- DestoryerCarbine : I have played many fightings game on local multiplayer, but i only know one guy that's good enough
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I have 1 friend who has played a lot of smash and is stringing me along with getting into Guilty Gear, the rest are either FPS normies or Nintentards (nonpejorative)
Has anyone here gotten friends into FGs?
I have not felt highs during gaming as euphoric as winning a set 3-1 to someone who washed me in game 1 and started teabagging me
but I don't understand how I can convey that to people who don't really care
I'm not even fricking good either so it's not like I would pound them to dust, I forget that FD is a thing constantly
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So, I just got Death Threats which spawned hate, misinformation and more hate/death quotes about me because of the videos I make on Youtube.
— Tasos @ Athens (@LegacyOfKaiser) August 30, 2023
Death posting is something I first experienced today and I feel horrible.
Please report this source tweet.https://t.co/xKIGHBogVM pic.twitter.com/CgqevlpYcs
Legacy of Kaiser is a Greek guy who uploads videos mods showing off fighting game charcters with softcore porn mods enabled . Apparently he TOs tournaments sometimes?
For your daily dose of vitriol, fortunately the offending post was removed. If you must know what it said...
Plenty of haters in the replies... Just mad they ain't him
Apparently the one spewing HATE didn't realize actions have consequences.
She is also a coomer artist herself who only draws naked women
Fortunately not everyone hates him cuz he ain't him
Checkout that pfp
Of course Kaiser's greatest sin...
Oh also apparently according to /r/kappa he featured a nude mod of an underage character
Those neighbors were too lazy to link the actual twitter thread so I did that for everyone's convinence.
It's a dirty job my lil neighbor
But someone gotta do it.
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Look at that Season 3 artwork by Daisuke
himself, Ky looking kissable
The Season 3 patch shook up the game way more than I thought it would tbh, Strive Rush is pretty huge
Johnny is very fun, but I'm still getting mind scrambled by the inputs a bit, tk Mist Finer, MFdash mid-combo, and MFC are all kinda hard
His dash seems like the make-or-break thing because he can't dashblock in a game where dashblock is almost required, he seems either very strong or close to bottom
What are we thinking gang
Also ngl but I've just been playing Johnny since Thursday so gonna focus up last minute for the Garou tourney
Bonus Jacko art:
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Registration takes 5 seconds, we will be playing a free game! If you're a true !g*mers, you would join. We need just a few more players. Minimum 1.
Our game is Garou , played on fightcade, time is tommorow (saturday) 5pm EST.
Fightcade can be downloaded here --> fightcade.com
JSON files (Automatic downloads) --> https://lofi.netlify.app/post/fc2-json-pack-auto-download-roms-from-fightcade-2
!jannies | Pin this, it's an IMPORTANT and URGENT event with CASH DC
@R-slurer My beloved
@Bookers my beloved
@the 3 guys that saved the post but didn't join, my beloved
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Hey fighter!
Fightcade is free and has low requirements
Fightcade can be downloaded here --> fightcade.com
JSON files (Automatic downloads) --> https://lofi.netlify.app/post/fc2-json-pack-auto-download-roms-from-fightcade-2
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Since i was banned today i couldn't make a nomination post, and have instead in my wisdom, decided for the people what game we will be playing.
Garou: Mark of the Wolves . Simple reason, polished but unpopular, so none of you neighbors should have much experience.
I've set up a hub for us on smash.gg ->> https://www.start.gg/hub/rdrama-extravaganza , to centralize all tournaments or other events. Challonge fricking sucks as it turns out.
So remember to make a smash.gg account.
The tournament will be:
Single elimination if there are less than 16 registrations, otherwise double elimination.
Held on the last Saturday of every month at 5m EST
Have 3 days of prep time for the game
If I can get janny to do so, i would allow placing bets on who's gonna win !goomblers in in in
I'm hoping some of you !g*mers would like to sign up. Prize is 5k Dramacoin and a virtual kiss on the cheek from yours truly
Signup link in the comments
Fightcade can be downloaded here --> fightcade.com
JSON files (Automatic downloads) --> https://lofi.netlify.app/post/fc2-json-pack-auto-download-roms-from-fightcade-2
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If he plays like he did in Xrd, I will get back into Strive, then stop maining Axl to play him instead, then win the next Evo.
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- whyareyou : dumbass nibb thats a demon lookat the horns
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— Mystic (@MysticSmash) August 18, 2023
Burst is fullscreen now, and see vid related in that it doesn't even account counter HC, other things found include:
- BussydoFollower : Very dramatic thread
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of course they ae.
