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I don't feel like I would be being honest. Does that make any sense? There's people who are really hardcore and I would feel like I was being dishonest and faking.
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tbh i have no idea if i'll stick around long enough to be baptized, i just went to one mass. i draw personal inspiration from several religions at least, so i certainly wouldn't buy all the rhetoric carte blanche, and would always have this underlying motivation to use the church as a platform for change.
like, i kinda wanna do ayahuasca with the pope, and then many other religious leaders.
!commenters !catholics
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By no means should you feel obliged to turn into a twitter style RadTrad, and I'm thrilled to hear you went to Church and are feeling open to things, but at the same time, draw it back a little, hippie.
The "change" the Church promotes is repentance (which in the traditional definition of the word doesn't just mean "feel bad for wrongdoing" but means instead a transformation of mental and spiritual attitude towards sin).
And this goes along with some of what
@goderator200 was saying WRT worrying about salvation or fitting in because of past sins.
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meh church used to say a ton of stuff it doesn't anymore. being against psychoatives is bit hypocritical when one of jesus miracles is producing wine from water, which is one of the least useful and most harmful of the psychoactives
besides even the catechism mentions:
seem u can try to consume ayauascha for fun ... but ur gunna get ur shit spiritually pushed in.
taking it for spiritual therapy is the only intentional way to do so, and my god are we way past due for some collectively spiritual healing.
they're just plants my brother. u grow them, u boil them, u drink them, and then u meet ur maker in ways u never could have previously imagined....
usually at least. a few people are more spiritually blocked that others.
a) not a hippie, i fit the young urban professional demographic, b) humanity in an existentially dire position far beyond ur current understanding of it.
but of course. the world has lot of repenting to undertake...
no shit, pope
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Moral teachings within the Church have not and cannot change, empirical arguments against prohibition's pros and cons would be licit but using ayahuasca isn't something that will be deemed "not a sin" in the future.
The reason drug use is sinful is that being high/drunk deprives us of the capacity for moral reasoning. Microdosing and CBD topical creams, where legal, would be the more appropriate parallel to drinking in moderation. And it's not hypocritical, Jews/Christians have always been against drinking to excess.
If you think taking psychedelics is part of the solution to addressing this, I stand by what I called you, but tone is hard to convey online and I was just trying to rib you.
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lol wut? church did a one 180 on homosexuality even tho the bible expressly forbids forms of it in several places.
the bible doesn't even address "illicit substances", such a concept did not exist back then to be addressed. their stance is not well grounded in scripture., so i'm not sure what ground u think it's even standing on.
trying to overgeneralized all psychoactives as the same is actually as r-slurred as trying to generalize all medicine as the same
is useful, but does not have the same depth of effect as macrodosing.
i wouldn't think someone like the pope to really need microdosing tbh, it's the macrodose that offers novel perspectives, for someone of that order
i'm find myself drowning in a society that has found only abject failure in trying to systematically address and eradicate "sin" via the sober mind, more powerful techniques simply are required or we will remain too mired in such sin to find the clarity for sustainability, let alone divinity
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No, it didn't. You can read about it here if you think I'm misinterpreting what occurred: all that "changed" is that priests were advised to be willing to bless two men/women presenting themselves in private requesting it without withholding the blessing on the assumption that they live in sin.
The Bible has many passages on sobriety and it's very clearly an application of the same principle. Besides, Catholics are not "Bible alone" and never have been. The Church was founded by Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit. The moral teachings stand as they are: keyword search for "sober".
Do you think native cultures with ritualized drug use were free of this? Can you provide examples of hippie communes not falling into debauchery? Why are we pinging !commenters ? Hi
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their assumption when wedding two men is that they don't ever have s*x?
bc it sounds like what you're saying is "gay marriage is fine but gay s*x is a sin"
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The Vatican has never, and categorically cannot, permit performing a "gay marriage". You can read the document if you want but it's not a blessing of the relationship but of the individuals.
Anyway, this confusion is why many bishops have told Rome they will not start offering them to presumably gay couples.
The context of all this is that in Germany/Luxembourg/parts of western europe large swathes of the Church are openly heretical and this was part of the ongoing dialogue between those parties. Rome has opted not to seek formal excommunication in hopes that the problem dies off with time rather than initiating a third major schism.
