No one ever talks about the wall scrotes hit in their 30s

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Western women only act the way they do because of how incredibly shitty western men are, if more goomer rightoids realized that they are to blame for the state of modern society we wouldn't see so much sexism from them.

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literally this


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Zamn what a coincidence he is balding and has a recessed chin.

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dayum son u a radfem kek 😍😍

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Unironically. It's like how people ask rightoids, "since Jews control they world doesn't that mean they're the master race?" I wondered, "If men are the superior s*x and are the only ones truly capable of wielding power doesn't it mean that we're to blame for societal degradation?" I found the answer to both questions to be yes.

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Yeah cause leftoids never have their women cheat on em and leave em

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Radfem is frickin gay

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keep yourself safe inkwell

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You're gonna end up as a lesbo

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🤢🤮🤮 never bb imma straggot n a Baptist

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U never licked kitty before? I doubt it, all the black girls i knew growing up were big time cute butches

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ew no 🤮 n u prolly some suburban cac n those negros ain’t us

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Aight then my apologies ma'am

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And that's a good thing

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men are 100 percent to blame for the state of women.

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For me it’s the custodian ascend. I hope to find employment in high end menswear


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The Thad skullet.

>look like a madman

>gain instant fear and respect

>despair in the front, party in the back

>nobody will bother you with asking if you want to hold their baby


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How is there a meme for everything?

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Art imitates Life

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The wall thing for foids never made sense to me, men look like dog shit pretty quickly too. The idea that men age better comes from them making a lot of money and providing later in life. Women are more likely to date older for social and biological reasons, that's about it. Both sexes look like trash around the same time.

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I think its mostly has to do with difficulty for women to shift into newer fashion or look once they lose their youth. Its actually a lot easier for foids to maintain their look well into their 40 if they learn to wear a sunscreen all the time (at least on your face even during winter), basic skin care routine (not scrubbing your face too much when you wash, moisting shit, you know), eat somewhat responsibly, and working out for an hour or two once a week. Most important thing from the list is to wear a sunscreen to avoid UV and keep yourself in check so you are not fat. If they can do these things from their early 20s preferably in their teenage year, then 90 percent of moids will be thirsting over them well after their uterus has already shrivel away.

Unfortunately, most foids are r-slur so they end up with leathery skin with fats draping through it. Older men can adapt to those deterioration by working out and adapting their fashion accordingly but once foid loses their skin, its mostly over at that point in terms of self image.

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The wall is half rightoid cope, half hold over from the 20th century where everyone smoked and your skin went to shit at 29. If you don't over eat, put SPF skin cream on in the morning, and give half a shit to hair / make up you can look young for years these days.

Meanwhile half the moids I know balloon up post college because they don't understand those calories from bud lights add up. Factor in zero attempt at fastion sense or not going to get a haircut that costs more than 25 dollars.

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hold over from the 20th century where everyone smoked and your skin went to shit at 29

To be honest celibate women (non-celibates will overall not care about hitting the wall) smoke a darned lot, even young. Overall I thought people 30 and below overall ignored smoking but jeez I was wrong.

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Honestly I just don't like superficial women all that much. They expect special treatment, they are used to getting away with treating you like shit, they rarely have conversational skills or any other impressive skill really and they bore you to death. You put up with it only as long as your schlong peepeetates that it's worth it. Once that is gone you usually want an honest, hardworking and lovable sort of person. And if people never learned any of that they then proceed to seethe. :marseyshrug:

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It just depends who you're asking. Men like youth and prettiness and that extends to gay men, straight men etc. Women like social status and authority and that kind of stuff. I had a kind of moment of revelation once talking to this 19 year old who told me that she'd been masturbating thinking about her fat bald 58 year old university professor who looked like absolute shit, but was intellectually sophisticated and in a position of authority and so that's what turned her on.

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Now that you mention it, my work clique are mostly 30ish guys who like talking about boring shit, and the 20 year old intern always had saucer eyes when we’d include her.

All of us talking about mortgages, venture capital and the news made the aspie minx into a complete gooner. She’d strut past my desk then spend 15m in the bathroom at least once an hour.

Once I wore a fitted shirt and tight pants and I could feel her eyes etching lines in me fr no cap.

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Then they get about 10 years older and realise it's actually not that impressive after all and become another FDS tier foid

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I think the future FDS tier foids are too anxious to be interns and would rather provide subpar entertainment to their paypigs instead of filling their mental spank bank with fantasies of HVM office candy.

One day foids are going to be the dominant s*x in the office so I can finally stop working and just flirt my way into a cushy position like a blonde in the 80s.

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Yeah, but I know a guy who absolutely thirsts after billionaire cougar dommy mommies, and we all know chicks like K-pop boys, so it's actually the opposite.

