What are you reading this week thread :marseyreading:

Assuming anyone here can actually read :marseyclueless:

I’m almost finished with Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger and it really is a great memoir. It’s almost darkly hilarious how frank the book is about everything from the violent to the mundane. The prose used to describe daily idle work and conversations with French civilians is little different than the descriptions of battles and mangled corpses. It’s a whole novel of “oh yeah and this happened”.

Another aspect that fascinated me was the author’s own views on the war. He fought for four years in the losing army of one of history’s most infamous wars, yet he never seemed to regret it. Never wished he was at home. Never lost his Prussian class and reserve. You could wonder if it’s biased since the author might have left out anything that would make him look bad, but even so it’s notable that the book is too neutral to have that “war is heck” message you see in almost every other instance of WWI material. When stereotypical military aristocrat characters show up in media, they almost always lose that demeanor or die to show how brutal and gritty things really are. But here was a real person who went through all that and still came out with the mindset of an Imperial German patriot. Patriotism is the first thing to go in most war stories, so I was intrigued to see a depiction of someone who suffered same as everyone else but never actually lost it. I suppose there’s no real universal standard on how different people will be effected by warfare.

THIS IS A STICK-UP :marseytrollgun: POST PDFS

i am on vacation for a month and need books. i have nothing to offer in return. thanks


Post your bookmarks in this thread
What are you reading this week?

I just finished La Peste by Camus but tbqh I thought L'Étranger was better.

How 'bout you?


Inspired by the current frickery. If people are interested I'll order a copy for myself.

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  • Arran : reading goyslop
:marseycringe: Flipped open a book and saw this infodump :marseyhandmaid:
Friday What-Are-You-Reading thread :marseyreading:

:#marseycapypharaoh::marseycarpupset: :taco:



What in the 90's video game, green screen heck is this?

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some highlights:

    1. Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

    2. Middle Earth Universe by JRR Tolkien


    3. First Law by Joe Abercrombie

    6. Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan



    29\. Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan

    58. Grishaverse by Leigh Barduo

    157. The Once and Future King by TH White

zoomercide now :#marseyfedpostyes:

    80. star wars


this is not even a book.

Yeah I'm sort of a reader
:soyjackwow: Waow!

'If a son is born when the Sun is in the terms of Mercury, he will be successful and have great power . .. He will be brave and tall and will acquire property and moreover will be married to his own sister and will have children by her.'

-- Egyptian horoscope

Herais invites you to dinner at the marriage of her children at home tomorrow, that is the fifth, at the 9th hour

-- Egyptian wedding invitation

@Aevann defend this


Like all underachieving zoomers I constantly have a thousand ideas in my head that will never come to fruition so here they are.

The first one is about a ghost that travels through space. I was thinking about the fact that a ghost is essentially immortal so they’ll stick around long after The Earth has been eaten by the sun. You could have the ghost look around at space and eventually find something special enough that they can finally pass on peacefully.

The second one is a book about humans discovering alien races. It is then discovered that all planets had Jesus show up at some point. I don’t want this book to be a preachy Christian book, rather I want it to be a look at how Christianity could have developed had, for example, everyone believed Jesus instantly. I want to book to be a series of interviews conducted by an impartial and agnostic individual. I don’t think the book even has to be about Christianity specifically but I just want to stick to what I know.

The last one might have already been done. I want to tell the story of a town through a few newspaper articles. This one is a more recent thought of mine and is not quite as fleshed out but I think it has potential. I’m pretty sure this sort of structure has been done before but I think it could still make a very engrossing book. If you do the entire news paper, obituaries, ads and all the other stuff I think you could make quite a few compelling threads beyond the main one. But it might be too difficult so maybe not.

rdrama reads: Whitney Ryan's Black Future, Week 2:marseyparty:

Welcome back to our Black Future story hour, dramatards. Page 2 got spoiled by some :marseychad: so I'm skipping right to the third page.

editor's note: the author has introduced a duo of underage characters. I have not read ahead, so if this turns out to be a pederast book we will have to read How I sued Taylor Swift by one R. Greer instead

Anyway, you, the fine :marseydramautist: of rdrama, are tasked with guessing what happens on the following page. The closest guess will receive 10 marseybux. I'll update the OP with the best guesses. I'll keep track of any guesses before the spoilers inevitably drop.

