
rdrama literary magazine when?

Short story mags :marseydunce:

It seems like everywhere is closed to submissions right now. Metaphorosis manuscript guidelines are bizarre, and I could only find Bourbon Penn open to spec fic. Bunch of other mags seem to open their submissions once a year at best.

Seemed better last year honestly, is self pub actually better or am I looking in the wrong places


normally i wouldn't tell people to give up on their dreams but come the frick on 💀💀

in typical reddit fashion, everything is so so bad. :marseyxd: the advice, the depressed writers looking for people to validate their awful ideas. i distinctly remember one poster who wanted to know if people wanted to read about dinosaur bones. :marseydinosaur: that's it. no mention of characters, no worldbuilding, no paleontologist murder mystery set in the heart of the african jungle. if you can't convince yourself, why should we care? :marseyshrug: here's a quote from Adaptation (2002):

People are murdered every day. There's genocide, war, corruption. Every fricking day somewhere in the world somebody sacrifices his life to save somebody else. Every fricking day someone somewhere takes a conscious decision to destroy someone else. People find love, people lose it. For Christ's sake a child watches her mother beaten to death on the steps of a church! Someone goes hungry, somebody else betrays his best friend for a woman. If you can't find that stuff in life, then you my friend don't know crap about life!

Epic quote from Diomed in the Iliad :marsey300::marcerberus::marseybuff::marseyquadmagyar::wolfthink:

Then Paris, with a laugh, Sprang from his ambush, shouting boastfully:-

"Lo, thou art smitten! Not in vain my shaft

Has flown; and would that it had pierced thy groin And slain thee! Then the Trojans had obtained Reprieve from slaughter,-they who dread thee now

As bleating goats a lion." Undismayed, The valiant Diomed made answer thus:-

"Archer and railer! proud of thy smart bow, And ogler of the women! wouldst thou make

Trial of valor hand to hand with me,

Thy bow should not avail thee, nor thy sheaf Of many arrows. Thou dost idly boast That thou hast hit my foot. I heed it not.

It is as if a woman or a child

Had struck me. Lightly falls the weapon-stroke Of an unwarlike weakling. 'Tis not so With me, for when one feels my weapon's touch,

It passes through him, and he dies; his wife Tears with her hands her cheeks; his little ones Are orphans; earth is crimsoned with his blood;

And flocking round his carcass in decay, More numerous than women, are the birds."

  • Iliad Book 10 book 11
Share your favourite literature quotes in this thread!:marseywave2:

I have one as my flair, Captain Ahab says it in Moby Peepee when he’s making a speech about his determination to catch the White Whale. He says it with such surety and confidence, all of Ahab’s lines are rock solid unmovable and it’s so darn masculine. Other good ones from him are:

talk not of blasphemy to me man, I’d strike the sun if it insulted me


What I've dared, I've willed; and what I've willed, I'll do! They think me mad—Starbuck does; but I'm demoniac, I am madness maddened! That wild madness that's only calm to comprehend itself!


Share some of your favourite literature quotes, and maybe a few lines about what it means to you. I have other good ones I can share too, some from Nahuatl (Aztec) literature:marseyjaguarwarrior::marseyreading:



for whatever reason this (well known resource) shit isnt all online somehow but this is a good resource for online copies of parts of it.

no its not a book. yes you can read it. keep yourself safe :marseylove: if you're neurodivergent enough or professionally inclined

Any fellow piratemaxxing e-ink enjoyers?

Knowledge should be free, but you still need to flex on the poors. I'm partial to the kobo libra 2 myself.


First /h/lit what are you reading thread

I'm beating the jannies to the punch for that sweet, sweet dramacoin


I'm reading This Kind of War a history of the Korean War recommended by Mattis. It's an older book so has some very dated terminology, and an older way of thinking. But pretty solid so far, very play by play.

I've been on a huge non-fiction kick recently reading Rampage (about Japan in the Philippines.) A book about the fall of Japan whose name I don't remember

and before that The Franco Prussian War by Wawro. I've liked all of them with Rampage being the hardest to read due to crazy Japanese crimes. I think the last fiction book I read was Medicus a Roman murder mystery that was really enjoyable.

Dramatards what y'all reading?


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