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Please reply to this post with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your hole !jannies.
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No, it didn't. You can read about it here if you think I'm misinterpreting what occurred: all that "changed" is that priests were advised to be willing to bless two men/women presenting themselves in private requesting it without withholding the blessing on the assumption that they live in sin.
The Bible has many passages on sobriety and it's very clearly an application of the same principle. Besides, Catholics are not "Bible alone" and never have been. The Church was founded by Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit. The moral teachings stand as they are: keyword search for "sober".
Do you think native cultures with ritualized drug use were free of this? Can you provide examples of hippie communes not falling into debauchery? Why are we pinging !commenters ? Hi
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@Nightcrawler. My opinion is that
even if they are a believer, people don't have to submit to the Church's opinion on everything, but they are free to make their own interpretations according to their own moral conscience. Any institution that claims its own conclusions are superior to everything else is bound to become riddled with moral corruption, that is really hard to correct.
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Does it make sense to reject the central truth claims of having been founded by the living God and possessing Divine guidance and still participate?
Picking and choosing is only logical if you're agnostic/atheist already because there's really no point to be Catholic in the first place if Jesus was not God.
Corruption of the teachings or corruption of the hierarchy? That many priests and bishops have led personally immoral lives is unfortunate and undeniable. Mystery of the faith, for any religion for that matter, why God (or whatever supernatural precursor to the natural universe existed) created the world and humans exactly the way He did.
If I've ever failed to uphold this I sincerely apologize. This time I pinged you because I think you had already commented in this thread right?
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You didn't fail to uphold it. You're good and kind.
Also I meant corruption of hierarchy, priests abusing their power to do evil for example.
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one of the other things i picked up in mass was a clear feelings for a 2nd coming of christ.
clearly the church still has much to learn from it's mistakes, or such a 2nd coming would have little meaning.
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wow, i have a known gimmik!
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This is an obnoxious gimmick. At least
@BimothyX2 saying hecko
doesn't ping me every frickin day
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frick you b-word
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block me then cute twink u wont
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ur welcome
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How are you today?
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I'm good! I hope you're having a wonderful day!
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I don't read any of your or
@goderator200 's longpostbot summoning comments but I'll upmarsey you just so you keep on fighting !upmarseysluts
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I haven't been longpostbotted bc the length comes from quoting Church teaching.
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I upmarsey your summon but the post above is too many words I got lost looking for the upmarsey so
for them
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another thing the church should be pushing is transparency, like full systemic transparency. starting with the church, but then subsequently into the rest of global society. seriously, what does the church have to hide if it really claims to be the premiere agent of god? but honestly the church even with it's flaw, i don't think in really justifying the need, they are the vessel for change, not the reason. it's every other fricking system on earth that needs the divine spotlight of truth and honesty.
if u want talk about a "judgement day" that day will come when we all, every consciousness moral agent on earth, has access to the full and truthful state of society... so we each can judge it for ourselves, to act accordingly. never before in history did we have the ability to create such an informational system, so never before in history was such a "judgement day" possible.
if god is truly indeed in all of us, which church does so profess, then that part deserves access to the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
so help us god
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There's been steady headway on the transparency/accountability part in the last few decades. What secrets do you think the Church is keeping that need to be revealed?
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sorry, maybe my edit came in to late,
but it's not really the church that i think is particularly corrupt. we we'll prolly find some sure, but i suspect it may be on the lesser corrupt side of the spectrum...
it's most everything else my dude, that is in desperate need of god's honest gaze. our entire global economic system. our entire nation state political system.
it is such a simple fix, yet it will be profound beyond all expectations.
of course i can have the spark of such an idea, but i cannot be the whole engine that actually drives said change. the world is too big, am i but one man, hence the need for a larger vessel.
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I consider the water to wine miracle an indication that God won't hide from you just because you like to party
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their assumption when wedding two men is that they don't ever have s*x?
bc it sounds like what you're saying is "gay marriage is fine but gay s*x is a sin"
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The Vatican has never, and categorically cannot, permit performing a "gay marriage". You can read the document if you want but it's not a blessing of the relationship but of the individuals.
Anyway, this confusion is why many bishops have told Rome they will not start offering them to presumably gay couples.
The context of all this is that in Germany/Luxembourg/parts of western europe large swathes of the Church are openly heretical and this was part of the ongoing dialogue between those parties. Rome has opted not to seek formal excommunication in hopes that the problem dies off with time rather than initiating a third major schism.
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You mean people who are more liberal, thus would advocate for such things leaving or not even joining the church, so only the conservatives stay that will oppose this? I mean it's also where the Church shrinks a lot, and a lot of people leave Catholicism.
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Protestant congregations that have changed teachings to conform to secular morality have cratered even harder than Catholics/Evangelicals. I think you should probably keep in mind that this is more about genuine faith than politics, which is why the liberal churches have fared worse than we have - once you say "God got that one wrong, oops" you're really just "playing church" rather than worshipping. I want a Church of people with genuine faith, not political actors seeking to conform the Church to their preferred vision of society.
I get frustrated with more right wing Catholics who want to pick and choose which teachings to follow, too, btw. You can ask
@C333 or
But if you're curious, Pope Benedict XVI gave several speeches when he was a priest/cardinal on this very subject. An excerpt from one of those speeches Fr. Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) gave all the way back in 1969 about politics, the Church, and the decline of Christianity:
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What did he mean by this.
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Initiative to go out there and spread the Gospel, initiative to keep the remaining Church community strong.
Maintaining the Church, let alone evangelizing the general public, requires much more of modern faithful than past generations as our cultural significance is largely gone and the general attitude of common people has shifted to one of passive rejection or hostility rather than passive and largely unquestioned acceptance.
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How to evangilize in the mordern world without people feeling annoyed when you try.
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The success I've had both here and IRL comes less from directly trying to convince people and more from a combination of prayer and trying to provide an example of someone who genuinely believes it's true and tries to live it out to the best of their ability (if a bit sperg-ily).
I spend my energy with you and a few others like
not because I think you're suddenly going to change your minds in the middle of a conversation but because you're willing to ask thoughtful questions/arguments for me to respond to without degenerating into name calling and it's a public space where others do read what's been said. Maybe down the road things I've said will pop up in your heads, IDK.
That plus I WFH with an easy email job so I have time until we start having children.
Oh, and I guess with atheists/libs, I also want to convince you Catholics aren't just mindless bigots.
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That's a lot of text that won't matter when you go to heck for defending the Whore of Babylon.
Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.
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hippies failed because they tried to drop out of society, not realizing u can't just drop out of cancer. it must be confronted and addressed.
look bro, the ungodly sober mindset of the monotheistic religions has put us on a dogmatically r-slurred path of self-destruction, not the natives or the hippies.
and i don't think psychoactives are the only prerequisite to sustainability, far from it. but they are one of the keystone facets, and without them it will crumble.
our job is quite a bit more difficult than myopic black vs white... there's a whole array of colors we need for that bridge, and missing any one of them can and will mean total annihilation for this species.
monotheistic religions holds one. psychoactives hold another. scientific understanding holds a third. technological prowess holds a fourth. philosophy holds a 5th. etc, this list is non-exhaustive. i don't know how many keys we need.
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