This guy's problems are so easy to solve, he just can't be bothered to put in a modicum of effort to do so.
I eat two bowls of cereal in the morning and a banana
Stop doing that. Just eat one bowl. And make sure it's actual grains, not colorful sugar balls. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Then I get hungry again and have a snack maybe a sugary yogurt and a poptart which maybe hold me over until lunch
Stop doing that. Just don't eat or drink anything except water between breakfast and lunch. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
I work from home but usually I go out to the deli for a sandwich from the deli or get a Wendy's biggie bag
Stop doing that. Have a salad instead of a sandwich half the time. And make the salads and sandwiches yourself, it'll cost less and you'll be able to check exactly what and how much you're putting in there. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
I snack quite a bit all day
Stop doing that. Just don't eat or drink anything except water between lunch and dinner. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
I live with my mom (big shock, I know) and she's also fat so she feeds me big portions
Stop doing that. Move out. Or at the very least, tell your mother to stop giving you so much food, and if she does give you too much, either put it in the refrigerator for lunch the next day or throw it in the garbage. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Then I eat desert, usually ice cream or a Blizzard from Dairy Queen
Stop doing that. Have some decaffeinated tea, maybe a few berries or something. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Then I get midnight craving and try to snack healthy but just end up eating the healthy snacks AND cupcakes, cookies, and other shit
Stop doing that. Just don't eat or drink anything except water between dinner and breakfast. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Then I sleep like shit from all the heartburn
Not in two weeks you won't.
Then I wake up the next day and feel like a failure
Can't help you with that one, loser. But not being a fat-butt living in his mother's basement is probably a step in the right direction.
God you guys are fricking r-slurred. Just eat one meal a day of whatever you want and I guarantee you you will loose those extra 20 kilos in a year. Shit I could and would easily live of one Pizza a day and loose 4 kilos a month.
You will never have a real eating disorder. You have no angst. No delusion. No compulsion. You are a skinny person twisted by self-improvement and health into a crude mockery of true thinness.
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This guy's problems are so easy to solve, he just can't be bothered to put in a modicum of effort to do so.
Stop doing that. Just eat one bowl. And make sure it's actual grains, not colorful sugar balls. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Stop doing that. Just don't eat or drink anything except water between breakfast and lunch. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Stop doing that. Have a salad instead of a sandwich half the time. And make the salads and sandwiches yourself, it'll cost less and you'll be able to check exactly what and how much you're putting in there. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Stop doing that. Just don't eat or drink anything except water between lunch and dinner. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Stop doing that. Move out. Or at the very least, tell your mother to stop giving you so much food, and if she does give you too much, either put it in the refrigerator for lunch the next day or throw it in the garbage. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Stop doing that. Have some decaffeinated tea, maybe a few berries or something. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Stop doing that. Just don't eat or drink anything except water between dinner and breakfast. You'll get used to it within two weeks.
Not in two weeks you won't.
Can't help you with that one, loser. But not being a fat-butt living in his mother's basement is probably a step in the right direction.
Incidentally, I miss
so much it's unreal. 
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I mean whatever, shall she have a good meal at noon but leave the other bs away
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Big meals can work; have them early in the day and eat less during other meals.
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Watch him get nowhere in two weeks.
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That's type 2
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God you guys are fricking
r-slurred. Just
eat one meal a day of whatever you want and I guarantee you you will
loose those extra 20 kilos in a year. Shit
I could and would easily live of one Pizza
a day and loose 4 kilos a month.
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