Panera rereview | Wow my standards were low, and yet...

I'm going to put as much effort into this rereview as they put into their menu revitalization, which is to say not much.

They didn't actually fix or solve anything of substance. All they did was remove mustard from all menu items, add cheese to a couple sandwiches, and call it a day. I'm serious, they did jack shit. I only went here with other people, and they like mustard so they don't want to go back. By extension I'm not going back to Panera either. Good riddance.


Lmao that was about the only thing they had going for them... I'll stick with Subway if I want low quality sandwiches.



Tastes amazing. Just love going down my local Chinese owned, Korean employee sushi joint and getting some takoyaki skewers.

Griller boys summer started early


Reported by:
Banana cream pie (homemade)

The banana slices are on a layer below the top layer

the warehouse dog


I craved these as an adolescent

I just ran into these today. My mom always insisted i do not get them, even though by the time i raised my courage to ask for some, i have already eaten moist dog food, thinking maybe i just didnt try the right one. Because it was heckin nasty


The offending post: Little country boy trying his hand. How'd I do with spaghetti and meatballs?:

Frick that fake tilt shift, who thinks it looks good? 75% of the picture is blurred. I also hate the title, but that's not why we're here.

The top comment:

Good but not Italian, we don't put meatballs on spaghetti, that's american [+81]

So you're telling me that in the entire history of the nation of Italy, no one has ever put a meatball on top of spaghetti? [+4]

We first eat pasta, then as the second plate we eat meatballs [+1]#

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. So basically if you have two Italian foods and you eat them separately, it's Italian. But if you put them on the same plate it's not Italian. Like I said, dumbest thing I've ever heard. [+1]

Well my nonna used to make spaghetti and meatballs ...

Death to all nonna-posters

you can do whatever you want with your food, but it's not Italian. [-1]

The gatekeeping in this sub is off the charts. [+1] :soycry:

Enter /r/iamveryculinary

Did somebody say "gatekeeping" in a food subreddit? /r/iamveryculinary's monitoring dashboard lights up like a Christmas Tree and it gets reposted there: Someone posted meatballs in the Italian sub. The whole thread is bickering and probably unseen gesturing.

As always the comments are full of hilarity, these really are witty redditors:

If an Italian makes a ball out of meat, they die instantly.

No, the spontaneous combustion only happens when the meatballs touch pasta.

Hot take: if we subtract all the dishes that get eliminated by that sub as "not Italian," Italian cuisine would not be voted the most popular cuisine in the world any more

Where would Italian cuisine be without hot pockets and the Little Caesars lunchtime special?

My hot take is that I don't think Italians do themselves any favors by hyping up Authentic Italian Cuisine(tm) so much. I've been to Italy and I was actually mildly disappointed by the food there at first, I think because it was so ridiculously hyped up in my head.

I'd love to see this Redditor's holiday pictures :marseyscooter:

Wait until you see all the mean comments I get for my perfectly dark and precisely reproducible roux for gumbo. The Cajuns go beserk when I say I made it in the microwave instead of wasting 30 minutes stirring it on the stove like their memaw, lol. This is, of course, after they've tasted it and liked it.


This post is sponsored by this week's anti-gatekeeping campaigner @Not_a_R-slur. I'd like to thank @Lappland for his weeks of dutiful service and I wish him a happy retirement.

Kazakh kids does a pizza for Ramadan

With pork :marseyxd: he also hides it

I forgot about my sourdough starter and left it in the fridge for over 6 months.

Just like cast iron, redditors are way too precious about this stuff.


!goyslopenjoyers !sodadrinkers

veggie burger :marseyliberty:
Home baked pizza 🍕 from papa Murphy's
Smoked some lobster tails yesterday.

Used cherry wood for mild sweetness. Finished by basting with a mixture of butter, garlic, lemon juice, parsley, and Parmesan cheese.

It was pretty good, if I had to do it again I would've smoked for longer at a lower heat.


these Michelin spots are a pile of bologna. Buncha pretentious, high brow, nonsense smoke and mirrors for tiny bites of crap

surprise, surprise, the former chef has a different opinion than the guy who thinks there's nothing special about Michelin starred restaurants.

