Weekly(?) Comics/manga/graphic novels thread #3? :marseygarfieldpipe: I read The Crow for the first time. I thought it would just be pretentious but it was actually really good

!edgelords required reading.

Previous threads:

What's your favorite text in the Nag Hammadi Library?

I personally enjoy the Apocryphon of John, because my name is also John.

I also enjoy the Gospel of Truth. I admit I've not read through the whole thing yet. And you?

Weekly “what are you guys reading” :marseyreading:

To talk about your weekly readings, be it books, textbooks, papers, etc.

I’m still halfway through “Pale Fire” (been kind of busy this week), but I’ll probably finish it in the next few days. I have to say this is the strangest book I’ve read so far, though it’s fascinating me a lot. I restarted from the beginning and while on my first reading of the “Forward”, Kinbote seemed to be a creepy stalker, on my second reading he’s giving some sociopathic vibes. I’m reading the “Commentary” wondering how much of what Kinbote says is real and considering Shade’s death days after finishing the poem, whether he killed him. I also wonder if he managed to get the poem published or if this schizo :marseyschizotwitch: is just writing it on a jail cell or psych ward. Plus, all of the “Zembla” bullshit country he talks about. Though Shade’s poem did mention Zembla, so maybe it’s real? Or maybe Kinbote took it from the poem? :marseyschizowall::marseytinfoil2:

19th century lit discussion

To discuss your favorite or most hated authors and books of the 1800s.

In general terms, the 19th century was a fantastic era for the development of the novel as we know it today. So many authors from different countries with so many different and elegant styles, literary movements and genres.



To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks, magazines, papers, etc.

I restarted “Pale Fire from the beginning a few days ago and finished Canto 3 of the poem yesterday. And thanks to recommendations I also bought myself a nice printed English edition of “Lolita” for a future reading.

Who is the greatest author alive and why is it Brandon Sanderson?


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  • BushWasRight : To every single person who posted in this thread :marseykys2:
Comics/graphic novel/manga thread :marseystreaky:

What comics y'all reading

Books about cucks discussion thread

If you go and check many of the most famous western canon books, you’ll find cucks as a central part of the story :#marseynoooticer:. My favorite example is “The Iliad”, cuckoldry is the thing that drives the entire plot of the poem. And it doesn’t stop there, Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, The Great Gatsby and so on.

What are your favorite cuck books and characters?

All time favorite book openings?

Maybe it proved to be the perfect hook for the story. Maybe the prose grabbed you then and there. Post anything that was exceptionally memorable.

:marseytrad: authors discussion and recommendation thread :marseyrowling:

To discuss your favorite and most hated women (male and female) in literature.

I think the only female author book I ever finished was “Pride and Prejudice” (didn’t even read Harry Potter, lmao). But history is full with them, you have authors like Mary Shelley :marseystein:, Margaret Mitchell :marseysouthernbelle7:, Margaret Atwood :marseygilead:, Isabel Allende :marseyflagchile: and so on.


To discuss and recommend authors and books from the 20th century in general.

A few great modern authors that come to mind and who’s works I’m quite familiarized are Albert Camus, Vladimir Nabokov, F Scott Fitzgerald, Jorge Luis Borges and even though they are still alive and publishing Mario Vargas Llosa (his older works are fantastic) and Kazuo Ishiguro (haven’t read Ishiguro yet, but i have “never let me go” on my reading list)

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Weekly “what are you guys reading” thread :marseyreading:

To discuss about the books, textbooks and papers you are currently reading.

I finished Moby Dic a couple of days ago. Next i’ll pick up Pale Fire by Nabokov. I started reading that book a few months ago and stoped after the poem because i was reading it before sleep and couldn’t focus well. Even though I still remember what happened and took a few notes, I decided to start from the beginning again.

Saturday afternoon amphetamine withdrawal schizoprocess :marseythreadprocessrentfree:

!boozers !nicotine !newport !schizomaxxxers !soren do not discuss, I am grumpy and exhausted


As per title, it doesn't let me pay for some reason even though it worked for the first time.

Weekly “what are you reading” Thread :marseyreading:

So you can discuss your weekly readings.

I’m still reading Moby Dic, currently halfway through, so far is great, though as English is not my native language It means I have to look up quite a bit in the dictionary to learn the “old timey” words, but I’m using it less now the more I learn, it also made me check up the Bible to find the biblical counterparts of the characters with biblical names, which is interesting.

This is an actual poem from the current issue of The Paris Review :marseysnoo:

History books discussion thread :marmseylegionnaire::marseypharaoh::marseycrusader:

So you guys can discuss and recommend history book of any kind. This is also the type of book I read most over the years so here’s my recommendation list

On Ancient Mesopotamia

Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization (Paul Kriwaczek)

On Ancient Egypt

The rise and fall of ancient Egypt (Toby Wilkinson)

On Ancient Greece

The Spartans (Paul Cartledge)

Rise of Athens (Anthony Everitt)

Alexander the Great (Paul Cartledge)

Alexander the Great (Philip Freeman)

On Ancient Rome

The Storm before the Storm (Mike Duncan) WARNING: Duncan is not an historian and his books are just a collection of primary sources with his opinions on them, so take this with a grain of salt”

SPQR (Mary Beard)

Augustus (Adrian Goldsworthy)

How Rome fell: Fall of a Superpower (Adrian Goldsworthy)

The Fall of Rome (Bryan Ward Perkins)

On the Byzantines

Byzantium: The surprising life of a medieval empire (Judith Herrin)

On the Baltics

The northern crusaders (Eric Christianssen)

On the Middle East

Jerusalem a Biography (Simon Sebag Montefiore)

The Arabs (Eugene Rogan)

The House of Wisdom (Jimal Khalili)

On precolumbian Americas

The Maya (Michael d Coe)

1491 (Charles Mann)

1493 (Charles Mann)

On the Portuguese Empire

Conquerors (Roger Crowley)

On Caribbean Slavery

Mastery Tyranny and desire (Trevor Burnard)

The Plantation Machine (Trevor Burnard)

Colonial America

The Island at the center of the world (Russell Shorto)

Colonial Africa

King Leopold’s Ghost (Adam Hochschild)

On American slavery

The fall of the House of Dixie (Bruce Levine)

Empire of Cotton (Sven Beckert)

On Imperial Russia

The Romanovs (Simon Sebag Montefiore)

On WW1

The Great War (Peter Hart)

On the Nazi economy

The Wages of Destruction (Adam Tooze)

Hot Takes/Unpopular opinions

There is always something we disagree with the majority. So here’s a thread to talk about it.

Mine is this: :marsey1984: is an overrated, over quoted above average book, not bad, but far from being a masterpiece. Animal farm is Orwell’s best work of fiction and Brave New World is a much superior and plausible dystopia. 1984 style oppression is just hyperbole.

Fantasy/Horror Discussion Thread :marseyrowling: :marseythegrey::marseyjason:

So you can discuss your favorite Fantasy and Horror books. As well as trash talk about the authors and books of those genres you hate the most.

Truth be told, outside a few movies and shows I’m pretty much clueless about fantasy lit and still a novice on horror. So I’ll just :marseypopcorn: and enjoy the comments.

Have fun! :marseywave2:

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