my dough in the bread machine like :marseytwerking:

i didn't know you could take the lid off and it would still mix :marseybrainlet: so video is thru the porthole :marseyceiling:

got a $300 bread machine at the thrift store for $24 :marseyletsfuckinggo2: first loaf is cinnamon raisin because i am a controversial master baiter and i wanted everyone to be mad at me i didn't let it cool fully because it smelled so good :#arousedpizzashill: so it is a little gummy ngl but still tasted great, so excited to have a bread machine @Pams-Diner @Red_Shill give us each day our daily bread


Carnivore Bread :marseysopa:

Ever wanted to eat bread but HATE evil, unhealthy carbs?? Fear not, by combining pork rinds, a dozen eggs and cottage cheese you can make a kind of healthy, delicious bread adjacent loaf :marseylickinglips:

boy dinner :marseygrilling:
:marseyhappening:Claire kino is back :marseywereback:

Well technically, 2nd one time thing. She did this video for gourmet confetti cake before.

To everyone who's not familiar with the background:

Bon Appetit is a Conde Nast Magazine

Its Youtube Channel used to have a video series where Claire Saffitz made gourmet versions of commercially available food products: Gourmet Makes.

The series is responsible for a lot of Bon Appetit's most popular videos, accounting for half of the current top twenty most viewed videos on the Bon Appetit channel.

However, when people found out Bon Appetit pays different rates for different talents, some people accused Bon Appetit of racism. (Why would BA pay someone who gets them 10 million views the same as someone who gets them sub 100k views though?).

People went through old tweets from BA's top editor and one of Conde Nast's VPs and found old chuddy tweets, so Bon Appetit got cancelled.

A lot of their talent cut ties as a result, with varying levels of success for those talents.

Claire Saffitz was one of the breakout stars of the channel so a lot of the BA audience followed her when she went solo.

She's had success in her cookbooks and youtube channel.

She's held back on making videos where she makes gourmet versions of commercially available food products so far in her post-BA youtube career.

Nobody's sure if she has done so because she doesn't want legal trouble for yoinking the IP or if she wants to pivot her identity away from the series to establish herself as a pastry chef and recipe developer.

However, the views of her most popular videos still pale in comparison to the views Gourmet Makes garnered. Her current most popular video has 4.4 million views, whereas the most popular Gourmet Makes video has 13 million views.

Her 10 latest videos before this video averages at around 250k views, with the oldest having a 4-month headstart and the newest having a 1-month headstart.

The current video has gotten more than that in just 1 day.

What do y'all dramanauts think?

Found some food and ate it today.

Morels and ramps.

Fried them up together in a pan with some olive oil and an egg then ate it.


I'm onto the glowies

Are the leafs ok? :marseyworried:
meatstick II :marseyhungry:

!goyslopenjoyers I saw this one at the gas station when I saw the dr. pebbah flavored one but I didn't buy it until recently

out of desire for completeness, even after being burned :platyseethe: by the soda stick, I returned to mr jack link's loving arms to be fed more meat

conclusion? this onen was pretty much normal. frito chili cheese blends well with the concept of meat stick

in fact I ate it last week but I took a break from marsey due to a deat h in the family :marseyaware:

and I don't remember anything about it.

I was also eating ground beef with cheese in it that night (homemade slop) :marseylickinglips:

it all blended together

far and above the dr pepper meat which still sits on my desk to this day, opened, bereft one tiny bite, ever enduring. I'll see how long the preservatives last. :marseyshrug:

if it isn't useful as food it can be of use to science :marseyscientist:


thanks queen for inspiring me to go to the store and buy chef inspired pork to make a gourmet bardfinn sandwich


going to cut the rest of the quality pork filets up and throw them in some fried rice tomorrow with some spicy cabbage :marseyfart:

does anybody have any soggy green beans btw

Tuscan grilled salmon (had to make it dairy free, gluten free :marseyitsover:)
:parrotkazakhstan: Khazikstan Food ideas needed! :marseyflagkazakhstan: :kazakhstan: :marseygoodnight:

I need ideas / recipes for easy to make kazakhstan food.

I have to make a bunch of Kazakhi food for reasons so I need easy recipes without much substitution. Like substituting cow for lamb is acceptable.

Currently I'm thinking of making Boortsog and Samsa.

I was thinking of maybe Shashlik since it's basically a kebab and easy

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