On Hack Writers

We all know about hack writers. Their work is of poor quality and some are quite prolific. But hack writer =/= writer I don’t like. What are some hacks you enjoy and which one’s you can’t stand?

My favorite hack is Dan Brown, his Robert Langdon series are a guilty pleasure of mine (though Origins was too terrible with the recycled plot). Langdon is a Mary Sue and his plots are so over the top I can’t take seriously while also being a page turner.

One I can’t stand is Paulo Coelho, who is unfortunately Brazil’s most famous writer abroad. So pretentious, and some people take it way too seriously, the alchemist reads like an YA novel. Another one is Reddit’s darling Neil Gaiman.

Let’s discuss the best and worst among the Terrible and Untalented

Shakespeare/Cervantes Discussion Thread :marseyshakespeare: :marseyconquistador:

William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 O.S. (May 3, 1616 N.S.). Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra died on April 23, 1616 N.S.

Both of them are among the most renowned writers in history, and both of them are literary symbols of their respective native languages and home countries.

Let’s talk about their works. I own a Spanish copy of Don Quixote, though I confess I haven’t read it yet. I’ve read 3 of Shakespeare plays: Macbeth, King Lear and Coriolanus (so far my favorite), and have Hamlet and Othello on my reading list.

What are your favorite plays or least favorite one's? Favorite characters, heroes or villains? Same for Cervantes, for those more acquainted with his works.

What are you guys reading this week? :marseyreading:

So, I started reading Moby Peepee, and I didn’t expect this book would be so funny. I’m currently on chapter 13, and up to this point Ishmael and Queequeg had so many “no homo” moments. Can’t wait for the Captain Ahab chapters.

I’ve also finished “It” by Stephen King. It was my first King book, and god, I didn’t expected for it to be 50% filler, so many pointless :marseylongpost2: and endless backstories of side characters that never show up again, plus the creepy child gangbang :marseypedo: near the end had some “50 shades of Grey” tier writing. A friend of mine recommended me “The Shining” but l’m not quite sure anymore.

What do you guys recommend?

finally finished Oathbringer

Like August of last year I was maybe 250 pages from the end and I just lost all desire to finish it. I finally slogged through the rest of it just to say I did. I don't know if it's because of the long break or just that there are hundreds of characters to keep track of but it felt like every other page I was having to look at a wiki to figure out who someone was. I'm probably gonna take a long break before starting the next book.

Overall I still enjoy the series but my biggest complaint with Sando is that he purposely writes some scenes in a way that is completely incomprehensible. It's kind of hard to explain but things are happening in a scene that purposely don't make sense because he hasn't revealed the meaning behind what's happening yet. It's kind of a running theme in the series. Like in this book the huge climactic battle scene at the end (which spans like four chapters at least) I understood maybe 25% of what was happening. Every page or so it would jump between one of a dozen characters, something would happen that didn't make sense, it would jump again, and so on. And then I check a wiki or reddit or something and there are pages and pages of explanation that people have written and I'm just wondering where the frick they got all of it and did we even read the same book.

anyway we're on to cincinnati


Samsung A22 termasuk salah satu produk hp Samsung yang telah dibekali oleh chipset terkini dari Mediatek Helio G80 pada hp Galaxy A22. Selain itu, telah didukung oleh baterai yang berkapasitas 5000 mAH, memiliki RAM 4GB dan ukuran layar seluas 6.4 inchi. Belum lagi, cara SS Samsung A22 sangat mudah dilakukan.


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Sherwood wears her politics on her sleeve too, so we have the strange combination of a writer telling us a story about government agents, while actively disliking the government - the police are the bad guys, the climate protestors the victims. More than once, in fact over and over again, the spies working for MI6 question why they are devoted to a colonial power that has caused so much misery around the world. We get lectures on climate change, capitalism, colonialism, as though Sherwood is determined to use this opportunity to tell us all how the world should be. The straining to be politically correct throughout results in some unintentional hilarity (no tigers were sacrificed in the making of this action scene!)

