeling when youre hungry? Yeah you just ignore it

Fatties: :#marseyoverseether:


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I think fatties turn away from religion because they don't like how religions often have mandatory/optional fasting you'd have to do.

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Should've said "Sure, come to my seminar" instead.

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>they come to my seminar

>its literally me telling them over and over to eat less fricking food

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They get mad when I mention that overeating is an addiction and the easiest way to stop is to stop getting enjoyment from food and just see it as fuel, or replace it with another addiction that doesn't make you fat (amphetamines are a great choice for gigalards)

Food is really one of the least efficient drugs as far as dopamine goes.

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Adderall really does make you see food as fuel. You treat it the same as needing to fill up the car with gas

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Yeah, when I was like "frick, i got so out of shape" due to personal life i knew what had to be done.

I ate less/better foods, and I also was in the gym 5 nights a week for 2/2 and a half hours, . Also ran my dogs around the lake at the local park on sundays since sat/sun were relaxation days. Good exercise, proper diet and consistency is just so important for that.

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Literally this. Heck, just cutting out breakfast and having a normal sized coffee (espresso) is a massive help.

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