
Imagine paying under market rent for 20 years and still not being able to afford an air conditioner :marseylaugh:

Our boy bought chickens

That’s really all sorry





Main Thread:

OP complains that they're broke making $70K a year. But some enterprising commenters delve into their post history, which demonstrates some very expensive gaming cabinets and consoles throughout OP's large apartment.

>I saw your post on your arcade room &….. Fricking heck…. You have money. Your entire place is massive with a ton of arcade stuffs that’s well beyond what the majority of Americans can afford…. This post smells like the one about the “self-made” woman who’s parents built her a $100,000 “tiny” home she could live in, paid for all her living expenses, made $60K a year working for her dad’s company, & only managed to save $7,500 for a downpayment on a 3% mortgage for a house. That’s pretty much OP in a nut shell it seems.

>TBH I was on your side, as a g*mer myself… and I saw you defend your post history and I was like yea I respect that… then I looked… buying multiple arcade machines and having them in your house? Really?

>The audacity and entitlement it took you to make this post while literally having an arcade in your apartment is fricking insane.



  • Really weird take on 401ks

  • $800/m on Venmo: "We pay $40-60 once a week to babysitter"

  • $1,600/m on Food (groceries & eating out)

  • Pays financial advisory $150/m for long term savings. Not sure what this is about

  • -$1,410 for the month

  • Doesn't have a car payment despite mentioning it at the beginning of the video (confirmed liar)

Gathering night one pics, and casualty counts.

[Not drama] Just redditors being poors



For the uninitiated they once nearly killed Tika tequila

Now they’ve ran riff raff :(

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Slim anus??!? you darn right slim anus, i dont get fricked in mine like you two little flaming cute twink
  • D : Juggophobia and seriously mid bitches
The Peakpoors hole is gonna be taken over by the juggalo gathering this weekend

Their Facebook group always has plenty of good shit.

Our boy James can’t make it, his hovel nearly burned down

Jesus fricking Christ

Idk what else to say

You gotta be doing some wild shit to get kicked out of the gathering lmao

Only cool cop is a black cop at the gathering

Absolute monsters eating faygo hotdogs

Really pisses me off

This “woman” hurts me

First casualty this year

What kind of fam kills fam

Smh MCL whoop whoop

Ok and to end the first post here’s some ugly people

Someone pin this or tag someone to pin this. Best thing going on rn


Image for posterity

Tbh this guy might not be as r-slurred as he looks. He's at least trying to maintain what's left of it.


What’s next, the bellhop? :#marseypearlclutch:


Daniel, 22, Lubbock TX

His other half overrode the financially savvy asian half :marseycry:

Self-rated - 6/10

Personal Life:

  • "Barely 22"

  • Why'd you go in to the debt?timestamp

    • "Well it's a long process"
  • Went to a trade school, Universal technical institute

    • Automotive, certified in Volvos
  • Friend encouraged him to come on the show, doesn't watch the show himself

  • "Last year I got myself into a predicament"

    • "I moved out by myself and I was paying so much in rent I didn't really think it through so last year was a year where I really struggled and this year is a year where I really tried to step it up"


  • A Volvo technician

  • 52'000 a year pre-taxes

  • Lives in Lubbock for his job


  • Credit Card - $1'628

    • Not spending on it while paying it off, made $200 payment (way more than minimum)

    • 35% interest, talked them down to 18%

    • "I honestly don't remember how I got so high up in debt, I think I did pay off some student I think I paid off a class and it really set me behind and then I used my credit card to get a car"

      • Put the downpayment on the card :marseyxd:
  • Collections (1) - $972

    • Medical Debt

    • When he was living in Arizona, not working at the time, wasn't feeling well

    • Two years ago, not something that will repeat

    • Wants to pay credit card off before this

    • "They can't report medical debt on your credit if it's less than $500?"

    • Tried to negotiate but failed, only tried once

    • Been in collections since last year?

  • Student Loans (4) - $12'000

    • Federal but he thought they were private

    • Around a $150 minimum payment

  • Maco debt toolbox? timestamp

    • 18% interest rate

    • Toolbox itself was 6'500

    • Owes 9'500

    • Minimum monthly is $180

    • There's something weird later on where he thinks it shows up differently on his credit report timestamp

    • Missed a payment at some point?

