Crazy eyed foid stars in "Hiding $30,000 Of Horrendous Debt From Her Fiance"

Listening to this in the background and taking notes when something seems interesting so any and all of this could be completely wrong :marseynerd:

Fiance has a small student loan and a small credit card loan (that she knows of)

Fiance blew his Achilles, only just getting back into work, job at specialty hospital bed company, I assume for :marseychonker2:

$5000 to $6000 saved prior to all this

  • 36 years old :marseywall:

  • Works in some sort of victims of violent crimes advocacy thing

  • Take home is a little less than 5000 month

  • laid off twice last year

    • got into issues with credit cards

    • laid off in a tech sales position, then a position at a real estate tech company

      • Founders of the latter helped her find her new position
  • "Not in a great place" "I thought I could rely on the credit cards and I wasn't making lifestyle changes"

    • Working part-time at Target/Costco?
  • Breadwinner in her household? :marseythinkorino:

  • Delayed wedding because of the money issue, lost deposits on a few things "only a few hundred dollars"

"What does he think about your financial situation"

"I don't think he knows"


"I pay all the bills"

"He knows about a few credit cards, not that they're maxed out"

"I don't want him to have to change his lifestyle if I can't keep up with it"

  • based gender equality :marseykneel:

General Financials -

  • Start of Month - $671

  • End of month - $304

  • Paid for "Experion credit report" $20 recurring

  • "Credit Fresh" $150 - "A lot of credit that I need to pay off"

  • Labeled one of her credit cards "savings" :marseyxd:

  • No savings, no emergency fund

Debts -

  • Maxed out Capital One Card 1 ($876.15)

    • $32 minimum payment

    • $21.70 interest

  • Capital One Card 2 ($543.87)

    • 13.64 interest

    • minimum $30

    • "My dog god sick so I kind went crazy and applied for a bunch of stuff and just kept it?"

    • Was not working full time at the time

  • Credit One Card 1 ($573.87)

    • Not maxed out

    • $30 minimum payment

    • 13.64 interest

  • Credit One Card 2 ($908.15)

    • Maxed out $32 minimum payment

    • $10.04 interest

    • Still purchasing on it :!marseyemojirofl:

  • Credit One Card 3 (908.15)

    • Minimum monthly $32

    • $20.70 interest

    • 28% interest?

  • Aspire ($378.41)

    • Minimum Payment 35.47

    • $10.47 interest

  • "Verv"(?) ($1267.37)

    • Minimum payment $51

    • $30.58 interest

    • Not sure I heard that name right

    • Still purchasing on this card despite having been watching to the guy's videos for at least a month :marseylaugh:

  • Prosper Maxed out ($1463.31)

    • Minimum payment $48

    • $33.68 interest charged

    • Made purchases on this one too :marseylaughpoundfist:

    • 32% interest?

  • Petal ($1959.54)

    • $40 under the limit

    • $59.30 minimum payment

    • $40.11 interest

  • Apple Card (???)

    • Repeatedly declined :marseypoor:

    • interest charged was muffled, I think I heard "hundred" in there

    • minimum monthly is $85

  • Credit Card (44??)

    • ???
  • Personal Loan ($2'100)

    • Estimated 20% interest

    • minimum $150 payment every two weeks

  • Car - $18'535

    • Buick Encore 2016 - 9'000 on it when purchased

    • $576.15 monthly payment

    • $201.93 interest (20% interest)

    • Bought at beginning of Covid, somehow this is the refinanced.

    • Five year loan




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Women :marseycoffeemug:

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lol i was just watching this episode with a 300k annual income doctor

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Millenials :sad2:

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I would just fake my death and live off the grid at that point

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The argument is that while it's possible to argue for some entity in Tolkien's cosmos to be known to be "transgender" due to a corruption of their nature, whether or not their "transgenderness" is inherently a quality of their nature or a corruption of their nature is inscrutable to all but the entity themselves and possibly Ilúvatar, but that even if some other entity perceives it to be due to corruption, that per Ilúvatar (or this narrator's representations of the words of Ilúvatar, being the narration given by Pengolodh), that such is mere perception, and that ultimately all that which Men do translates to the completion and perfection of the work.

That Men (those of the race of Men) have a necessary inherent quality which redeems them and their actions, a part of their nature which they express (and which, in our parlance, no one can judge). Even the Creator refuses to condemn it - only celebrates it.

And IMNSHO Pengolodh (the narrator) is Tolkien's self-insert for the purpose of narration.

So "trans people don't exist / aren't valid" isn't an argument from axioms in the universe of Middle Earth. That's related to, but separate from, "here's a trans person in Middle Earth", which to my knowledge isn't in evidence. I want to be argued away from that / be proven wrong.

I wrote the analysis because using Tolkien's Middle Earth to say "Tolkien says trans rights" is using his cosmos as an allegory, which he alternately declaims and claims (the "it's not an allegory to WWII" claim and the "It's the story of Christianity in an alternate universe" claim - both detailed elsewhere). So it's a viable avenue of argumentation - if he's going to deconstruct and then orthogonalise the precepts of Christianity into an alternate history, then we can deconstruct and orthogonalise the precepts of that cosmogony back to ours.


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