
Im an r-slur but it was a deliberate and concerted effort to collapse Western Society since this is also happening in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, and Western Europe at the same time. I know Blackrock is the architect behind Canada's situation(read about the Century Initiative) but wonder who's orchestrating the rest?

There must be something linking people like Larry Fink of Blackrock, Stephen Schwarzman of Blackstone, Klaus Schwab and other players at the WEF besides money. My guess is they want to destabilize and undermine the West to have control over it somehow.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Poorcel seethes about the economy

if you can afford to bulk up and gain 80-90 lbs... you're not poor, sorry

that's the only measure of poverty I care about

Reported by:
Australian poor taunts American poors about how much easier it is to be poor there (totally real!)

America really is a crappy country. I live in rural Australia in my own house with an excellent paying job with no degree and I take yearly international holidays.

I'm a cleaner that makes $33 AUD ($21USD) per hour.

I have $16,000AUD saved toward a house deposit (aiming for $35000AUD).

I can afford dental and other special care and I rent a 2 bedroom house for $150AUD per week because I chose to live rural.

I work part time because I don't like to work too hard and I can STILL afford vacations yearly, have an investment account and put money toward retirement. I have a lot of money in my retirement for a 26 year old.

Why am I bragging? Because I WANT YOU TO HAVE THIS LIFE TOO! Fight the government for it!!! It's your right to live a decent life and afford healthcare. Your government knows other countries have universal healthcare and access to housing yet your government chooses to make things hard for you. Your government wants you to be poor and keep you hungry. Demand better! Start a riot! Riot monthly. Set shit on fire!


She's right about our government taking all of our money !

That's what a government is supposed to do. And then they provide services, health, infrastructure and education to the people with it.

But that doesn't happen in the United States of America. They take all of our money and then they want us to pay for all those things on top of it. And then they tax us for it too. And we're all too stupid, fat and lazy to get together and start a revolution.

Holy shit, kill all redditors and poors


And yet everyone wants to be here, in the US. Weird.

They used to want to come here. Not much anymore. My friend, from Germany, used to visit the states yearly. When Trump was elected, he said he would no longer visit this country. I do not blame him. He said those ignorant Americans are people he did not want to be around.

Vote for Trump to keep g*rmoids OUT of the country

How bad is america for the poors really?

open question to non reddit soys because I am interested, my general impression is that these people are still fat as heck and order doordash 6 times a week while paying off a 100k car on credit.

If you make like 15$/hr mcdonaldings in America are are not r-slurred how is quality of life actually.

in the UK min wage generally means probably having to house share if you live in an urban area and having to eat non brand food

Poor people cope
Rookie :chadbaby: posts pay :marseybux: from door dashing :marseyburger::marseysteer: :marseychonker2:, causes 500+ comments of sneed :soyreddittyping:

Followup from our protagonist.

Smelly :marseygas: poors :marseypoor: justify having 5 filthy kids :marseybikechainincident:
Poors in a bucket

The gag is I co-signed for my siblings law school loan. She says she'll make the payments once she gets into Big Law buttttt Im still on the hook regardless :/

Reported by:

Pure distilled poorcel in this account. Any day now he will post a screed about needing to budget or getting a messy expensive divorce

Caleb :marseycalebhammer: is being gangstalked :marseyglow: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseybardfinn3:

I saw Caleb at a grocery store in Austin yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you're doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen individually wrapped Tacquitos in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the Tacquitos and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each one and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by asking to finance the purchase at 0% over 12 months.


:marseyastronaut2: :marseybritbongitsover:



Other highlights from the thread, cbf pulling up responses but I assume poors be mad:

Couple of times in life I've found myself holding the actual budget of a poor person (compiled more or less under duress, following a family intervention), & each time it's basically been the Dril tweet. Like the rank orders of the categories don't even make sense.

Real life anthropology of poors here :marseynoooticer:

20% of income on salons, more spent on car than on rent, etc.

But also just pervasive high time preference. E.g. making minimum wage but buying a bottle of water on the way home from work.

Yes, this is one of the crazy juxtapositions of "poverty" in the US. You can meet poor people who spend more on entire categories than do people who own private jets.

Personal adornment is the common one.

Poors be shopping :marseyscooter:

This topic makes me realize that "time preference" is a misnomer, because the thing that poor people spend most extravagantly is time.

Three hours getting ready on a Saturday, entire days spent shopping for a hat, months each year watching TV

And he veers into race realism to close it off :marseychudnotes: :

Big puzzle piece for me was hearing someone point out that below a certain cognitive ability, people don't have hobbies, that there are entire countries where nobody has hobbies in the classic sense

What's this have to do with poverty?

A hobby creates artificial structure to gamify some part of reality. It's the kind of shape rotation that you notice is not happening among the dull. There's no engagement with relations, with things as exemplars of classes.

Now imagine you're poor and it's Saturday...

If creating experiences is beyond your mental ability, your menu of options is just stimulus/response gradients: go to mall; buy the brand name hat; buy the flavorful snack; prettify body or car

These are the most complex things you can imagine, poverty just results emergently

This is why poverty often presents as a puzzling mix of profligacy and miserliness; luxury car lease and reusing Ziploc bags 100 times

It's not that they don't know things are expensive, it's that their only joy comes from passive consumption of rich stimulus

There's a lot more :marseylongpost: but I cbf doing the markdown (if you highlight replies I'll pin your comment). In conclusion: nerds rule, poors drool :marseygigaretard:


Another day, another story of some beautiful bold black skin gets covered and hidden under the veil of white supremacy. This time the part of the white supremacist was played by a physically r-slurred person of weight and color. He will not be forgotten. His young soul rests with Treyvon's and Floyd's.

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