Now, mind you, this drama has been going on for a while now. Basically, ledditors and twitter secondaries are very upset that women in T8 don't look like the abominations in SF6 or MK12.
At first I thought this was just a case of mass r-sluration, but at this point I'm starting to think these are all bots trying to gather attention through controversy. I refuse to believe these are human beings. They're NPCs.
This one specifically is beyond parody
Street Fighter: Here's a lady who's built like a Titan but still enjoys femininity
sure thing
He goes on to compliment a MK character.
Let's do a recap on MK...
(note: this is not saying the left looks good at all)
They go out of their way to make the females look bad. But that's empowering, somehow.
Now let's look at the males...
One day I will understand why making females hard to lok at while you make all male characters gigachads is le heckin wholesome, but that day is not today. Not that I dislike the male characters being handsome, I just don't get it at all.
Then we have the best thread of them all
making females pretty means they hate women
you can't make this shit up. not even twisting his words, that's literally what he is saying lol
Kappachino thread
Some r-slurs in there too, but mostly sane I guess
Worst part for me is this isn't even just thanking whatever dev studio for making ugly females so they can relate to, this is actively going out of their way to complain about another studio making attractive characters. This shit is so out there it's ridiculous, i guess the is real
Remember this
Twitter users live in another world
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- Freak-Off : Nintendos are brain rot. No one cares
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/r/guiltygear is the t-girl appreciation subreddit nominally a subreddit dedicated to the "Guilty Gear" franchise. Which is primarily known for making tierlists about which character has the smelliest farts.
As it is a well known fact no one actually PLAYED guilty gear until Strive happened, a wiseman had a newfound insight:
That's right? WHY do you need to actually play a game to be a fan of it? You make fanarts? Make Tierlists? You participate in the community? Heck just vent about your depression in nominally related chats? That's right, what you say matters just as much as the guy who pretends to play Gear on /r/kappa or /vg/!
The_Newest_Girl - Anji Mito (GGST) 34 points 2 hours agoIf you're here for the gameplay, you're a fan.
If you're here for the music, you're a fan.
If you're here for the lore, you're a fan.
If you're here for the character designs, you're a fan.
If you're here for the representation, you're a fan.
There's no one way to enjoy media :3
By pure coincidence, this person seems to be a part of the /r/trans fandom going through her post history. A pure coincidence I'm sure
[–]kao24429774 - April (GGST)[S] 6 points 2 hours ago*
This was my reply to another thread but I really really want more people to see this.
I've seen that there has been a lot of gatekeeping going on in many communities lately and it really breaks my heart.
If you like something and are actively following it with passion, You are a fan.
It should be as simple as that.
[–]FriendlyGhost08 - Raven 2 points 23 minutes ago
Video games are meant to be played. Especially fighting games.
This is one of the most baffling takes I've seen
[–]_pregnantnaruto - Sin Kiske 0 points 11 minutes ago
This is one of the most baffling takes I've seen
Kao seems to do nothing but post in /r/guiltygear, spreading positive energy and answering the most basic of questions, although
Okay... NEXT
[–]InsertUsername98 Shameless Asuka simp 3 points 2 hours ago*I own Strive but I literally only played it for a few hours lol. I would play it more but I'm currently stuck in a very long lasting depressive episode, I actually haven't been able to play anything for at least a month now.
Guilty Gear's story and characters really drew me in. Faust, Bedman, Asuka and Leo are especially my favorites, depressed-forever-aloners with no super happy ending in sight. Seems kinda weird I know… But these kinds of characters make me feel so much better. Plus I can imagine them in as many happy circumstances as I want to without breaking canon.
Oh also Happy Chaos because big bad go brrr… Seriously I f*cking love villains so much.
Update: I also have Guilty Gear to thank for my first actually good OC. And you bet your butt he's a super depressed motherlover with no happy ending in sight.
I present a random quote from this user from another subreddit
Aggghhhh… I try so hard to sell myself off as the femboy guy, the guy who is super gay as heck… BUT I CAN'T LET GO OF THE TOMBOY! Even if she is just a game away from canonically taken and me having to commit mass genocide of my romance chats to keep to lore accuracy.
Please, one of these bots turn me full gay… I can't handle the heartbreak…
Honestly reminds me of some users here
Well rdrama? Do you need to actually PLAY the source material to be a "fan" of something? Can I be a Canterbury Tales Stan without having read the book but one time doodled some fan arts for it?