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@Nightcrawler. My opinion is that
even if they are a believer, people don't have to submit to the Church's opinion on everything, but they are free to make their own interpretations according to their own moral conscience. Any institution that claims its own conclusions are superior to everything else is bound to become riddled with moral corruption, that is really hard to correct.
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Does it make sense to reject the central truth claims of having been founded by the living God and possessing Divine guidance and still participate?
Picking and choosing is only logical if you're agnostic/atheist already because there's really no point to be Catholic in the first place if Jesus was not God.
Corruption of the teachings or corruption of the hierarchy? That many priests and bishops have led personally immoral lives is unfortunate and undeniable. Mystery of the faith, for any religion for that matter, why God (or whatever supernatural precursor to the natural universe existed) created the world and humans exactly the way He did.
If I've ever failed to uphold this I sincerely apologize. This time I pinged you because I think you had already commented in this thread right?
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wow, i have a known gimmik!
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I don't read any of your or
@goderator200 's longpostbot summoning comments but I'll upmarsey you just so you keep on fighting !upmarseysluts
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I haven't been longpostbotted bc the length comes from quoting Church teaching.
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I upmarsey your summon but the post above is too many words I got lost looking for the upmarsey so
for them
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another thing the church should be pushing is transparency, like full systemic transparency. starting with the church, but then subsequently into the rest of global society. seriously, what does the church have to hide if it really claims to be the premiere agent of god? but honestly the church even with it's flaw, i don't think in really justifying the need, they are the vessel for change, not the reason. it's every other fricking system on earth that needs the divine spotlight of truth and honesty.
if u want talk about a "judgement day" that day will come when we all, every consciousness moral agent on earth, has access to the full and truthful state of society... so we each can judge it for ourselves, to act accordingly. never before in history did we have the ability to create such an informational system, so never before in history was such a "judgement day" possible.
if god is truly indeed in all of us, which church does so profess, then that part deserves access to the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
so help us god
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There's been steady headway on the transparency/accountability part in the last few decades. What secrets do you think the Church is keeping that need to be revealed?
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I consider the water to wine miracle an indication that God won't hide from you just because you like to party
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hippies failed because they tried to drop out of society, not realizing u can't just drop out of cancer. it must be confronted and addressed.
look bro, the ungodly sober mindset of the monotheistic religions has put us on a dogmatically r-slurred path of self-destruction, not the natives or the hippies.
and i don't think psychoactives are the only prerequisite to sustainability, far from it. but they are one of the keystone facets, and without them it will crumble.
our job is quite a bit more difficult than myopic black vs white... there's a whole array of colors we need for that bridge, and missing any one of them can and will mean total annihilation for this species.
monotheistic religions holds one. psychoactives hold another. scientific understanding holds a third. technological prowess holds a fourth. philosophy holds a 5th. etc, this list is non-exhaustive. i don't know how many keys we need.
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I think if God cared about strags then maybe Jesus would have mentioned once.
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Jesus took the moral teachings surrounding sexuality and made them stricter. Paul did explicitly mention homosexuality a few times.
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Oh yeah, nobody anymore wants to talk about what he really said. That you can't get divorced and then remarried.
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also remember those few decades where any form of worshipping idols was a moral failure and forbidden and then they went back on that bc it was so unpopular and then they FRICKING DID IT AGAIN
the idea that the christian faith has never modified its moral teachings is absurd, I'm not the most knowledgeable about christian history but I'm sure there are dozens of other examples like this, and that's even staying squarely within "moral" teachings (ie excluding stuff like how they insisted humans were created by god and not evolution)
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But, to address your actual point...
Give me some to respond to and I will!
There's never been a 180 on something deemed morally licit. Closest I'm aware of is the death penalty, and admittedly Pope Francis has used language approaching a 180 where JP2 and Benedict XVI were more careful in their phrasing.
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Also keep in mind that they didn't have 12.5% Franzia Pinot Grigio in those days. Wine was much weaker, probably too little to get drunk unless you were really really trying.
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Yeah, I think I'll eventually get over it. But I got a lot of stuff to get over first. Right now I feel like I'm a desperate fat chick throwing herself into a relationship she should know won't work. But with God. If that makes any sense.
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it's ok. god still loves you. god loves you because god is god, not because you are you.
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