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George is proof that even a bald manlet can be a stud.

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Let's be real moids out there be looking like this at 23.

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Yeah, 30s lmao? This is senior year of college.

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I knew a guy with hair like this his senior year in high school :marseycringe2:

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RIP King

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In my opinion we should sterilize bald people. They are not human.

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There is nothing more cringe and horrifying than short bald white men


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What do you call a room full of bald people?

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A podcast

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explain pls

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Podcast hosts are stereotypically bald. The joke is actually incredibly unfunny, it's only funny because it's always used as the opening line in the Bald Podcast, which is incredibly funny.

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thank you very much

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What is the answer? :marseysad:

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A ball room.

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Wuzizname irl

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That's like 85% of all men.

Trans lives matter


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Men can just shave it, get buff and frick 20 year olds that have daddy issues.

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I'll be coping, alright (coping with all the BPD thots on my middle-aged peepee that is)

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ya but straggots deserve the rope

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"hitting a wall" implies moving forward at a fast pace and then coming to a sudden stop. You can't hit a wall if you never started moving in the first place. The guy in the picture never had anything going for him so it doesn't count as hitting a wall.

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Majority of moidcels dont go bald. The wall slams into every foid.

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Eh, lose some hair, gain some value, socially and financially. Men really come into their prime after they turn 30.

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Counterpoint: this specimen was always an ugly beta male. There is a wall moid, but guys like this didn't so much hit it, but had been sitting on all their lives with their big humpty-dumpty heads.

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baldcels tbh should just rope, literally no reason to exist

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Balding is a dominant trait, balds are actually more evolved than hairballs.

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so is huntington's disease

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both sounds like badass conditions

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baldcel cope lol

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I have a (shitty) mullet :marseyglam:

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Baldcels should just get a skullet. I'm getting either that or an Asian combover when I go bald.

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Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass neighbor 🤣

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Just wear a hat LMAO

Just look at Tim Pool


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Mandatory finasteride injections when?

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Does that shit work because minox isn't doing shit but I don't want fin to frick up my Endo system

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I have not used it personally, though I am planning to at some point soon. From what I have read, it is the only drug that actually treats the underlying causes of male pattern baldness. Minox is really a bandaid in comparison.

With regards to the side effects, all I know is that:

  • If you look hard enough on the internet you can find lots of people complaining about fin’s side effects

  • Around 97% of people have no side effects

So do with that what you will lol.

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Get your fricking hormones tested before you do any kind of hormone therapy. If your DHT is low or your prolactin is high and you take a drug like finasteride that lowers DHT and increases prolactin, don't be surprised when your peepee goes limp and you grow a pair of tits.

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Haven't seen this advice yet, sounds like a good starting point thanks. Have you done this and had success?

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Never used it but read up on it, im half convinced all side effects from it can be treated even in worst case scenarios

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We should really start having hairline checks here and ban people who are bald or thinning.

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I’ve had multiple women pull on my hair at restaurants and/or touch it and look at my scalp. They can’t believe I really look like male fara faucet

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You must've been a hit in the 80s.

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MFW I look like a male freja beha erichsen :marseydepressed:

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That's high test in action :marseyderp:


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Imagine not having superior nordic DNA that gives you a lionlike mane your entire life smh

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i don't have hairloss problems, wat do?

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Balding sucks the most if you're a pasty butt white mofo as well as being ugly as it exaggerates them ugly features.

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I'm 41 and still not balding. 6`2 210 with a masters and military experience, I kinda feel bad I stopped dating in my late 20s, because my God you people are pathetic compared to me

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oh yeah. well I'm 7'4 250 lean muscle deployed in 5 wars own 10 properties and frick your mom every night. maybe you should step your own game up cute twink

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You sound trans

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Lmao, you're 41 :marseyl:

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And I can call him "sonny". What's your point?

(I'm still feeling smug because a guest at my son's birthday party saw a picture of me with an old school chum at a meet-up a few weeks ago and she asked "is that your dad?" :D )

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Unless your Alzheimer's is acting up again you know what my point is gramps :marseyl:

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Get back to thumping your dill to :marseytrain: vids, juve.

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Gooning is a crime against both god and yourself gramps.

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Seethe more, brat.

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Ok gramps.

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You sound trans

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Also getting way too fricking old and yet i have to cut my hair so fricking often. Even with a buzzcut i have cut it like every 2-3 month

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Cutting your hair every 2-3 months is often?

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Yep. I look like a fricking hermit.

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Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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we have dudes in their 20s around here that already have receding hairlines. (due to a weird :marseyshiftyeyes: gene :marseygenetakovic: pool) most go bald :marseybreastcancer: by 25. I knew a guy who started balding at like 17.

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