Been getting stuff together for an EVO retro but I needed some SMART PEOPLE opinions on these gigabrained takes
- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Straggotry. Peepees or GTFO
- usernaw : marsey mogs all of them
- CaptainAlex : Keep yourself safe
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TLDR at the bottom if you have no idea what /h/kappa is
Post dem big ol' titties. 2D or 3D, FG related preferred but unrelated is fine too
This is Anila from GBVS+R, also known as Sheepslop
My wife and her pet sheep
Now for a quick FAQ
A hole dedicated to Fighting Games and the FG Community
All Aspergers are neurodivergents, but not all neurodivergents are aspergers. Or something along those lines
Fighting games fricking suck, so that's why instead of playing or discussing them we just shitpost
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I just started playing Street fighter, never played Any other besides 6. The Modern control implementation was a good thing at least to me, I can do crazy combos that deal good damage & look good while doing it. I usually teabag classic players cause it's just funny , the fact that you got beat by a modern control player has to be sad for them so I rub salt on the wound. How ever i feel like I might be hard stuck plat, my question is, How long did it take some of You to learn classic specially on Guile? Im open to the idea of learning classic but with a full time job, hot ethnic gf, and adult responsibilities i feel that I'll just be in the training ground for hours without having any fun. Any advice?
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TLDR of my take: it was fricking garbage, SF6 top 6 somehow redeemed it
Darn, what a ride.
I'm gonna fricking obliterate anyone that I see shilling for UMVC3. What a way to start the day, with a fricking terrible kusoge that looks horrid and must be even worse to play. Seriously, frick Sajam and Max for shilling that heap of dung. It makes me worried for Project L, because they said they like and they're very vocal about how much they love UMVC3.
Also lmao at a Granblue announcement after UMVC. Good announcement though, they released the date and made a good decision in having the game have some sort of free trial. Now if only that BIPOC FKHR could get his head out of his butt and revert the motion changes. Real talk, if they removed block button, brought back Universal Overhead, removed cooldowns and added more specials/normals and... pretty much rolled back all changes they made, Granblue would be unironically the best current fighting game and one of the best fighting games of all time. I'll die on this hill. but i'll leave this for another thread
Then we had Tekken. Tekken was mostly fine honestly, I'm just kinda tired of T7 already. Mad respect to Arslan though. He's a based paki king
And it turns out the 4chan leak was true, so we already know a bit about the new characters that are coming. Harada must be furious. Harada probably wants Total Leaker Death
Grand finals were a bit shit with the mirror match up and all, but the earlier games were cool.
Strive... darn. Johnny wasn't a surprise, hope people like him in Strive. But I seriously don't get what's the point of hiding the next characters? Why not reveal them all at once? Fricking straggy shit
Don't know what to think about the new strive mechanics, will have to play to form an opinion on it.
That mk1 trailer was sick. Reptile literally looks the best he's ever looked, it's fricking perfect.
But they took two more females and made them ugly... why? sigh
Strive top 6... what a disgrace. I hate HC, I hate leffen. I hate Nago (though NBNHMR is sick). At least Umisho didn't make it to GFs. If the GFs was Umisho vs Leffen I ...
Now, on sf6...
What a top 6 my man.
I'm not the biggest SF fan and I absolutely despise SF fans, they're usually unbearable.
But I'll have to give them this. SF6 top 6 carried and redeemed EVO.
All matches were insane, most of them going 2-2 and 1-1 setpoint.
I really don't have anything to say about it. It was just some incredible games.
Now, on other stuff...
AKI looks bad. Real bad. Of course Capdrones will eat it up like they ate Marisa and Manon, but AKI is some NRS ''women MUST be ugly'' shit. Also no gameplay on her trailer... literally just some sfm of her teasing some poor neighbor
Now, EVO itself.
EVO was fricking garbage. At least compared to my expectations.
They changed from top 8 to top 6 and... for what? I stole this from kappachino, but Melty blood finished 50 minutes early. If only they could have had two matches in there somwhere...
Top 6 instead of 8 sucks. There was so much downtime in T7 top 6, it killed me slowly.
Also a shit ton of ads. Announcements were garbage.
They had SO MANY PEOPLE in there... they should have gone ram and made an EVO to remember. Instead they just the frick out of it
That's all I can remember for now.
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lol #evo2023 pic.twitter.com/UOSef3RNPI
— Murdoink (@Murdoink) August 6, 2023
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Hey again fighters! I have some considerations for the tournament.
Games should be picked one week or 3 days before tournament to allow for preparation.
Games should be restricted to fightcade to allow the highest amout of potential players
I think it'd be best as a bi-monthly tournament. That way there's more chances for it lining up with potential players schedules.