Our new Double-O agents in the central roles are a woman and a Muslim man. M has been shuffled off to semi-retirement and for some unknown reason his former secretary Moneypenny, with no military experience, is now in charge of the Double-O section. Poor Major Boothroyd (Q) has been replaced by a computer, with the credit for that invention not belonging to him but a Mrs Keator (who?) and run by two young upstarts Aisha Asante and Ibrahim Suleiman (both questioning why they serve Her Majesty after the way their ancestors were treated by the Empire). The 3rd new 00 agent - Dryden - tips the whole thing over the edge into parody - he's black, gay, comes from poverty AND deaf!

Apparently this is planned to be the first in a trilogy:marseyxd:

Surely the Fleming estate must have picked a writer with a long track record of working with beloved franchises and characters to let her make such wholesale changes?

I am a Lecturer in Creative Writing. As a novelist, I contribute towards teaching creative writing and literature at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. I also supervise postgraduate dissertations, and am available as a PhD supervisor. I currently teach on the Creative Writing MSc and the English and Scottish Literature MA. Prior to joining the University of Edinburgh, I taught literature and creative writing at undergraduate level at the University of East Anglia (2014-2015); on the Critical and Creative Writing MA at the University of Sussex (2016); and co-developed a Creative Writing BA as a Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of the West of England (2016-2021). My debut novel, Testament (riverrun, 2018), was longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Award, shortlisted for the Best First Novel Award, and won the Bath Novel Award and the Harper's Bazaar Big Book of the Year. In 2019, I was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award. I am now writing a trilogy of Double O novels expanding the James Bond universe for the Ian Fleming Estate and HarperCollins. The first in the trilogy, Double or Nothing, was published September 1st 2022. My next literary novel is A Wild & True Relation, out with Virago in February 2023. The novel follows a girl who joins a smuggler's screw in eighteenth-century Devon, and explores women's writing and history in a subversive adventure story.

>Her second book

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  • Ubie : ITT: redditors commiserate over the downfall of their heckin cool subreddit. :marseycryingfast:
  • Tip_Your_Lanky_Kong : not lit
  • Brasillguana : reddit fan
  • Eleganza : mfw my reddit bedtime story post gets more engagement than most of ur book posts :marseyemojirofl:
nosleep got so bad the past few years :marseysulk:

got ready to catch up on a few years of nosleep, sorted by top, literally none of these are scary, nor are they even well written. i stopped reading them in probably 2016-2017 when all the hottest stories started boiling down to "bigotry was the real monster all along" "big bad evil guy does a heckin wholesome" or just weird, impotent revenge fantasies you can tell are written about the author's bully

the top post of the last few years is which is just a stupid shallow reddit bait about a cheater but even sillier than usual :marseytabletired2: main character's wife when her husband gets drunk and chips part of his brain out in front of her :marseyclueless:

are there any the past few years that don't suck butt? i used to stay up all night scared shitless over these, the bar is low, i can't believe nosleep has somehow gotten so bad they can't even scare me

You know how to read? Name 10 books

Got this on Thriftbooks :marseyfluffy:

I wanted to share it with you guys :marseyill:

Got this on Thriftbooks :marseyfluffy:

Yeah it’s a photo book but I wanted to share it with you guys :)


Ganti kebiasan kamu yang terbiasa memanfaatkan platform gratisan. Karena, tidak semua hal yang berbau gratis itu indah. Contohnya, bermain game online di situs web tidak terpercaya. Bukannya seru, bisa-bisa data pribadimu terancam disalahgunakan. Oleh sebab itu, banyak g*mers yang sudah mempercayakan platform Steam. Terbukti aman, dan orisinil.



cara mengetahui merk laptop Windows 10, 8 dan 7 masih menjadi sesuatu yang membingungkan, apalagi kalau kamu belum pernah memilikinya di rumah. Kamu bisa menggunakan fitur bawaan sampai aplikasi ketiga untuk mengetahui tipe laptop yang sedang digunakan. Laptop sudah menjadi suatu barang yang sangat penting.


What are you reading?

Finally started Wisdom of Crowds, the final book in the Age of Madness series by Joe Abercrombie. The series is really good but I'm not sure yet how I'd rank it against his others.

