


Economists are zeroing in on a website rife with sexual harassment and bullying content in their efforts to curb the behavior that has long plagued the profession.

At this year's meeting in New Orleans of the American Economic Association, the field's largest professional organization, a group of mostly female economists urged it to take steps to help take down the independent website that AEA President Christina Romer referred to as a "cesspool."

"We have got to do something and silence, I believe, is not an option," said Martha Olney, a professor emerita at the University of California, Berkeley.

The comments, made during a panel convened to discuss harassment issues, were met with applause.

The website, Economics Job Market Rumors, hosted by an unknown individual and allowing users to post anonymously, started out as a place for economists to share information about hiring activity in the field in 2008, before Twitter was widely used.

It has since become a venue to showcase the darkest aspects of the profession's culture, a place where egregious commentary can be aired with little consequence.

Olney pointed to Federal Reserve Governor Lisa Cook's nomination process as evidence of the website's wider influence and potential impact on individual's careers.

Cook, the first Black woman appointed to the Board of Governors, was confirmed by the Senate in May in the face of a united Republican campaign against her, with GOP leadership saying she held far-left views that would risk politicizing the central bank.

Romer, an economics professor at Berkeley and a former member of the Obama administration, said she wasn't sure what the organization could do about the website. While federal law prevents website hosts from being held liable for content posted on their sites, economists asked the AEA for help in exploring other options.

The site has been criticized for years. Some economists have been able to get incorrect or defamatory posts removed, but say it's burdensome to constantly check the site and flag offensive content.

More senior economists have said junior members of the profession are often concerned that content posted to the site could negatively impact their career prospects as it can show up even in Google searches of a person's name.

Claudia Sahm, a former Fed economist, has written extensively about the website, including in a 2020 blog post titled "Economics is a disgrace." She left Twitter at the end of last year, citing continuous harassment on the EJMR website about tweets.

Both Romer and Ben Bernanke, the former Fed chair and a past president of the AEA, expressed frustration that the harassment has been ongoing, despite the AEA's implementation in the past few years of new policies. Romer was receptive to various new ideas brought by economists attending the panel and vowed to continue to explore options.

The AEA will conduct another survey of its members to ask about sexual and professional harassment, similar to one conducted a few years ago. It will also design a bystander training program and encourage leaders in the field to take it.

The supporters of more action, who wore #MeToo pins around the conference and carried signs with the hashtag at events like the AEA business meeting Friday evening, also asked leaders to bar from future conferences members who are under investigation for harassment or have been found guilty of it in the past.

"There's a lot of energy right now focused on this issue, there are a lot of smart people thinking about it and prioritizing it," said Jennifer Doleac, an associate professor at Texas A&M University who has been a leader in the most recent effort to curb harassment. "It feels like we have not only momentum but the brain power we need focused on it."

Economics Job Market Rumors:

Andrew Tate got AIDS in jail

Keemstar reporting from unsourced Romanian news so you know it's definitely true


Leaked image of agents injecting Top G with super AIDS


Reported by:
dude bangs a s*x doll and the new york post reports on it

charged Saturday for negligent homicide

Lower-rate-of-more-accurate-firecels be seething at indiscriminate-unaimed-rapid-fire bumpchads

'Member when orange father violated the constitution by using an EO to unilaterally restrict the 2nd Amendment after two CIA agents with an mg-42 a lone-wolf gunman with unexplained motives and a bag of 24 different rifles and pistols fired over 1000 rounds into a crowd in Las Vegas, killing 61 and injuring over 800 people? Anyways, it only took 5 years to rule that was actually not something Drumpf was allowed to do. Oopsie!



Me and my buddies dancing on their graves once MI5 takes them out as revenge for that memoir. Get the frick out of my newspapers you freaks

:!#marseydance: :#marseytombstone: :#marseydance::!#marseydance::#marseytombstone: :#marseydance:

:marseysnekglow: Sneks on s*x with bees, USDA approved Bee Vaccine :!marseysnekglow:

Several dramatards were milked for this experiment


Advocates for school policies based on gender identity faced two legal setbacks in a week, with federal appeals and trial courts rejecting ACLU challenges to s*x-based restroom and sports competition policies in two states.

Days after the full 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Florida high school's requirement that students use the restroom for their s*x, calling it an "immutable characteristic" under Title IX, U.S. District Judge Joseph Goodwin upheld West Virginia's Save Women's Sports law.

"While some females may be able to outperform some males, it is generally accepted that, on average, males outperform females athletically because of inherent physical differences between the sexes," Goodwin wrote.

The transgender plaintiff acknowledged that "circulating testosterone in males creates a biological difference in athletic performance," the opinion said. Goodwin cannot conclude "the state's classification based on biological s*x is not substantially related to its interest in providing equal athletic opportunities for females."