  • Car Loans (2) - $30'638

    • "I have two cards, I'm thinking about getting a third, a Tesla"

    • "Well you save on gas, yuh know, it's always nice to have three cars"

    • "I have one car, the other ones from my mom, it wouldn't hurt to get another one... it's always an investment"

    • "My mom needed a car so I bought her a car under my credit"

      • "She's in a financial situation as well"
    • Sion IM 2016

      • 19'000

      • "I'm pretty sure it's overpriced... it's just my mom really needed a car"

      • Put down $2'000

      • 13% interest

      • "That's the cheapest they had on the lot" "I was in a tight schedule with work"

      • 72 months

      • "Well at the end of it I'm not really paying for it, Mr.. pushes up glasses Hammer, my mom is" timestamp

        • The plan is once she buys a house she will buy the car off him with her credit?
    • Ford Focus 2019

      • 11'703 remaining

      • 103k miles

      • 2 for one deal with the other car :marseyemojirofl:

      • He's not sure about the term or the interest rate

      • 9'000 downpayment?

      • $312 minimum payment

      • 24.39% interest

  • :marseychonker2: Trashes In n out and Red Robin timestamp


  • High Yield Savings with Amex:

    • $866 => $1'066

    • 4% interest

  • Investment Account

    • All part of the Acorns

    • $200 in one

    • $300 in another

    • No match

Budgeting Conversation:

  • Under contract at job, can't leave until it's over, Feb of next year, plans to move back home after timestamp

  • Putting money into a "Christmas Fund" at work

  • Doesn't pay renter's insurance timestamp

    • Apartment is under his roommate's insurance?

    • Not on the lease, "they didn't approve me" (because of the collections)

    • :marseythinkorino:


He's spamming the Caleb Hammer subreddit with posts. He's a bit all over the place but it sounds like Caleb was connecting Zeke with some gay OF guy. Zeke is saying that it was really Caleb, and then claims Caleb sexually assaulted him at some point.

Instagram with recording of Caleb explaining it

Follow up pic to that instagram post above. He posted Caleb's address and gate code on the instagram post

If you haven’t done this you’re slackin.

This woman won't be changing shit, there's no way :marseydoomer:

Steysha, Nashville TN, 27

Self-rated 7/10

Personal Life:

  • Vacationaholic

    • "I actually have two trips coming up but after that I'm done" timestamp

    • Flying to Houston, then New York

  • Around 30 minutes in she mentions that she has a daughter timestamp

    • Father mentioned soon after but that's a lot of vacations to be taking with a kid :marseythinkorino:

      • Doesn't live there, has his own house, comes over sometimes?

      • Father pays for most of the groceries?


  • Compliance Analyst

    • Software company

    • 8 months

    • prior did the same thing at a different company

    • 84'000 a year (including 4k guaranteed bonuses)

    • Work from home

  • Contributing 6% matched


  • Discussion about her budgeting timestamp

  • Car Mazda CX-5 $18'818:

    • Bought in 2021,

    • 46'000 miles

    • Might be down to 17k now

    • 6% interest

    • "I didn't put anything down"

    • 482 minimum payment

  • Ally Loan 10'537

    • $152 payment, 10% interest

    • Had to get a new HVAC

      • Didn't price shop :marseyxd:
    • Had no emergency fund

  • Credit Card (No balances?):

    • Lots of eating out :marseychonkerfoid:

    • Lots of Vape CBD stuff, about $50 a pop

  • Student Loans 34'000

    • All federal

    • South College

      • Degree in Health Science
    • "I haven't paid anything... ever"

      • Graduated post-pandemic
    • She didn't ever think about the minimum payment for it

  • House 123k (deets in savings section)

  • Thinks $400 a month in gas


  • 401k for current job

    • 5'000
  • Has taken out her 401k multiple times timestamp

    • "I regret it now but..."

    • Did it in both 2020 and 2019

    • Used some of it when she purchased a house

      • IRA lets you withdraw penalty free, 401k does not (Caleb confuses this when talking about it and corrects himself later)
    • House was 130k

      • 45 minutes outside of Nashville

      • Put down 3%

      • Remaining balance on house is at around a 123k balance, refinanced it in 2020

        • Bought it in 2018? :marseythinkorino:

        • Was 6% now 3%

      • $1049 payment on the house

      • Estimate 242k zillow estimate on the price

  • Checking

    • didn't catch the balance if it was mentioned
  • Savings - $3'012


  • Umm... Can you add a going out to eat budget timestamp
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