'Finally, Something Good Happened' by Delicious Tacos is tight af

Harassment Architecture - wanders a bit between the good parts that feel like they could have been tweets that got his account banned.

I tried an F. Gardner book - Not as bad as I thought it would be. He has some good descriptions which are essential for horror. His characters and dialogue suck though.

I read a Pierce Brown book - if you want R-rated, YA dark sci-fi, this guy could be for you.

Fuccboi - This dude got paid a ton of money for this causing major butt hurt. So I wanted it to be really good, but I didn't think it was. But auto-fiction is meant to be related to, so zoomers may get more out of it.

BrandoSando strikes back

I really don't know anything about this author (I read one of his books when I was younger and that's it) BUT I do know that a seething WIRED journocel wrote a very angry expose about how he is an neurodivergent and a total loser for various ill-defined reasons (didn't read). RDrama post here (if ur wondering why it says "heeheehaahaa" so much, its because the post author was chudded when he wrote it :marseylaugh:)

Basically, the WIRED journo hates the fact that BrandoSando...

  • has an air of confidence

  • made the author drive all the way from SanFran

  • is resistant to pain and refuses pain medication

anywho, BrandoSando fires back very gently. I thought it was well-written, if a bit mopey. It also makes the journo look like a complete butthole without focusing on the journo himself, which is amazing.


  • Brando relates his experiences as being an "outsider", due to his faith and general autism

  • Brando explains that his numbness to pain is probably a result of his autism

  • Brando says that he doesn't want sympathy for this.

  • He says he writes because he feels things when he writes.

  • He is against "gatekeeping"

Free yourself

Took him long enough


You will never be a real reader

This is pretty specific but does anyone have recommendations for caveman fiction? :marseyclueless:

I’m looking for fiction stories set in caveman times. Not post-apocalyptic stories or nomads away from civilization stories mind you, but stories where there is no civilization yet. I’ll take “historical fiction” (if that applies here) or more fantastical settings as long as they have the right vibe.

I’ve always been somewhat fascinated by the Paleolithic. We spent most of our history living as hunter-gatherers, with modern civilization a small blip by comparison, but it doesn’t show up in storytelling that often. :marseyshrug:


I only know one book review, but a title isn't given:

Book update: what are you reading? Illiterates need not comment.

I've been reading Quichotte by sir Rushdie of the fatwa clan. It's a bit hackish for modern commentary, but the man is still a great writer which makes is easy to wade through.

:ben10: REQUIRED READING :!ben10:

Trans Lives Matter

What are you reading this week thread :marseyreading:

Assuming anyone here can actually read :marseyclueless:

I’m almost finished with Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger and it really is a great memoir. It’s almost darkly hilarious how frank the book is about everything from the violent to the mundane. The prose used to describe daily idle work and conversations with French civilians is little different than the descriptions of battles and mangled corpses. It’s a whole novel of “oh yeah and this happened”.

Another aspect that fascinated me was the author’s own views on the war. He fought for four years in the losing army of one of history’s most infamous wars, yet he never seemed to regret it. Never wished he was at home. Never lost his Prussian class and reserve. You could wonder if it’s biased since the author might have left out anything that would make him look bad, but even so it’s notable that the book is too neutral to have that “war is heck” message you see in almost every other instance of WWI material. When stereotypical military aristocrat characters show up in media, they almost always lose that demeanor or die to show how brutal and gritty things really are. But here was a real person who went through all that and still came out with the mindset of an Imperial German patriot. Patriotism is the first thing to go in most war stories, so I was intrigued to see a depiction of someone who suffered same as everyone else but never actually lost it. I suppose there’s no real universal standard on how different people will be effected by warfare.

131 Days series - Keith C Blackmore

Just finished up all the released books a few days ago. Was pretty good, dumb fun series, nothing too deep or complex. It's just a series about a fighting arena and jumps around a few different fighters from the pits, and a couple owners of the houses that train fighters.

The last book ends pretty abruptly and there hasn't been a release in 5 years, so that blows, but if you're into light fantasy and mindless action, I'd say it's worth checking out.

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