Here's a link to page 3, i dont want to upload the files locally :marseypirate2:


The momentum does not let up :marseysweating: every word carefully and masterfully chosen, Whitney Ryan is showing us the lives of her dramatis personae in a strange and captivating world

Dear readers, what do you think happens next?

Guess 1:


I'm gonna guess Alexa is going to hear the news that the kangs are coming to her village, and he's going to make way toward the village to save her sister

Guess #2


There's a knock on the door and it's a basketball government official. He comes in, eats the rabbits, fricks the sissy's wife, and leaves.

Dark Matter - Blake Crouch
  • String Theory :marseyyarn:
  • Schrodinger's Cat :marseyschrodinger:
  • Uncanny Valley :marseypaintretard:
  • By far the most r*ddit :marseysoylentgrin: book I've read. Premise was alright, but it was predictable, MC was oblivious, big butt plotholes, and I didn't really like any of the characters.

    Looking for good fantasy recommendations. Problem is I can't stand most of the genre tropes :marseycontemplatesuicide:

    I want some good fantasy recommendations, but so much of the genre is unbearable. I've identified two main reasons why, though I'm sure there are also many others.

    • YA desperately written for a movie deal and/or teenaged foids :marseyradfem: by older foids :marseywall: Can't stand this garbage and I doubt I need to explain why.

    • Conversely I can't get through a lot of "standard" fantasy written by moids who don't see the difference between a novel and a DnD campaign. :marseydovahkiin: Characters and plot usually take a backseat to pointless wiki lore and unending exposition. I'd say I like worldbuilding but it should be done more naturally than vomiting paragraphs. The plot shouldn't stop because the author needs us to know every detail about the temple or whatever we just passed by. The majority of these settings will also be shameless ripoffs of Tolkien and/or DnD with nothing new to offer.

    I need some fantasy recs that avoid these pitfalls. I'm interested in finding any of the following

    • Unique main characters. Examples of anything that made a particular protagonist stand out above the genre.

    • Same with settings. Any that stood out (ideally right from the get-go, and not just because you'd gotten used to it after eight books)

    • Stories that were concise while still being good. I'm not against wordier entries, but I think a lot of fantasy authors have trouble with brevity. I'm wondering if anyone knows of exceptions who still managed to pull off something creative.
    Reported by:
    rdrama reads: Whitney Ryan's Black Future, Week 1:marseyparty:

    Idea shamelessly stolen from @kaamrev

    I'll be reading 1 page of the modern intersectional classic BLACK FUTURE each week. You, the fine :marseydramautist: of rdrama, are tasked with guessing what happens on the following page. The closest guess will receive 10 marseybux. I'll update the OP with the best guesses.

    Here's a link to page 1, i dont want to upload the files locally :marseypirate2:

    Already we are off to a riveting start as our effeminate hero uhhhh :marseyreading: climbs a hill. Incredible prose, excellent pacing, no wonder Whitney Ryan has become a household name and international phenomenon.

    Dear readers, what do you think happens next?

    Guess 1:


    Meet the members of his family and more expository dialog.

    Guess 2:


    Alex reminisces about life before New Africa was established

    Guess 3:


    We'll find out about his sister and how he has always had incestuous feelings for her (mayos and incest marseymanysuchcases:)

    Guess 4:


    My guess is the next page will be explaining what the revolution was and how it got to this stage

    Guess 5:


    the strong ARFIKAN BVLL plows his bussy

    Guess 6:


    We will learn about the background of the world

    Guess 7:


    We'll have a hard cut to the New Africa senate as the BLACK BVLLS discuss the Trade Federation's recent blockade of Nabussy.

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