EFFORTPOST Financial Audit of a Journ*list


Fantastic episode today. Guy's incredibly arrogant, typical journ*list. He believes he's famous? He keeps bringing up his degree in Information Systems and spergs a little (timestamp) when fatty says nobody cares. Comments are fire. Schizophrenia? He reminds me of a few I've encountered.

Chads show themselves in the comments


Everything I have written may or may not be right and might be completely exaggerated, don't trust me. I can't even spell right most of the time. :marseynerd:

Response to a basic financial plan

'I don't care enough to stop eating taquitos'

Pure undiluted seethe the near the end

  • The taquitos are a massive sticking point. Same with being called a baby

Vein goes bulgy


41 years old

Lives in Austin

"What do you do for a living?"

"Too many things"

"Okay, go on"

"I don't even know really, I'm just like hustling every day basically because I have been blacklisted from most jobs [laughing] because [laughing] I have a...[laughing] criminal background"

"woah what did you do?"

"I told Governor Abbot on Twitter that I would eat his heart and... umm.... that like solicited a big reaction" :marseyretardchad:

"Misdemeanor B, terroristic threat," did this in 2018


  • Moving in two months to Dallas Fort Worth area

    • Lots of connections there and way cheaper

      • Former client is the mayor of Arlington?
    • Doesn't have a place lined up yet


  • At least a 6 year resume gap?

  • 'I've applied for every job in this city'

    • Wattaburger

      • Said no to being a cashier because he was interviewing for a PTA director job
    • Gets chewed out about picking and choosing jobs instead of actually going for things :marseyxd:

    • 'I can only take so much rejection'

      • Takes being called a baby very seriously :marseypoor:
  • CV:

    • Owned Avertizing agency

      • Got assaulted and apartment burned down? Didn't have renters insurance. wtf? Something's weird here.

      • 11 years ago

    • Journ*list

      • Paid $15 an article that would take full day to write

      • Also helped the site with advertising and made a 10% cut of that?

  • Was not employed when he made that tweet?

  • Former Journ*list, polemicist, and policy analyst. Wrote for 'thenewcivilrightsmovement.com'

    • Stopped in 2016 because he had a mental breakdown when trump was elected

  • When rejected from job they either say:

    • 'I'm overqualified'

      • 'I'm overqualified for most things'
    • Some are because of his background check

  • As things go on he reveals his true colors:

    • 'I think that's what people are afraid of. That if I go into a job they're afraid I'm going to be their boss right off the bat because I might be because that's my attitude and I'm smart and I can boss people. I have a degree in information systems. I've been a journ*list, I've been a policy analyst, an avertising agency, I've built apps'

Why won't you accept the jobs you feel are beneath you?

Because something better is going to come along and I just know it


  • Savings? Gone.

    • Owned an advertising agency for eight years? :marseythinkorino:

    • Peaked at $10'000

  • Nothing in retirement IRAs etc

  • Parents paying his rent

    • Mother is 63, Dad is seventy-something

    • Hasn't spoken to his sister in years

  • Income:

    • 'Random research papers,' 'strategy briefs,'
  • Started month with $67 in his account

  • Ended month with $800


  • Rent: 1500

  • Lotto.com 'I'm gonna hit it big, make millions'

    • 'I've spent like $30' (he's spent more)
  • Pays for OnlyFans, and Bari Weiss's substack among many other subscription

  • Buys Taquitoes from 7-11 daily, hundreds of dollars flushed away on that and other useless shit

Short Term Loans:

  • 'They send you a check in the mail'

  • 30% loans to 100% apr

  • $3000 in them

  • Wanted to find a musicisian to develop an album with him :marseyxd:

    • Something about Open Mics?
  • Monthly payments are ~100

  • 'It will be paid off soon I think'

  • Most recent one was early March this year


  • Car

  • $9000 on it

  • 14% interest rate

  • $70 a month minimum payment

  • Credit Card

  • Capital One

    • $700

    • 18%

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This is my new favorite yt channel. I always knew these people complaining about capitalism lived like this but never seen it verified like this.

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A lot of people on there are straight up mentally ill tbh.

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Havent seen enough episodes to make that determination. The person linked in the vid above is probably diagnosed with something but his immaturity is his greatest hurdle still.

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I mean a lot of them seem unable to grasp basic concepts, like they're being told they can't just carry 10k in credit card debt while spending all of their free income on fast food and it doesn't process for them.

Others are "self employed" making 90k a year and not putting anything aside for taxes.

I would go as far as to say this guy is exploiting r-slurs for youtube views.

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Many of the more stubborn ones I’ve seen so far, the person claims they “don’t care” about retirement or saving at all. They really don’t understand basic finance but that doesn’t make them automatically mentally ill. They are rslurs but only due to being ignorant.

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They are like mini-heck's kitchen episodes. Delusional people being put in their place :marseylois:

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I watched this today and was so shocked. This one was real bad, biggest r-slur I've ever seen on there.

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I actually have a friend that's going to be on this show soon! This is one of the only forms of cringe media I can tolerate.

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How did they find him? I'm interested since this guy came out of seemingly nowhere although it's not surprising since he has some pretty good guests.

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My friend reached out to him on TikTok I believe and was going to be in the Austin area for a bit.

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This makes me feel better about myself, thanks

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Is this what poors think of themselves, this is pathetic. He gets quoted by shit tier politicians a couple times and thinks he's a famous journ*list. Dude is underqualified for even non-skilled jobs and will die homeless on the streets after his parents die. He sounds insufferable and I can't imagine having to put up with him.


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>subbing to onlyfans


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A left wing person got arrested for talking shit online? But the CHUDS told me this NEVER happens!


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Libs just dont whine about the media as much, but stuff like this happens pretty often. A lot of schizos on social media have no concept of how the real world works and just openly threaten elected officials.

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downloised because I find you annoying :marseylois:

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this is the average person posting on /r/whitepeopletwitter

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This is the guy who was “influencing policy” the guy who falls for payday loan scam mail and doesn’t understand how spending what look like small amounts a day add up over time. Like he’s so full of himself he was legit shocked when he found out everyone gets the payday loan spam mail he thought it was some special gift for him.

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influencing policy

>whined on twitter


>got paid $15/article for some no name blogspam

degree in infosys so im smart!

>20 years ago, no job, parents pay for rent

this guy is delusional

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boogiekong started watching this guy when someone posted a vid of his on here

making fun of poors is great content

trans lives matter

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Holy fricking shit. This guy is genuinely mentally ill.

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Caleb is like a Dave Ramsey for a new generation. And just like Dave, he can have some pretty r-slurred takes on some financial strategies, but the people on his show are :marseygigaretard: so any advice will help.

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lmao I just tried to post this after I just watched it. Holy shit this is who calls you a fascist on the internet. What an annoying twat.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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