The 11th Circuit and Goodwin's rulings are a reversal of fortunes for the ACLU, which recently convinced the 2nd Circuit to uphold Connecticut's transgender sports policy and blocked Idaho's pioneering Fairness in Women's Sports Act in trial court in 2020.

The 9th Circuit heard mootness arguments in May 2021 based on plaintiff Lindsay Hecox's uncertain return to Boise State University, remanding the transgender competitor's challenge to Idaho law, but is now considering another appeal.

U.S. District Judge David Nye ruled last summer the case was not moot due to Hecox's spring 2022 return, participation in women's club soccer and intention to try out for women's track and cross-country.

The ACLU didn't respond when asked for its response to the legal setbacks and next steps.

State bills that would enshrine s*x-based eligibility for girls' school sports, often titled "Save Women's Sports" or "Fairness in Women's Sports," have a mixed record even in generally conservative states.

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem vetoed such a bill in spring 2021 but quickly reversed herself amid blowback, signing a new bill a year later. Last month, Ohio's General Assembly rejected a s*x-based sports bill hours after it passed the Senate.

A bill offered last year by Wyoming Republican Sen. Wendy Schuler, whose student athletic career started before Title IX, passed that chamber but didn't even get introduced in the House, both dominated by Republicans.

Cowboy State Daily reported Wednesday that Schuler is bringing the bill back this year, shorn of its original application to college sports. She cites the inconsistency created by the Wyoming High School Activities Association's policy that punts decisions to individual schools but says they should consider students "in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity."

The West Virginia legislation was provoked by the Connecticut policy, which enabled the dominance of two biologically male runners in girls' track.

Goodwin blocked the law when the ACLU sued on behalf of another would-be women's cross-country and track athlete, an 11-year-old who started taking blockers at the first signs of male puberty. The President Clinton appointee initially determined "B.P.J." had a "likelihood of success on the merits of her as-applied challenge."

The judge accepted intervention from the Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of former West Virginia State University soccer player Lainey Armistead in support of the law. ADF also intervened in favor of the Idaho law and sued to overturn the Connecticut competition policy on behalf of female cross-country and track athletes.

Goodwin appears to have been swayed by the "thousands of pages filed by the parties in this case," specifically citing Armistead, despite controlling 4th Circuit precedent in a transgender restroom case now at odds with the 11th Circuit's ruling. The judge speaks in the first person 23 times in 23 pages.

"[D]espite the politically charged nature of transgender acceptance in our culture today, this case is not one where the court needs to accept or approve B.P.J.'s existence as a transgender girl," the judge wrote. "Ultimately, B.P.J.'s issue here ... is with the state's definitions of 'girl' and 'boy,'" which Goodwin deemed "constitutionally permissible."

S*x discrimination laws must be backed by "exceedingly persuasive justification" under Supreme Court precedent, a test met by West Virginia law, the opinion said. It cited 4th Circuit precedent requiring that "preference rests on evidence-informed analysis rather than on stereotypical generalizations."

The preteen's unusual circumstances --- starting blockers rather than taking cross-s*x hormones to limit the advantage of male puberty --- can't overcome the fact that "a person either has male s*x chromosomes or female s*x chromosomes," Goodwin wrote.

"I recognize that being transgender is natural and is not a choice," the judge said. "But one's s*x is also natural, and it dictates physical characteristics that are relevant to athletics," regardless of whether "some females may be able to outperform some males." (The 2nd Circuit found such exceptions persuasive.)

Gender transitioning may not start until after male puberty, not all trans girls can get hormone therapy "depending on her age and the state where she lives," and the voluminous record shows "much debate over whether and to what extent" that therapy can reduce male athletic advantage.

Goodwin emphasized the contradiction between B.P.J.'s argument that low-testosterone boys are not "similarly situated" with average girls under Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause, and the student's argument that "availability of hormone therapies makes transgender girls similarly situated to cisgender girls ... at the moment they verbalize their transgender status."

B.P.J. has equal athletic opportunity under Title IX, just not in the opposite s*x's sports, the judge wrote. "There is no serious debate that Title IX's endorsement of s*x separation in sports refers to biological s*x," and the court has no grounds to require the state to be "more inclusive and adopt a different policy."

The ruling had an important sleeper provision, deeming the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission a "state actor" subject to constitutional obligations.

Counties have delegated their "authority to supervise and control interscholastic athletic events" to the commission, principals sit on its Board of Controls, and the state Board of Education must approve its rules, making the commission "pervasively entwined" with the state, Goodwin said.

And while "I have no doubt" the law "aimed to politicize participation in school athletics for transgender students," Goodwin said B.P.J. couldn't show legislative "animus" for transgender people beyond a bill cosponsor who "liked" anti-transgender comments on his Facebook post.

George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf called the ruling a victory for objective eligibility criteria. "Would a 20-year-old be permitted to compete in the Senior Olympics" based on his feelings or beliefs, "even if he claims that many senior citizens can outperform some 20-year olds?" he wrote in a press release.

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