Calories.... 2 McDoubles = 800 1 small fry = 365 1 small drink = 150 1315 calories...

Eh, they wouldn't want a loser like you in there anyway

There isn't all that much inter-personal drama yet, it's more one cohort beating their chest signalling that they're too smart to pay for air and the other calmly and politely explaining the context, but with a real possibility of either group losing patience with the other, I reckon that the thread may develop explosively.


The original post is this disgusting-looking /r/food post: [i ate] a deluxe Italian sandwich:

Someone points out that this has nothing to do with Italy:

Wikipedia doesn't say to use 5kg or random mixed meat and 5 grams of veggies. Wrong proportion and wrong ingredients. It doesn't make sense to do it like this.

But I guess it's the “American way”. ==> American sandwich

They get downvoted to -221 and crossposted to /r/iamveryculinary: Italian learns what an "Italian" sandwich is and immediately becomes the authority on why OP is making it wrong

Let's see what angry Redditors have to say:

Eep pray this guy never learns about French toast.

I don't understand this, French toast is something that they actually eat in France.

I just imagine some dude sitting on the potty angrily commenting on a small picture of a sandwich on his phone.

Just like you sitting on the potty angrily commenting on a comment on a small picture of a sandwich on his phone.

Why is immigration and ancestry such a difficult concept for some people to understand?

Peepeeheads pretending to be Italians and the 'No true Scotsman' fallacy, name a more iconic duo

You mean like someone who calls it an Italian sandwich?

@KONGLAND for once I'm begging you to see the light.

McDonald's Surf & Turf: a goyslop return to form

!goyslopenjoyers run, don't walk to maccas for the Surf & Turf burger. The west may have fallen but goyslop is healing. The days of "healthy" offerings are hopefully behind us, and no longer will we be sold grilled chicken wraps and other hippy garbage.

This burg is peak slop, pinnacle of American innovation. TWO beef patties on a classic bun sandwiching a fish filet, pickle and cheese.

The placement of the patties both above and below the fish was a brilliant move (my burg differed from the one pictured). The pickles add a much needed tang to the fish, which is in itself delectable. Finished off with a garnish of ketchup and mustard, who could possibly ask for more? It's the first time in ages a maccas burg left grease on my fingers. 11/10 :marseylickinglips:

Biscuits shouldn't be flaky

After years of Big Biscuit pushing super flaky biscuits on the American public, I had a crumbly type biscuit for breakfast this morning. The inside was so tender it made me cry.

Chick-fil-a :marseycow: has bad food :soyjakhipster:: unpopularopinion

Chick-fil-a is literally the most overrated restaurant ever in my opinion. I have been multiple times and never been impressed, and I have nothing wrong with chicken, fries, etc. Everyone acts like it's the best place ever and it's really just… not. I've tried the waffle fries and they were lukewarm and nothing special, and the chicken sandwiches have all just been bleh.

Edit: for everyone saying “What are you comparing it to?” Popeyes is way better :soyjakanimeglasses:

Polish Easter food.

My aunt gave me some leftover food from Easter and I wanted to share some of the finest Polish cuisine with people from around the world, and no better place to do this than this cosmopolitan platform.

So, here is traditional Polish Easter cake the Mazurek:

I'm pretty sure it is Mazurek with almonds, rains and... stuff.

Of course that's just the dessert. I also got traditional jars of meat:

It is indeed real meat. I emptied one of the jars into a bowl so you can take a better look:

It's not yet heated up so forgive the floating clumps of fat, but you can tell its fine meat indeed.

I also had a cheesecake, but sadly no pictures, I ate it already because it actually looked edible.

Well, that's it. It may not be much, but I'm sure those pictures say a thousand words each. I do hope I didn't make any of you too hungry.

Anyway, I'm off to eat some of these delicious specialities, it's not everyday I get to dine on such fine food. I sure love getting unidentified leftovers.

What Pioneers ate on the Oregon Trail

is this a sign that carp is coming back to finish the oregon trail runs?

Pan fried catfish w roasted asparagus
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